Tuesday, November 15, 2011


We are in the world that is so much advancing at a high rate with high competition, and surely everything seems to be at a high speed. And this is the very world that our children are living in. Politicians are being influenced at the cost of our children. However this same world is running towards the rule of secret societies. In this message I want you to know who the secret societies are. What do they have to do with our children?  Why should our children be alerted? And do you know why your child behaves perhaps the way he or she does, why the dollar is a big concern to the world and why do big officials in different societies go contrary to the law and yet they are accorded justice without anyone saying a thing.
Secret societies are a system that is fighting towards the new world order. And what is this new world order? This is centralization of power that is after silencing any public criticism of the system. Secret societies are also a system that is after commercializing and selling of anything as a product. For example: Homosexuality, Legalization of Abortion in the name of Pro-choice (meaning its right for a woman to kill an unborn child).
In different countries of the world secret societies have bought off government hospitals, schools, and other institutions and turned them into apartments for making profits and also for teaching our children on how to make and market drugs.
These secret societies are also responsible for financing wars. It’s no wonder when Robert Kennedy stood for American Presidency pledging to stop the war in Vietnam he was assassinated. And many people who openly came up to disclose them they were always assassinated. But for how long will we be silent and let evil rule? for how long? This is time to speak the truth and save our generation.
Secret society was founded in the south of Germany with a name The Illuminati and in 1934 the secret society took over the monetary system of America when they said our enterprise is now a success. When you critically look on the American dollar you will find all these details with a barbarian symbol with an eye that means the enlightened one.
What do they mean our enterprise is now a success? This simply means the control over world resources is now in their hands. Have you ever asked yourself a question why mean countries especially African countries are in big Dollar debts? What about the wars that going on in Africa. Have you heard of western countries fighting each other the answer is no but they are financing wars in Africa and Asia just to make sure these continents are to small in population for them to rule.
It’s no wonder that many western organizations have come in Africa in the name of helping yet with a big a agenda of dehumanizing our culture and society. I know of an organization that is responsible for opening up abortion clinics Africa wide yet it’s not an African founded organization. Why is it there? To teach our young girls early sex causing the high rate of sexual immorality in Africa. And also to teach them that having sex is no big deal, just do it as long as you realize you are pregnant then go and abort. Today their many cases of women with damaged uteruses, wombs, fallopian tubes because at their early ages they carried out many abortions. This year I had a conversation with a young lady I saw on one of our city streets as I was leaving town and when I told her about the dangers of early sex she was not bothered instead she turned and said sir I don’t mind of AIDS or pregnancy because if I get one I go and abort it and move on with life normally.
Parents our children most times have come back home and gone back to school without as noticing any change in their lives just because we have given them less attention and have also taught them nothing about the dangers of foreign interests. This also explains why some parents have lost their children mysteriously. A child comes back home sick before you think of doing something serious you find she is dead. I want you to know that the young girl I have talked about is someone’s daughter.
There are also western organizations that have come in our country with the aim of controlling our education sector in the name donations. In some countries homosexuals are in the campaigns of legalizing homosexuality and lesbianism in schools and also adding it to school syllabus. However who are the people behind all these evil that is eating up our continent? It’s the secret societies.
Dear parents, guardians and fellow youths of Africa let us open our eyes and say know to what is wrong and yes to what is right. Why allow the west to package for us what will dehumanize us
Finally I pray that this will ignite a new desire for change your heart towards God. let me know how this message has blessed you through my contacts.
May God bless you!
Bril Emma Opanyi
+256775 585176

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