Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Simple Tip to Keep Your Marriage Aglow

A Simple Tip to Keep Your Marriage Aglow

Show Appreciation One to The Other
Appreciation of couples, one to the other, is like love portion that endears one partner to the other. Appreciation is the expression of gratitude for some good thing someone has done. The good thing could be in form of kindness shown or material things given. But appreciation in marriage between couples is and should be more than that. Love in marriage is such that partners should always appreciate one another even for insignificant things.
Appreciation is not a big deal. The commonest of it is thank you. No husband or wife expects anything extra-ordinary when his or her partner does something good or pleasant. The commonest expectation is thank you. As simple and as common as that word is, it gladdens the heart and has the power to make a partner desire to do good again. It is a strong and irresistible bribe. Appreciation is also a strong motivation, a viable incentive.
You want to get more from your partner? Show appreciation. You want more love from your husband? Show appreciation for the much he has shown. You want more submission from your wife? Show appreciation for the much she has submitted. Whatever improvement or change you want from your partner, the secret for getting it is showing appreciation for the much or little he or she has exhibited.
Lack of appreciation is a killer. It discourages. It dampens interest and zeal. It kills love, care and shearing together in marriage. It creates aloofness in a partner. So when next your partner shows a little kindness in whatever form, just show appreciation by saying: Thank you.

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