Friday, November 25, 2011

TEENAGE LIFE & PARENTING -Transitions & Teens


They say that “the only thing permanent in life is change,” and that may very well be true. But just because change is natural, that doesn’t make it any easier – especially for teens. Studies show that adolescents who haven’t tried drugs or alcohol are more likely to start during times of transition in order to cope with stress. But don’t worry – while change is a part of life, risky behavior, like drug and alcohol use, doesn’t have to be. This guide has everything you need to know to help keep your child healthy – and even happy! – during transition periods.

Even life events that are typical and expected – starting puberty or moving up a grade – may feel like a big deal to your tween or teen. By knowing what transitions usually affect kids the most and why, it will be easier for you to recognize the situations that can be emotionally tough for your child.

Your child has moved from grade school to middle school or from middle school to high school.
Your child has just gone from being a big fish in a little pond to a little fish in a big pond. “Cool” older kids can be intimidating and may even purposely try to make younger students feel unwelcome (elevator pass, anyone?). Freshmen boys tend to have a particularly hard time with this transition because the girls in their grade want to date juniors and seniors – and they ignore all the boys their own age.
Your family has just relocated to a different town.
Being the new kid in school is hard! Your teen is probably worried about meeting new people and making friends in this unfamiliar environment. Plus, kids often target a group or clique that they want to become friendly with – but they may feel unwelcome or unsure how to fit in.
The conversation starts here.
Your child is going through puberty.
Puberty is natural, but it sure doesn’t feel that way to a kid going through it. Your child is experiencing major physical and hormonal changes, and she’s probably uncomfortable with or embarrassed by her body. Also, even though puberty is normal, almost all kids feel at some point that they’re abnormal – and they’re too afraid to ask whether something’s actually wrong.
Your tween or teen had a boyfriend or girlfriend at school – but not anymore.

When the whole family dynamic changes, your kid may be the one who’s forced to adjust the most
You may have shrugged it off as puppy love, but in adolescence, having a significant other is everything. Middle schoolers and high schoolers judge themselves by how others view them, so when a relationship ends, it feels like the ultimate rejection. To make matters worse, break-ups in school are usually accompanied by a fall in popularity and maybe even nasty rumors.
A big event, such as death, divorce or remarriage, has happened in your immediate family.
When the whole family dynamic changes, your kid may be the one who’s forced to adjust the most. He’s being introduced to new living arrangements, rules, spending habits and/or people. And if your teen has just lost a parent -- both death and divorce can create feelings of loss for kids -- he’s probably having a very hard time coping.

Top 5 Reasons Teens Use Drugs During Transitions
To combat loneliness, low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression
To mentally “check out” of family issues or school trouble
To ease discomfort in an unfamiliar situation
To look cool or change their image/reputation
To fit in with a desired group of friends

You can’t control the changes that impact your teen, but you can pay attention to his feelings, concerns and needs. Staying involved in your child’s life during tough transitions is the single most important thing you can do to help keep him from experimenting with drugs and alcohol. In fact, only 18% of teens whose parents are significantly involved in their life transitions resort to high-risk activities, such as unsafe sex and drug use.
But sometimes, it’s easy to get lost in a transition period of your own – or to just get turned off by your teen’s negative mood. Here’s a checklist
to keep in mind the next time your child experiences a dramatic change.
Am I encouraging open dialogue? If your teen believes she can’t tell you how she’s really feeling, she’ll be more likely to turn elsewhere for comfort and relief. Even if you’re afraid of what you’ll hear, remind your child that she can always talk to you (or another caring adult) about anything – without judgment.
Am I setting aside one-on-one bonding time? If your whole family is going through a stressful transition, such as a move or divorce, your teen may feel neglected. Show your kid you love him by taking him shopping, bowling or out for ice cream – without any siblings tagging along. This special attention will remind him that you’re still interested in what’s going on in his life. It will also remind him that despite your preoccupation at the moment, you are going to pick up on problems or changes in his behavior.
Am I discussing the dangers of drugs and alcohol? Even if they’ve heard it a million times before, it never hurts to talk to teens about the consequences of drinking and drug use. Try prompting your teen to talk to you honestly about his experience with different substances by asking, “So, have you heard about any kids at your school smoking pot?” or “What’s your opinion on teens trying prescription pills?”
Am I monitoring and communicating more?* Asking nit-picky questions may annoy your teen, but it can also keep her safe! If you get an unexpected or nonsensical response, it can immediately alert you that something is off. You have every right to ask your child which friends she’s hanging out with, what they’re planning on doing, and where they’re staying – and you have the right to check her story or call her cell phone halfway through the night. Kids who are not monitored are 4 times more likely to use drugs than those whose parents monitor their activities.
*If your monitoring leads you to observe some disturbing behavior or changes in your child (weight loss/gain, loss of appetite, strange sleeping patterns), you may want to enlist a physician’s help.

