By Pastor Emma Bril Opanyi (Pastor/Author &
Philippians 3:14” I press toward the mark for the
prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Many people fail in Life not because they are incapable, but because
they are running a wrong race. And this is simply because most of the people
are busy comparing themselves with others.
In life, you must never compare yourself with others, rather fight to
be the best in your own race. In life you are only permitted to compete with
yourself not others. Competition of coveting another man’s race has caused many
people to be discouraged, especially when those around them seems to be making
more progress than they are.
Listen that someone else is succeeding doesn’t mean you are failing.
Success depends on individual set objectives.
I will give you an example, while I was constructing a four roomed
house, my cousin sister was constructing a one storey building. Both of us
finished yet each of us spent different time frames, volume of construction
materials and we were both having different targets and in a different race.
Had I concentrated on her I would be a wisher.
Paul says in : Philippians
3:13 “ Brethren, I count not myself
to have apprehended: but this
one thing I do, forgetting
those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are
Hebrews 12:1-2
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of
witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily
beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set
before us,
Looking unto Jesus
the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him
endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of
the throne of God.
Friend, there
is a cloud of witnesses that so our days and they are cheering us. Saying
brother, sister press on, look ahead the crown is in front not at your
neighbor’s side, not to the left are right it’s in front.
Finally, my
brethren in this new month of May 2020, you are destined to succeed, on look
forward and out ran and outdo your past.
How to Respond to the Prophetic Word- part 1
Our perspective towards prophecy
should be that of a biblical attitude and the biblical attitude towards
prophecy is thoroughly positive. Not only are we told to avoid despising prophecy—that
is, assigning to it a lesser role than is proper; we are also exhorted to prove
all prophecies, and hold fast to what is good and accurate in them (I Thess.
5:20,21). Even more importantly, God commands us to desire earnestly and covet
the prophetic ministry (I Cor. 12:39; 14:1, 39). It is, in fact, the only
ministry that the scriptures tell Christians to covet.
A truly inspired personal prophecy is
God's specific word to an individual. So the same scriptural principles for the
proper attitudes toward the written Logos Word should apply equally to the
prophetically spoken rhema word.
Several attitudes are critical for
receiving a personal prophecy properly:
FAITH—the basic proper attitude and
response towards prophets and personal prophecy is to know and believe that it
is scriptural and then receive God’s prophetic ministry with faith. Hebrews
11:6 states that without faith it is impossible to please God. If we receiver
intend to receive a personal prophecy from a prophet, we should evaluate fully those
who might minister prophetically to us. If we conclude that they are qualified,
competent men and women of God, then the prophecies should be received in
confidence, believing that word to be true and factual. Hence, the attitude of
faith is imperative to bring fulfillment. Hebrews 4:2 tells us about the
Israelites in the wilderness that "the word preached (prophesied) did not
profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it" (Ex. 6
& Heb. 3:17-19). In contrast to the children of Israel, we see Jehoshaphat
properly responding with an attitude of faith to the prophetic word delivered
by Jahaziel (II Chron. 20). His proper response of faith to his personal
prophecy brought his proclamation for God’s people to, "Believe in the
LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye
prosper."Jehoshaphat's attitude of faith towards the prophetic word
brought great victory (II Chron. 20:22).
If a prophetic word is received with
an attitude of acceptance and faith, then the rhema that is heard will create
faith for the fulfilling of that word: "So then faith cometh by hearing,
and hearing by the word [rhema] of God" (Rom. 10:17).
OBEDIENCE—True faith will always be accompanied
by the works of obedience. James 1:22 tells us "Be ye doers of the word,
and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." If our hearing doesn't progress
to the point of doing, then we become a candidate for deception. When the Lord
chooses to speak a word to us, it isn’t just to tickle our intellect, but to
bring the understanding necessary to do the will of God (Duet.29:29 and Rom.2:13).
