Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Over the centuries many wrongs and faulty has affected our families. Many Families have undergone repeated situations, problems and complications but with little or no knowledge as to why they undergo such.
A few months ago God told me to fast together with a number of Prayer leaders that we do lead prayers with in the Jabez prayer Squad at our Church and the main issue was “Dealing with Family Bondages to the forth generation back and put right what went wrong”.
Every single day of our fast which was joined up with a big number of believers who attend prayer sessions in the Jabez Prayer Squad that takes place from Monday to Friday from 2:00pm to 3:00pm, many begun to experience certain dreams that where pointing at the root cause of their Family problems, Things that their grand parents, parents etc did in the past. And amazingly when they went back to inquire they always found that the very things as dreamt in their dreams had happened.
Through this two weeks prayer and fasting I began to see how family bondages affect us. And from the testimonies we got from this prayer it was able to explain why some people are not married, experience interrupted marriage life, delayed marriages, Miscarriages, delayed breakthroughs, constant failures, premature death, narrative infirmities like asthma, Sickle cell, cancer, Anemia, Pressure, Diabetes while others experience certain pains in particular parts of their bodies like back, leg and head pains that lead to unwanted and unnecessary operations.
Through the 14 days prayer and fasting God told me to tell the people to deal with the root cause of their family bondages from the book of Matthew 15:13 that says: “…Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.”(KJV)
And in Ezekiel 18:2 says: “… The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge?”
In the land of Israel for this proverb to be said it had a reason, meaning people were seeing it happening.
From the above scripture we see that what our fore-fathers, parents or the people before us did it does not affect them but it affects the children? That’s why it says the fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the Children’s teeth are set on edge.
My friend a lot of things went wrong in our family backgrounds that we come from and the only remedy is for you to strongly deal with it. This profoundly reminds me of a sister who after the second day of prayer and fasting, she got an interesting dream that helped her deal with her family bondage. In the dream she was cleaning a flowering garden in the compound from her mother’s side and she came close to this tomato plant that was looking good with ripe and row tomato fruits, at first she sympathized with it being a tomato plant with fruits. Then her sister came and she is like there are green snakes under that plant. So the snakes sprung up and they began cutting them and all of a sudden black snakes very big and shapeless began also to come out. But after the dream she recalled of a story by her mummy about the charms that were given to her grandfather to plant in the same place by a certain witch doctor. In her story she says before that her grandfather was very wealthy but all this stopped all at once in that even today her uncles become wealthy till a certain level and the entire wealth float. This has also affected the family healthy to the level that children are born with Sickle cell, Cancer and eye complication.
My friend it was till this point that I got to understand how strong and terrible family bondage is as far as us the children in the family are concerned.
My friend getting saved alone is not enough. Salvation is a journey of which journey there are battles to fight. In every victory to celebrate there is always battle to fight. And that is why the Psalmist in Psalms 18:34 says: ‘He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms’. There are many bows of steel that have to be broken by your hands. And what are these steels? There are these very family bondages I am talking about.
This also reminds me of a young girl who could not get married for many years and when she went for intense deliverance prayers, she got a dream of a woman in the labor ward who gave birth to a child and after the mid wife congratulated this woman for giving birth to a baby girl she said to the nurse “Take away this thing”. After the dream she remembered that her mother gave birth to only girls and she is the seventh girl. So when she inquired about her birth she found out that her mother gave birth to six beautiful girls and she longed so much for a son but when she was pregnant and time for labor came, she was rushed to the hospital. When she pushed the baby with happiness the midwife looked at her and said ‘congratulations! You have begotten a bouncing baby girl’ and immediately she said: ‘Take away this thing’. Now this four words statement looked small but it put this young girl under a bondage that she could not get married. Why? She was bound from childhood and where was the origin of this bondage? Her real family (her mother).
Family bondages are real and they do manifest always at the peak of your breakthroughs, marriage, Job, important moments of your life etc. that’s why you will never have any problem until the time when you are about to sit your interview, when you are about to introduce, and when there’s a promotion coming your way.
What is the way out of family bondages?
If you are not yet saved the first step is to have a personal relationship with Christ- getting Born Again.
Repent of any sin you know and that committed without your knowledge.
Disconnect yourself from any wrong family attachment and covenants.
Pray these prayer points.
1. By the power that is in the name of Jesus, I take authority over the heavenlies, the earth, and the seas and under the earth; and I destroy with the sword of the Spirit, every dark power that is positioned to stand against my prayer or to reinforce against me, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every evil covenant and agreement entered by my ancestors that is now working against my life and progress, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus.
3. Any death sentence passed on me by household-wickedness be reversed, in the name of Jesus.
4. Blood of Jesus! speak against acient doors of poverty and demotion in my foundation!!! in the name of Jesus.
5. Every foundational force pursuing my destiny, my marriage, Job, promotion be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus
6. Every satanic arrow firing at my progress break, break, and break into pieces in the name of Jesus.
7. Every evil commitment between my parents and family spirits that has been going before me to limit me be broken in Jesus name.
8. Blood of Jesus! arise and change my story to glory now!!! in the name of Jesus.
9. Every family bondage that has been affecting my Job, marriage, success and progress I break loose from your stronghold in Jesus name.
And now I am free from family bondages in Jesus name.

Finally I want to encourage you to visit a local Church that strongly deals with deliverance and for those who can reach us at Victory Church of Christ Luzira , You are welcome. We are located 100 meters from Luzira stage 7 on the road to Lakeside College and let me know how this message has blessed you through my contacts.
May God bless you!
Bril Emma Opanyi
+256775 585176

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