When you’re stressed, your kids are stressed – and according to a recent Partnership study, stress is the number one reason teens try drugs. So if you’ve recently lost your job or have had to make changes to your family’s lifestyle, try saying one of the following to your teen:
I know it’s frustrating that we don’t have as much money as we used to. But this is a temporary situation, and we will get through it just fine as a family. Even if we can’t buy the latest things, we will always provide the things you and your siblings need. And honestly, money isn’t the most important thing in the world. We’re very lucky because we still have our health and each other!
I don’t want to give you more details than you would like to know about our family’s finances, but remember that I am always willing to answer any questions you have. You don’t need to guess or worry about where we stand. I’m happy to talk to you about money – and I’m also here to listen to your concerns.
By Prince Emma Opanyi
+256 775 585176


Saturday, November 19, 2011


Welcome to our Youth classic sermons and i truly believe your life will be enhanced greatly through the word.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Medina Pullings - Release the Sound Clip


Praise Break for Change


Prophetess Christina Glenn speaking in Michigan for a New Year's Revival


Medina Pullings - A Kingdom Word!!!!


Medina Pullings, Change!

A must watch for you.never give up JESUS IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY & FOREVERMORE

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to activate the miraculous 1 by Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor


Rev. Ken Oyakhilome - God's general


Hillsong - None But Jesus - With Subtitles/Lyrics - HD Version

Be blessed to know that there's none to worship except the Lord God of Israel. the I AM JESUS IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY & FOREVERMORE

Hillsong - All I Need Is You - With Subtitles/Lyrics - HD Version


Hillsong - Oceans Will Part - With Subtitles/Lyrics

May this encourage you this season to worship the creator. JESUS IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY & FOREVERMORE


God did create you from his master piece for a master purpose

We are going to examine some of the ways that this happens. There are many ways that Satan uses to gain some measure of control over a human life. Demons are spirit beings that can't function in our physical ream like they want to unless they can gain some kind of entry into a human body. If they can gain entry into our body, they can influence our thoughts and actions much more than they can from the outside.This is a special message that I would love all the youths in my country and beyond to read and I know you will be blessed.

Let's examine six of the ways that demons can use to gain entry into our minds and bodies:

1. Willful Sin
If you are living in deliberate spiritual rebellion, you are open to demonic attack. God will only set you free from your enemies, not your friends. He will only set you free to serve him better. If you are living in sin, you must change your address. You must turn to Jesus with all your heart. You must build a good life with Him, which means spending time with Him in prayer and reading his word. You must say "Jesus, forgive my sins. I repent and I renounce them and I turn from my sins to you with all my heart". Then you are ready to ask him to deliver you from your enemies. Remember your body is a gift from God to you but what you do with it is your gift to God. So what kind of gift are you offering to God? Is sexual immorality, adultery etc a good gift to your God? If not then why not give Him now that good gift of using your body for righteous purposes?

2. Involuntary Inheritance 
Ancestral curses cause an inherited vulnerability to demons. Have you noticed that cancer and heart disease usually show up in every generation when it starts in a family? Doctors know that some sicknesses and diseases pass from one generation to the next..The same applies to spiritual sickness. I have witnessed cases where people go to hospitals and after a prolonged period of medication with no cure the doctors’ end up by referring them to the Church and they are helped. Why generational issues can’t be tackled with scientific solutions. How many alcoholics have alcoholic children? Many times, no matter how the children try not to be like Mommy or Daddy, they turn out the same. How many abused children grow up to be abusers of their children? The curses that the children were born with, many times pass to their children and to their grandchildren. These curses can only be broken through the power in the  name of Jesus.

Let's read Duet: 18:9-14. When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices, the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God”. Now let's read Duet. 28:58-61. If you do not carefully follow all the words of this law which are written in this book, and do not revere this glorious and awesome name -the Lord your God- the Lord will send fearful plagues on you and your descendants, harsh and prolonged disasters, and severe and lingering illnesses. He will bring upon you all the diseases of Egypt that you dreaded, and they will cling to you. The Lord will also bring on you every kind of sickness and disaster not recorded in this Book of the Law, until you are destroyed”.

