Friday, March 12, 2010


Praise the lord friend, I know this message is for you
out there who say; I have a zeal, yarning to serve God.
In this generation of DOT COM many young and old are
 in  bondage simply because some are ignorant and others
because of the wrong motive they have about themselves
due the form of worship they were exposed to i.e.
Idol worship. All these categories of people need
proof from you and me.
 Some one may say what is this proof?
…..The proof this generation  needs is  a people totally sold out for God and with a desire to see the will of God in our lives, families, neighborhood, and the body of Christ as a whole. A generation stand strong amidst temptations such as; Joseph stood in potiphar’s house , a people who will not bow down to lust of the flesh, fornication ,a generation that must arise and fight sodomy and Gay activism. From the example set by Daniel, shedrack, Mesach and Abednego
we as a generation () need to refuse  to be defiled by things like
 pornography to the extent of fighting it  from our streets,
media, extra. Let us refuse to bow down the worship of the 
god woman, idolized in many secular songs.
   The Lord Jesus says in Mathew () that a wicked and perverse
generation seeks for a sign. This generation is looking for and
want to see a sign that there is a savior. To the sick a healer,
the deaf and blind want to hear and see again, the lame want
 to walk the cripple want to lea p, the broken hearted are
seeking for restoration. The poverty stricken need financial
breakthrough. There are so many touching needs which can
only be solved by people who will set out to manifest the glory
of God. We need to show the this wicked and perverse
generation what it is seeking for; The proof. The lord Jesus
told  the Pharisees and chief priests to believe him if not that he is the son of God and come from  Him then for the  works. Let us prove to Gaddafi and the Muslims that the bible is true and not forgery. May this generation arise in the power of the Holy spirit and display the wonderful works of God so that many will believe. May God bless you
by Emma Bril

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For sure we need a proof and that is all we need. but we are beginning to see it. God bless you greatly man of God
