Your Prayer Request

In Revelation the Bible says we overcome the Devil by the words of our testimony and the blood of the lamb. feel free to tell us your prayer request. we shall pray for you and also  forward the prayer requests you send  to us to  our prayer partners like THE JABEZ PRAYER SQUAD in Uganda, prayer partners in Australia, India, USA, S. Africa and Kenya.

Send in your PRAYER REQUEST today. your name, e-mail then your request and it will come direct to us and to all our prayer partners online.
We believe that God is more prepared to answer your request 
Please feel free to include your contact or e-mail address so that we can get back to you with encouraging scriptures and also for counseling.
God bless you


Anonymous said...

-Man of God pray for me. i need God to intervene in my Job situation.

-pray that i will pass my interviews
- pray for my marriage its grumbling i need God to intervene

thank you

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord Bril Emmanuel. for years i have read your materials on net and it has really blessed my life. may God richly bless you.

in 2007, i developed Tumors on my womb and the doctors are saying the only way is to operate me. pray for me that God my heal me.

Yours in Christ
Washington DC

Anonymous said...

man of god please pray for -complete healing of eye cataract surgery.
- stomach pain with some bleeding now and then
-rejection by people.
be blessed. ms c.mushi

Anonymous said...

The Lord is good all the time.i am in a dillema with my relationship..pray for me to find love and peace in my love life,i feel incomplete and hurt.please pray for me to get that one person who completes me.i know its a silly request,there are people out there with far greater problems but this particular problem is weighing me down.please,i need closure in my current situation.


Anonymous said...

Man of God,pray with me,I am struggling with a court case and I need God to interven and take charge of this case,I'm also unemployed and I have sent over 12 applications please pray for me so that they call me for interviews,I bealive God is good,Amen.

Anonymous said...

Man of God,pray with me,I am struggling with a court case and I need God to interven and take charge of this case,I'm also unemployed and I have sent over 12 applications please pray for me so that they call me for interviews,I bealive God is good,Amen.