You say, "Didn't Jesus take the curse for us?" Yes, Jesus took the curse of the law, which was that there was no forgiveness under the law. There was just atonement by animal sacrifice year by year. The sin was covered by the blood of the sacrifice, not taken away. Jesus became our sacrifice to be free from the curse of the law. Our sins are removed as far as the East is from the West, never to be remembered again. What we read here is the curse of the Lord. If we do the same things that they did, we will reap the same things that they reaped.

3. Occult Entanglement
In  Deuteronomy 18:9-14 once more. When we become involved in the things that God says "do not do" it is like signing a legal and binding contract with the forces of darkness. Satan is the smartest lawyer that ever was, and if he has a legal right to torment you, you cannot stop him until you take away that legal right. This is done by forgiving and asking forgiveness from God. Also, the contract must be broken. This is done by renouncing the things of the occult and turning from them to God with the whole heart. What are these things? Some of the most common are: horoscope, water witching, fortune telling, psychic healing, tarot cards, seances and mental telepathy. (See the detailed list at the end of this article.) Have you ever wondered why God told Israel to destroy some of the cities completely when they came into the land of Canaan or Palestine? He said to destroy all belongings, all cattle, all people, men, women and children, all their gold and silver, every thing that they owned. It was because some of these people were so corrupted by occult sins and demon worship that God knew if His people saved any of their belongings or lived in their cities, they would become corrupt also.

Occult sins are not covered by the general rule of forgiveness. Sure, when we ask Jesus to forgive our sins, He does. Our spirits are saved and on their way to heaven, but many times our body and our soul are still tormented by the occult spirits that we have a legal and binding contract with. This causes a vulnerability to the forces of darkness. The contract must be terminated. If an occult ritual was performed over us, it must be undone. We do this by saying, "Jesus I renounce all the occult involvement (name them). I repent for turning to your enemies about things in my life. I ask you to forgive me and cleanse me from all occult activity". And above all beware of occult Churches and gatherings. Churches like the white garment and many that you may know of ever mentioned in our country do not go to them.

4. Abuse
When children are abused, the general nature of the trauma opens them to demonic activity. The five areas of abuse are physical, verbal, emotional, mental and sexual. Of the five, more children are demonized by sexual abuse than all the others. Statistics from "The Family Research Council", a Christian oriented family organization based in Washington, D.C., tells us that 40% of the people in our churches were sexually molested or raped before 17 years of age. This includes men and women both. Out in every day world, the percentage is 17%. What does this tell us? Hurting people are coming into our churches looking for help. If we don't provide help for them, they will turn to drugs, alcohol, sex and the occult to try to find it. What happens when a child is abused? He or she, most of the time, grows up to be an angry, violent person. They can become revengeful, and feel compelled to take it out on some body else. School violence is a good example. You say, "It isn't fair. I'm the victim and I got the demon!" Nothing that Satan ever does is fair. His kingdom does not play by our rules. He will take every unfair advantage to gain a foothold in our lives.

5. Addictions
Addictions always go deeper than just addictions. Some deep, underlying root of bitterness and rejection usually drives a person to addictions. What was described in the abuse section, many times, leads to drugs and alcohol. Mind altered states from drugs and alcohol open us to demons. You gave him the right to come in when you yielded your will to the drugs. This opens the doorway to the soul so that demons can enter. If you are out of control, the demons will get in control! Drugs and alcohol shut down the process of your will and give a legal right for demons to enter!

6. Abandonment
Physical or emotional abandonment opens a child to demons. A parent who is not there, or doesn't care about the child when he or she is there, opens a child to Satan's kingdom. This brings rejection to an unwanted child. Rejection can create the most serious wound to the emotions that the child will ever suffer.

Now to the cure for all these things:
Repent, renounce, and remove.
Repent of all sin.
Renounce all occult involvement.
Renounce all family curses.
Forgive all who have hurt you.
Forgiveness heals the wound of rejection and resentment.
Identify the enemy inside. If you are an angry person, for example, begin to resist anger.
Pray and ask Jesus to help you. Then begin to take the authority that you have in Jesus Christ to remove. "Anger, in the name of Jesus, I command you to leave."


Fortune Telling
Psychic Healing
Tea Leaf Readings
Table Tipping
Water Witching
White Magic
Black Magic
Necromancy (Talking To The Dead)
Tarot Cards
Astral Projection
Soul Travel
New Age Philosophy
Familiar Spirits
Palm Reading
Some Indian Ceremonys
Any Occult Books (Example) Santanic Bible, Egyptian Book Of THE DEAD, ETC.
Many Video Games (Example) Dungeons & Dragons
All Occult Movies (Example) The Exorcist, The Omen, Rosemary's Baby
And Many More.