Therefore, it is actually better not to receive a word at all than to receive
one and then not do what the word says to do. "Therefore to him
that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin" (James 4:17).
If we obey the word and do what the word says, then we deliver ourselves from
deception and open our spirit and mind to know the will of God. Jesus said,
"If any man will do God's will, he shall know...whether it be of
God..."(John 7:17). So if we believe and do what we know to do, Christ will
speak and reveal more concerning His will for our lives.
As a biblical example of this
attitude, we see Noah receiving one prophetic word about building an Ark and
because of his obedience; his entire family was saved (Gen. 6). On the other
hand, we see King Saul who disobeyed the prophetic word from Samuel (I Sam.
15:24 ) and reaped the results of losing the kingship for his lineage.
Thus, the proper attitude of response
to personal prophecy requires obedience, a co-operation with the word
that allows it to have room in our lives for the fulfillment of God's will:
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom"
PATIENCE—Hebrews 6:12 reminds us that it not only
takes faith to inherit God's promises but it also takes Patience. These
two qualities enable us to appropriate the prophetic word received until the
promise is secured.
After we have received a personal
prophecy, and proven it to be a true word from the Lord, we must maintain a
constant faith and confidence that it will come to pass regardless of the time
required—and that requires patiently pursuing God's will. Once we are convinced
that a word is a true word quickened by the Holy Spirit, we must allow no one
to rob us of it.
I did not understand this principle
when I received my first prophecies from a prophetess at the age of eighteen.
After leaving High school discouragement came because nothing was happening as
quickly as I had expected. I showed the prophecy to a couple of ministers and a
friend. They all said they did not witness to it and believed it was a bondage
to me.
In a moment of confusion and
discouragement I was ready to cast the prophecies into the flames and destroy
all record of their contents. But thank God they were not destroyed, for every
one of them has come to pass. They have been a constant source of inspiration,
encouragement, and motivation for more than thirteen years.
Personal prophecies can be likened to precious
pearls! When Jesus said not to cast pearls before swine,
He was referring to the Pharisees. He
was telling us not to take something God has given us and expose it to
religious leaders who do not believe God speaks in personal prophecy today. The
devil can and does use well meaning ministers and Christian friends to rob us
of our word from the Lord, but we must not let them. Even if our prophecies are
causing us confusion, frustration, or discouragement due to the lack of
immediate fulfillment, we must nevertheless wait patiently upon the Lord. He
will fulfill His prophetic word, changing both us and our circumstances.
I have learned the need and importance
of an attitude of patience for persevering during God's prophetic process. When
I got saved I expected all those glowing words about being "a leader of
leaders" to become an instant reality and I was full of zeal, vision,
dedication, and determination. My wrong perception brought pressure and
I, like many other ministers of that
time, was convinced that Jesus was coming any moment. We had no time to waste
and I definitely believed that Jesus was going to return before I turned
thirty. We could only think in terms of months, not years. Waiting and patience
was not part of our vocabulary then; everything had to be done today because
there was not going to be any tomorrow. God heard all my prayers to rush the
process, but He knew His own timetable and the growing process that
Would be necessary before all of those
prophecies could become manifest in their full demonstration. God is never in a
hurry but He is always on time. He is not motivated by intimidation or by our
In Psalm 37:7-11 we have a clear
biblical admonition for the proper response to personal prophecy, especially
those areas that speak of our ministry and the things to be accomplished.
In a paraphrased format it could be
interpreted to say:
"Rest in the Lord, and
wait patiently for Him. Commit your way [the way for your
personal prophecies to be
fulfilled] unto the Lord; trust also in Him and He shall bring it [your
personal prophecy] to pass. Fret not thyself because of him who prosper thin
his way [the person whose ministry is already being fully manifested], because of
the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass [the minister who is prosperous and
successful, yet not righteous in all his ways, doing things his way rather than
God's].Cease from anger [at God for not coming through when you wanted Him to],
and forsake wrath [release your frustrations and self-imposed pressure to
perform before God’s time]...but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall
inherit the earth... .And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace."
