Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Should Blood-shed be the Weapon for change in Africa?

The success or failure of any people is greatly determined by the kind of leadership they have. The future of African leadership has been a very serious concern ever since the struggle for African Independence.
Looking back at most of those I can call Pan African leaders, it seem like what they fought for with all determination and the African courage is ending up in unpleasant deaths. How many African leaders have died and been buried like dogs as if they never fought for the freedom of their countries? Why should we rejoice when our own Nationalists are dying because we have aided those who have now turned to be the killers? I want you to ask yourself these questions. Over the years who are the People who brought divisions in Africa? Who are the people who turned the Hutu against the Tuusi? What about the slavery of African able young men who would have worked for the development of Africa, yet were treated as donkeys in American Sugar cane plantations? What about our good leaders who were slain like animals trying to fight for freedom while others were thrown into jails with no chance for trial? Were they not colonial masters who turned a heart of an African against another African? And tell me isn’t these the very reasons why we fought for African Independency?
Genesis 4:10-12(NIV) “The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground. Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.”
Many African countries are purely aided by European countries not because they can’t really afford but because of the curse of a ‘Brother’s Blood’ No wonder we are always wandering from country to country beyond the borders of Africa for green pastures. The truth remains that what has made us restless in our own countries is the Curse of the ‘Brother’s Blood’ that we were influenced into committing by western powers through divisions.
In less than a year the most potential Pan-African countries were invaded in the name of fighting for the democracy of the country yet with selfish ambitions that these leaders over saw. Look at the incidence of Ivory cost which was strongly influenced and aided by the west. And also looking at Egypt where bullets sounded like a national anthem leaving thousands of innocent people dead. I will never forget an incidence were an innocent young child in Egypt was shot with bullets as if she was a rebel but who were the people involved? It was still the west.
Looking at mother Libya. I can’t forget that day when all NATO Cameras were all pointing at Col. Gaddaffi slain in a pool of blood and advertising him as a product making the Libyan Nationals think that all they needed was to kill Gaddaffi and offer him no state burial as a sign of peace. There are things that are not in the press because the west has gone that far to control the Media fraternity in Africa. Was Gadaffi killed because he was a dictator? The answer is a big NO! The truth is Col. Gaddaffi had started a 500 Billion dollars satellite in Africa and many others that would make Africa totally independent from the west. Research has also proved that the oil from Africa is the finest oil and it’s no wonder that all the African countries with oil are partly controlled by the west. That’s why Uganda we ought to pray that our oil process will be handled by the right Ugandans not the west.
However what is my point? The point is yes millions of Africans together with the Pan-Africans have died in cold blood as influenced by the west but how many of the wests have died in this they call fighting for African democracy
Dear Africa! How can a people so hungry for self-rule become so dispassionate about a future they had fought and lost so much to have? How can a people destroy the very thing they love so much with the same hands that they used in building it? Why should it be that Africa keeps going round in circles instead of moving forward?
This is the time for us to rise up and put again value in what our fore fathers fought for.  The period where leaders are succeeded through bloodshed should be in the past for Africa. And it is my prayer to God that He will forgive our Beloved AFRICA and heal her from the Curse of the ‘Brother’s Blood’ and that He will help Africa regain the boldness and courage to say NO to Bloodshed and above all that MOTHER AFRICA will look up to Him(GOD). Just as the word of God says in Proverbs 14:34 (Amplified Bible) “Uprightness and right standing with God (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation) elevate a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”
In conclusion, I do argue all African leaders and those aspiring, to walk the right path that our fore fathers walked and fought for. If we keep struggling for power and in the long run we depopulate our countries then which are the people we will lead. Just pose for a while and think, how many fatherless and motherless Children are on the streets of Africa with no education and no future because of wars we Africans have allowed because of the money we are offered from the corrupt and selfish western powers. Think how many millions of Children in Somalia and Sudan are dying of starvation and no medical care because of wars that wouldn’t have been there?
I strongly believe that power hand over in Africa can be more peaceful again. We were never meant to kill each other. Let us embrace peace and I know God will uphold us and protect the interests and resources of mother Africa. AFRICA tusimame pamoja
Let me know how this message has blessed you through my contacts.
May God bless you!
Bril Emma Opanyi 

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