I believe this message has blessed your life. And let me know how this message has blessed you through my contacts.
May God bless you!
Bril Emma Opanyi
+256775 585176



We are in the world that is so much advancing at a high rate with high competition, and surely everything seems to be at a high speed. And this is the very world that our children are living in. Politicians are being influenced at the cost of our children. However this same world is running towards the rule of secret societies. In this message I want you to know who the secret societies are. What do they have to do with our children?  Why should our children be alerted? And do you know why your child behaves perhaps the way he or she does, why the dollar is a big concern to the world and why do big officials in different societies go contrary to the law and yet they are accorded justice without anyone saying a thing.
Secret societies are a system that is fighting towards the new world order. And what is this new world order? This is centralization of power that is after silencing any public criticism of the system. Secret societies are also a system that is after commercializing and selling of anything as a product. For example: Homosexuality, Legalization of Abortion in the name of Pro-choice (meaning its right for a woman to kill an unborn child).
In different countries of the world secret societies have bought off government hospitals, schools, and other institutions and turned them into apartments for making profits and also for teaching our children on how to make and market drugs.
These secret societies are also responsible for financing wars. It’s no wonder when Robert Kennedy stood for American Presidency pledging to stop the war in Vietnam he was assassinated. And many people who openly came up to disclose them they were always assassinated. But for how long will we be silent and let evil rule? for how long? This is time to speak the truth and save our generation.
Secret society was founded in the south of Germany with a name The Illuminati and in 1934 the secret society took over the monetary system of America when they said our enterprise is now a success. When you critically look on the American dollar you will find all these details with a barbarian symbol with an eye that means the enlightened one.
What do they mean our enterprise is now a success? This simply means the control over world resources is now in their hands. Have you ever asked yourself a question why mean countries especially African countries are in big Dollar debts? What about the wars that going on in Africa. Have you heard of western countries fighting each other the answer is no but they are financing wars in Africa and Asia just to make sure these continents are to small in population for them to rule.
It’s no wonder that many western organizations have come in Africa in the name of helping yet with a big a agenda of dehumanizing our culture and society. I know of an organization that is responsible for opening up abortion clinics Africa wide yet it’s not an African founded organization. Why is it there? To teach our young girls early sex causing the high rate of sexual immorality in Africa. And also to teach them that having sex is no big deal, just do it as long as you realize you are pregnant then go and abort. Today their many cases of women with damaged uteruses, wombs, fallopian tubes because at their early ages they carried out many abortions. This year I had a conversation with a young lady I saw on one of our city streets as I was leaving town and when I told her about the dangers of early sex she was not bothered instead she turned and said sir I don’t mind of AIDS or pregnancy because if I get one I go and abort it and move on with life normally.
Parents our children most times have come back home and gone back to school without as noticing any change in their lives just because we have given them less attention and have also taught them nothing about the dangers of foreign interests. This also explains why some parents have lost their children mysteriously. A child comes back home sick before you think of doing something serious you find she is dead. I want you to know that the young girl I have talked about is someone’s daughter.
There are also western organizations that have come in our country with the aim of controlling our education sector in the name donations. In some countries homosexuals are in the campaigns of legalizing homosexuality and lesbianism in schools and also adding it to school syllabus. However who are the people behind all these evil that is eating up our continent? It’s the secret societies.
Dear parents, guardians and fellow youths of Africa let us open our eyes and say know to what is wrong and yes to what is right. Why allow the west to package for us what will dehumanize us
Finally I pray that this will ignite a new desire for change your heart towards God. let me know how this message has blessed you through my contacts.
May God bless you!
Bril Emma Opanyi
+256775 585176