Other scriptures which clarify this
divine principle are Heb. 10:35, 36; Ps. 27:14; and Is. 40:31. As biblical
examples of this attitude, we see Joseph who received a vision at 17 yet
patiently waited for God's timetable to come to pass (Gen. 37-42) versus
Abraham's impatience with his prophetic promise for an heir and his subsequent
production of Ishmael (Gen. 15:4; 16:2).
properly to a prophetic word requires that the believer receive the prophetic
utterance in a spirit of humility, meekness and submission. If we choose to receive
a true word of prophecy and respond with pride, anger, doubt, resentment,
criticism, self-justification, or arrogance; we reveal immaturity or a wrong
spirit. We must be aware that a wrong attitude neutralizes much of what God
wants to accomplish by the prophetic words spoken.
Sometimes we have preconceptions about
a great ministry we believe God will confirm and describe through the prophet.
When God does not confirm our ideas of great self-importance, then we may become
disillusioned, depressed and angry at God and the one prophesying. We insist
that the prophet has missed the mind of God.
Many times, the words which the Lord
speaks to us through prophecy require adjustments in actions and attitudes.
James 1:21 states: "Receive with meekness the engrafted word."
We must be willing to respond in wisdom. The Bible says that if we rebuke a
wise man, he will be wiser, and if we rebuke a fool, he will hate us. A mature
person with the right attitude will respond to personal prophecy—even if it is
corrective—with the attributes of heavenly wisdom: "The wisdom that is from
above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle and easy to be entreated, full of
mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy" (James
3:17). Even if the prophetic word is inaccurate, the righteous and mature
person will not respond with carnal or childish behavior.
Finally, pride can hinder personal prophecy from coming to pass. A good
biblical example is found in II Kings 5
when Captain Naaman of Syria fell ill with leprosy and requested that prophet
Elisha heal him. Elisha sent a messenger to Naaman telling him to go to the river
Jordan and dip seven times to be healed. Naaman's response was one of anger and
outrage for his personal pride was hurt because Elisha had not come to meet him
personally and his sense of national pride was hurt because the Jordan River
was in Israel rather than in Syria. As the account progressed, Naaman
eventually humbled himself to obey Elisha's instructions and his obedience
caused the prophetic word of healing to manifest. Again, his willingness to
swallow his pride and act with an attitude of obedience activated his prophecy
to its fulfillment.
I pray for you that you follow the
above. When you activate the above principles then you will surely see the
things that looked shuttered come to pass.
I prophesy upon your life, may you
succeed, may God’s abundance come your way this season. May you see uncountable
victories this year in Jesus name.
Prince Emma Opanyi
+256 775 585176
How to Respond
to the Prophetic Word- part 2
One of the greatest principles
in properly responding to your personal prophecy is to record what was said and
write it out so that it may be read and meditated upon. The Apostle Paul told
Timothy: "Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by
prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the prophets. Meditate upon these
things; give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear to all"
(I Tim. 4:14, 15). Here Paul reminds Timothy that he had been given a gift by prophecy
when he was prophesied over by the prophet. Besides telling him to neglect not
the gift within him, Paul also told him to meditate over his personal prophecies
so that everything spoken would be made manifest and become profitable to the
whole Body of Christ.
This leads to one main
question. How could Timothy properly meditate upon those things spoken over him
by the prophecy unless they were written down for him? Obviously, those around
Timothy had an understanding of the biblical precedent for recording and meditating
upon what God spoke. Such scriptures as Hab.2:2; Rev. 2:1; Is. 8:1; II Chron.
16:4; Jer. 36:2; Ez. 2:10,3:1-3; Zech. 5:1-4; Joshua 1:8; Ps.
1:2,19:14,39:3,63:6 validate the importance of recording, writing out and meditating
upon God's prophetic word.
In the early days of my
ministry many of the prophecies I received were not recorded.