Over the centuries many wrongs and faulty has affected our families. Many Families have undergone repeated situations, problems and complications but with little or no knowledge as to why they undergo such.
A few months ago God told me to fast together with a number of Prayer leaders that we do lead prayers with in the Jabez prayer Squad at our Church and the main issue was “Dealing with Family Bondages to the forth generation back and put right what went wrong”.
Every single day of our fast which was joined up with a big number of believers who attend prayer sessions in the Jabez Prayer Squad that takes place from Monday to Friday from 2:00pm to 3:00pm, many begun to experience certain dreams that where pointing at the root cause of their Family problems, Things that their grand parents, parents etc did in the past. And amazingly when they went back to inquire they always found that the very things as dreamt in their dreams had happened.
Through this two weeks prayer and fasting I began to see how family bondages affect us. And from the testimonies we got from this prayer it was able to explain why some people are not married, experience interrupted marriage life, delayed marriages, Miscarriages, delayed breakthroughs, constant failures, premature death, narrative infirmities like asthma, Sickle cell, cancer, Anemia, Pressure, Diabetes while others experience certain pains in particular parts of their bodies like back, leg and head pains that lead to unwanted and unnecessary operations.
Through the 14 days prayer and fasting God told me to tell the people to deal with the root cause of their family bondages from the book of Matthew 15:13 that says: “…Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.”(KJV)
And in Ezekiel 18:2 says: “… The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?”
In the land of Israel for this proverb to be said it had a reason, meaning people were seeing it happening.
From the above scripture we see that what our fore-fathers, parents or the people before us did it does not affect them but it affects the children? That’s why it says the fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the Children’s teeth are set on edge.
My friend a lot of things went wrong in our family backgrounds that we come from and the only remedy is for you to strongly deal with it. This profoundly reminds me of a sister who after the second day of prayer and fasting, she got an interesting dream that helped her deal with her family bondage. In the dream she was cleaning a flowering garden in the compound from her mother’s side and she came close to this tomato plant that was looking good with ripe and row tomato fruits, at first she sympathized with it being a tomato plant with fruits. Then her sister came and she is like there are green snakes under that plant. So the snakes sprung up and they began cutting them and all of a sudden black snakes very big and shapeless began also to come out. But after the dream she recalled of a story by her mummy about the charms that were given to her grandfather to plant in the same place by a certain witch doctor. In her story she says before that her grandfather was very wealthy but all this stopped all at once in that even today her uncles become wealthy till a certain level and the entire wealth float. This has also affected the family healthy to the level that children are born with Sickle cell, Cancer and eye complication.
My friend it was till this point that I got to understand how strong and terrible family bondage is as far as us the children in the family are concerned.
My friend getting saved alone is not enough. Salvation is a journey of which journey there are battles to fight. In every victory to celebrate there is always battle to fight. And that is why the Psalmist in Psalms 18:34 says: ‘He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms’. There are many bows of steel that have to be broken by your hands. And what are these steels? There are these very family bondages I am talking about.
This also reminds me of a young girl who could not get married for many years and when she went for intense deliverance prayers, she got a dream of a woman in the labor ward who gave birth to a child and after the mid wife congratulated this woman for giving birth to a baby girl she said to the nurse “Take away this thing”. After the dream she remembered that her mother gave birth to only girls and she is the seventh girl. So when she inquired about her birth she found out that her mother gave birth to six beautiful girls and she longed so much for a son but when she was pregnant and time for labor came, she was rushed to the hospital. When she pushed the baby with happiness the midwife looked at her and said ‘congratulations! You have begotten a bouncing baby girl’ and immediately she said: ‘Take away this thing’. Now this four words statement looked small but it put this young girl under a bondage that she could not get married. Why? She was bound from childhood and where was the origin of this bondage? Her real family (her mother).
Family bondages are real and they do manifest always at the peak of your breakthroughs, marriage, Job, important moments of your life etc. that’s why you will never have any problem until the time when you are about to sit your interview, when you are about to introduce, and when there’s a promotion coming your way.
What is the way out of family bondages?
If you are not yet saved the first step is to have a personal relationship with Christ- getting Born Again.
Repent of any sin you know and that committed without your knowledge.
Disconnect yourself from any wrong family attachment and covenants.
Pray these prayer points.
1. By the power that is in the name of Jesus, I take authority over the heavenlies, the earth, and the seas and under the earth; and I destroy with the sword of the Spirit, every dark power that is positioned to stand against my prayer or to reinforce against me, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every evil covenant and agreement entered by my ancestors that is now working against my life and progress, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus.
3. Any death sentence passed on me by household-wickedness be reversed, in the name of Jesus.
4. Blood of Jesus! speak against acient doors of poverty and demotion in my foundation!!! in the name of Jesus.
5. Every foundational force pursuing my destiny, my marriage, Job, promotion be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus
6. Every satanic arrow firing at my progress break, break, and break into pieces in the name of Jesus.
7. Every evil commitment between my parents and family spirits that has been going before me to limit me be broken in Jesus name.
8. Blood of Jesus! arise and change my story to glory now!!! in the name of Jesus.
9. Every family bondage that has been affecting my Job, marriage, success and progress I break loose from your stronghold in Jesus name.
And now I am free from family bondages in Jesus name.

Finally I want to encourage you to visit a local Church that strongly deals with deliverance and for those who can reach us at Victory Church of Christ Luzira , You are welcome. We are located 100 meters from Luzira stage 7 on the road to Lakeside College and let me know how this message has blessed you through my contacts.
May God bless you!
Bril Emma Opanyi
+256775 585176

Should Blood-shed be the Weapon for change in Africa?

The success or failure of any people is greatly determined by the kind of leadership they have. The future of African leadership has been a very serious concern ever since the struggle for African Independence.
Looking back at most of those I can call Pan African leaders, it seem like what they fought for with all determination and the African courage is ending up in unpleasant deaths. How many African leaders have died and been buried like dogs as if they never fought for the freedom of their countries? Why should we rejoice when our own Nationalists are dying because we have aided those who have now turned to be the killers? I want you to ask yourself these questions. Over the years who are the People who brought divisions in Africa? Who are the people who turned the Hutu against the Tuusi? What about the slavery of African able young men who would have worked for the development of Africa, yet were treated as donkeys in American Sugar cane plantations? What about our good leaders who were slain like animals trying to fight for freedom while others were thrown into jails with no chance for trial? Were they not colonial masters who turned a heart of an African against another African? And tell me isn’t these the very reasons why we fought for African Independency?
Genesis 4:10-12(NIV) “The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground. Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.”
Many African countries are purely aided by European countries not because they can’t really afford but because of the curse of a ‘Brother’s Blood’ No wonder we are always wandering from country to country beyond the borders of Africa for green pastures. The truth remains that what has made us restless in our own countries is the Curse of the ‘Brother’s Blood’ that we were influenced into committing by western powers through divisions.
In less than a year the most potential Pan-African countries were invaded in the name of fighting for the democracy of the country yet with selfish ambitions that these leaders over saw. Look at the incidence of Ivory cost which was strongly influenced and aided by the west. And also looking at Egypt where bullets sounded like a national anthem leaving thousands of innocent people dead. I will never forget an incidence were an innocent young child in Egypt was shot with bullets as if she was a rebel but who were the people involved? It was still the west.
Looking at mother Libya. I can’t forget that day when all NATO Cameras were all pointing at Col. Gaddaffi slain in a pool of blood and advertising him as a product making the Libyan Nationals think that all they needed was to kill Gaddaffi and offer him no state burial as a sign of peace. There are things that are not in the press because the west has gone that far to control the Media fraternity in Africa. Was Gadaffi killed because he was a dictator? The answer is a big NO! The truth is Col. Gaddaffi had started a 500 Billion dollars satellite in Africa and many others that would make Africa totally independent from the west. Research has also proved that the oil from Africa is the finest oil and it’s no wonder that all the African countries with oil are partly controlled by the west. That’s why Uganda we ought to pray that our oil process will be handled by the right Ugandans not the west.
However what is my point? The point is yes millions of Africans together with the Pan-Africans have died in cold blood as influenced by the west but how many of the wests have died in this they call fighting for African democracy
Dear Africa! How can a people so hungry for self-rule become so dispassionate about a future they had fought and lost so much to have? How can a people destroy the very thing they love so much with the same hands that they used in building it? Why should it be that Africa keeps going round in circles instead of moving forward?
This is the time for us to rise up and put again value in what our fore fathers fought for.  The period where leaders are succeeded through bloodshed should be in the past for Africa. And it is my prayer to God that He will forgive our Beloved AFRICA and heal her from the Curse of the ‘Brother’s Blood’ and that He will help Africa regain the boldness and courage to say NO to Bloodshed and above all that MOTHER AFRICA will look up to Him(GOD). Just as the word of God says in Proverbs 14:34 (Amplified Bible) “Uprightness and right standing with God (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation) elevate a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”
In conclusion, I do argue all African leaders and those aspiring, to walk the right path that our fore fathers walked and fought for. If we keep struggling for power and in the long run we depopulate our countries then which are the people we will lead. Just pose for a while and think, how many fatherless and motherless Children are on the streets of Africa with no education and no future because of wars we Africans have allowed because of the money we are offered from the corrupt and selfish western powers. Think how many millions of Children in Somalia and Sudan are dying of starvation and no medical care because of wars that wouldn’t have been there?
I strongly believe that power hand over in Africa can be more peaceful again. We were never meant to kill each other. Let us embrace peace and I know God will uphold us and protect the interests and resources of mother Africa. AFRICA tusimame pamoja
Let me know how this message has blessed you through my contacts.
May God bless you!
Bril Emma Opanyi