If we choose not to record
prophecy, the prophecy actually becomes of little value to us because the
important details of the prophetic word are soon forgotten. This is especially
true if the prophecy is lengthy because the human mind can only remember a
little of the exact wording. I know this from personal experience; of the
thousands of words that were spoken over me prophetically but never recorded, I
can only recall two or three phrases. We simply cannot expect to respond properly
to a personal prophecy unless all the words are recorded, read and understood
For this reason, all personal
prophecies should be recorded. When an experienced prophetic minister is ministering,
they will normally make arrangements to record everything.
Another benefit of recording a
prophetic word is that after receiving several prophecies, they can then be compared
for agreement. When comparing, you will usually notice that some of the same
thoughts and words appear from the messages of different individuals who were
not familiar with what was said to you previously. This agreement helps us
realize that they must really be the word of the Lord, because they are being
confirmed in the mouth of several witnesses.
Besides benefitting the person
who receives a prophetic word, recording also provides personal protection for
the prophet. People have a way of misapplying, twisting and reinterpreting what
they hear and what they think they hear in a prophecy; so that what they
remember conforms to their selfish desires instead of God's will.
Another advantage of
recording, writing it out and meditating upon personal prophecies is that it
reveals that several interpretations may be possible for the same word. Many
times, our first interpretation is not always a true and proper application.
Last, knowing we must record,
read and meditate upon the prophetic word helps restrain us from making any
major decisions or drawing any final conclusions about what it means, while it
is being given. When receiving a prophetic word, it is best to just listen attentively
and prayerfully, reserving all final judgments for later when we have the
prophecy before us in written form. At the actual time of receiving a prophetic
word, our spirit is best engaged in witnessing actively to the spirit of the
person prophesying and the divine inspiration which is motivating him or her,
rather than judging and evaluating the prophecy. Proper evaluations can be hindered
due to our emotional, mental, and physical posture while receiving a prophecy.
God bless you greatly
Prince Emma Opanyi
How to attain
success in Life
And the very God of peace sanctify you
wholly; and I pray God your whole SPIRIT and SOUL and BODY be preserved
blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thessalonians 5:23
We get a picture of the threefold man—body, soul,
and spirit—from this text. We will study the spirit man—the real you—in this
Millions of dollars and shillings are spent every
year to develop the physical man—and there's nothing wrong with that. I myself
spend a certain amount every year on a health club membership to keep my
physical body in shape.
Paul said, "Bodily exercise profiteth
little" (1 Tim. 4:8), but he didn't say it didn't profit. I have found
that a physical body that is in shape produces a spirit that is more finely
tuned. If you discipline the outward (or physical) man to run or work out, you
can apply the same discipline on the spirit man, and he'll become just as much
in shape as the natural man.
Millions of dollars also are spent every year to develop
the intellect—and you should be spending money to develop your intellect. You
may argue, "But I've already gone to school." Fine, but the
bookstores are full of good materials you could purchase to read up on what is
happening in the world. To be successful, you should be learning continually.
You should be involved in getting your physical man
developed; your intellect educated; and your spirit trained.
I won't go into the development of the physical and
intellectual man here, because most of you already have been taught that in
school and elsewhere.
There are four steps in the development of the
spiritual man:
The way to feed information to the intellect is by
studying books and other materials. The way to feed information into the spirit
is by studying the Bible.
I don't mean grabbing it for five minutes and
turning to the Proverbs and Psalms, either. That's what some people call
reading and studying the Word. They think five minutes' reading and a quick
prayer is all they need to do each day.
(You'll find they are very weak spiritually. They
have a very weak spirit man. He follows every wind of doctrine that comes along
instead of settling down in a good church somewhere and becoming part of the
family of God.)
Yes, we're born into the family of God, but we need
to be part of a local body, fellowship, and reach out to those who need to be
Sometimes I get a little tired of preaching to those
who are running after "the fire." It's good to preach to the
sheep—the stable ones.
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