Friday, October 14, 2011

21 Days Prayer To Conquer The Battle of the Gate - Day 21

21 Days Prayer To Conquer The Battle of the Gate - Day 21

CONFESSION: Psalm 108:7-13: – “God has spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth. Gilead is mine; Manasseh is mine; Ephraim also is the strength of my head; Judah is my lawgiver; Moab is my wash pot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe; over Philistia will I triumph. Who will bring me into the strong city? who will lead me into Edom? Will not you, O God, who have cast us off? and will not you, O God, go forth with our hosts? Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man. Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.”
After the praise and worship session, go with volcanic anger into these ten prayer points for DAY 21. Pray it at midnight and midday. Pray it during the day too. couple it with a 12-hour fast (12 midnight to 12 noon), you can go further till 6pm if you have the grace, all I know by the assurance of faith in the awesome power of God that never faileth is that you will not come out of this encounter the same way you enter it, in the name of Jesus. God bless you as you read the scriptures, confess the word of God and pray in Jesus’ name.
DAY 21
  1. If I have been knocked down, I receive power to bounce back now! in Jesus’ name.
  2. O God of Elijah fight my battles for me, in Jesus’ name.
  3. Thou terror of the night, S-C-A-T-T-E-R!!! in the name of Jesus.
  4. Thou power of the night troubling my star, I command u to die now!! in Jesus’ name.
  5. Every power closing my good doors, u are a joker, die!!! in the name of Jesus.
  6. Rope of stagnancy, B-R-E-A-K!!! in the name of Jesus.
  7. Thou power of ‘beating-about-bush’ my life is not your candidate, DIE!!! in the name of Jesus.
  8. O ground, OPEN and swallow the enemies of my open doors, in the name of Jesus.
  9. Every trouble of the night assigned against my life DIE!!! in the name of Jesus.
  10. Angels of God shall Arise and scatter all those plotting against my Breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
  11. All demonic dragons working against me be buried alive now, in the name of Jesus.
  12. I receive dominion over every satanic challenge, in the name of Jesus.
  13. Every oppressor and their weapons fashioned against me shall drown in the red sea, in the name of Jesus.
  14. Every weapon of discouragement be canceled now!!! in the name of Jesus.
  15. Power of God, arise and connect me with those who will bless me and connect me with my divine helpers, in the name of Jesus.
  16. This month shall be my month of signs and wonders for me, in the name of Jesus.
  17. My Father, catapult me to my next level, in the name of Jesus.
  18. My hands shall do well, my hands shall prosper, my hands shall not be bewitched in the name of Jesus.
  19. I am here unto God not unto man, therefore O Lord, meet my needs, in the name of Jesus.
  20. Blood of Jesus, speak on my behalf in Jesus’ name.
  21. Spiritual wickedness in high places, hear the word of the LORD: fall down and die!!! In Jesus’ name.
  22. Every awkwardness in my life that the devil will use as an open door to attack my destiny, die!!! in the name of Jesus.
  23. Every conspiracy against my breakthroughs and promotion this month S-C-A-T-T-E-R!!! in the name of Jesus.
  24. Every conspiracy in d heavenlies against me and my family, be scattered, in the name of Jesus.
  25. Witchcraft verdict over my health be reversed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
  26. By d power of d risen Christ, my dry bones, RECEIVE LIFE NOW!!! In the name of Jesus.
  27. My dry bones shall rise again and speak forth in Jesus’ name.
  28. O Arm of God Arise for my deliverance!!! in the name of Jesus.
  29. Every idol of my ancestors raging to waste my destiny and family, your time is up, catch fire and die! in the name of Jesus.
  30. Testimony killers assigned against my family, your time is up: die!!! in the name of Jesus.
  31. O Lord my God, defend your interests in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  32. Agenda of wasters against my family and destiny DIE!!!! in the name of Jesus.
  33. O Lord, turn my career and destiny challenges into testimonies, in Jesus’ name.
  34. Every agenda of darkness for my life scatter, in the name of Jesus.
  35. Swallowing powers shall not swallow my breakthroughs! in the name of Jesus.
  36. BLOOD OF JESUS, Arise by thunder, pursue my pursuers, in the name of Jesus.
  37. BLOOD OF JESUS, Arise! Change my story, in the name of Jesus.
  38. BLOOD OF JESUS, Arise! Bring my Joseph’s dream to pass, in the name of Jesus.
  39. Oil of favour, my head is available, come upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
  40. Powers pushing me away from my divine location, hear the word of the Lord, Die!!! In the name of Jesus.
  41. Powers from my foundation, attacking my star: Die! In Jesus’ name.
  42. Breakthrough Bankers! Opportunity Wasters!! Miracle Swallowers!!! Assigned against me: DIE!!! In the name of Jesus.                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hello i believe the 21 Days Prayer To Conquer The Battle of the Gate has blessed your life. let us know how each of these prayers has helped you through our contacts. However in all these there's one more and most important thing that you ought to have and that is having a personal relationship with Christ Jesus. and this you do by inviting Him into your life. And if you are ready to invite Him please say this simple prayer of commitment with me. Say: Dear Jesus. I come to you. As a sinner. Forgive me of all my sins. Right now. I invite you. Come into my heart and be my Lord and saviour. Amen. Thanks for making that precious decision and i know your life won't remain the same. for more information Call: +256 775 585176 or email:    Blog:

21 Days Prayer To Conquer The Battle of the Gate - Day 20

21 Days Prayer To Conquer The Battle of the Gate - Day 20

CONFESSION: Matthew 12:29: – “For who is powerful enough to enter the house of a strong man like Satan and plunder his goods? Only someone even stronger–someone who could tie him up and then plunder his house.”
After the praise and worship session, go with volcanic anger into these ten prayer points for DAY 20. Pray it at midnight and midday. Pray it during the day too. couple it with a 12-hour fast (12 midnight to 12 noon), you can go further till 6pm if you have the grace, all I know by the assurance of faith in the awesome power of God that never faileth is that you will not come out of this encounter the same way you enter it, in the name of Jesus. God bless you as you read the scriptures, confess the word of God and pray in Jesus’ name.
DAY 20
  1. Power to move to my next level, come upon my life now! In the name of Jesus.
  2. The power that wants to dry your oil shall fall down and die!!! In the name of Jesus.
  3. The oil that will lift up my head shall fall upon me now! In the name of Jesus.
  4. O God Arise and let my enemies become food for worms! In the name of Jesus.
  5. O God arise and let Your anointing work in me, work with me, work for me, work through me and work against my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Woe befalls any power that challenges the anointing of God upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
  7. Anointing that makes me to become what Heavens want me to become, fall upon me now! In the name of Jesus.
  8. Power that rubbishes all obstacles and hindrances, fall upon me now! In the name of Jesus.
  9. Anointing that set aside all satanic bottle-necks and evil patterns, fall upon me now! In the name of Jesus.
  10. Power that has no respect for impossibility, fall upon me now! In the name of Jesus.
  11. Anointing that changes the rule for my sake, fall upon me now! In the name of Jesus.
  12. Anointing that brings honey out of the rock and oil from of the flinty stone, fall upon me now! In the name of Jesus.
  13. Anointing that disgraces my opposition, fall upon me now! In the name of Jesus.
  14. Any power that wants to waste me shall be wasted in Jesus’ name.
  15. Anointing to be at the right place at the right time, fall upon me now! In the name of Jesus.
  16. My head, you shall not reject the oil of honor and promotion, in the name of Jesus.
  17. Anointing that will pull me out of the valley of stagnation, fall upon me now! In the name of Jesus.
    Anointing to become the desire of heaven, fall upon me now! In the name of Jesus.
  18. Vagabond powers organized to disorganize my destiny, DIE BY FIRE!!! In the name of Jesus.
  19. My Head! My Head!! My Head!!! Locate your oil from heaven!!! In the name of Jesus.
  20. Oil dryers assigned to empty my destiny, die by fire!!! In the name of Jesus.
  21. Agenda of witchcraft to redirect my destiny: DIE!!! In the name of Jesus.
  22. Violent angels from heaven, arise! Attack every power caging my star!!! In the name of Jesus.
  23. Oil dryers of my father’s house: DIE BY FIRE!!! In the name of Jesus.
  24. Anointing to become unstoppable, come upon me now! In the name of Jesus.
  25. Powers that have stolen my oil, return it by fire!!! In the name of Jesus.
  26. Yoke Breaker! Jesus Christ!! Move me forward by fire!!! In the name of Jesus.
  27. O Heavens! T-E-A-R!! POUR OIL ON MY HEAD!!! In the name of Jesus.