Wednesday, March 24, 2010


By the beginning of this year God gave us a prophetic word: "2010, The Year Of Enlargement & Expansion".from Isaiah 54:2-3. You might have reached this point of the year without realizing the effect of the prophetic word in your life. I want to encourage you to remain focused on God's promise for your life. Don't give up. In one of Sir W. Churchill's last public appearances, he was asked to speak to an audience of college students. Weak and tired, he rose up and said 'Ladies and gentlemen, I've just one thing to articulate to you: never ever give up”. Before resuming his seat to a standing enthusiastic response. I also tell you "Don't Give Up" If you are pursuing a godly project but 'things' aren't working out, don't give up. Success is often announced by failure and preceded by stagnation. The enemy of our souls always wants to convince us to give up. But don't give up. 'The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.'' (1 Thes 5: 24). Quitters never win and winners never quit. If the devil knocks them down 7 times, they get up7 times .As long as Jesus is at the centre of our goals, Dreams, Desires and Visions, even if things looked impossible or delayed, God will see you through. God is ever faithful. He never gives us a vision without making a way for it to be fulfilled. Whatever He begins in a person, He completes it. When He opens up a door for you "no one can shut" it (Rev.3:7-8).
Many youths today are taken up by the spirit of instant gratification where by whatever they want to see in their lives, they want it there and then. But let me whisper this: you need a little more patience and knowledge of the purpose of your life. A youth with purpose believes, against all probabilities, in a God of impossibilities. This means whether it looks impossible or hard he or she will still believe God.

We Christian-youths should not easily forget what sets us a part from the people of the world.

The Bible says, "His (God's) divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him (Jesus) who called us by His own glory and goodness" (2 Pet.1:3). In other words, in Jesus, God has given His spirit to live and work in us; and in His spirit, He has given us power to succeed in any task He has mandated us to do under the sky. It's this spirit of God in those who receive Jesus that the Bible refers to as "His incomparably great power for us who believe" (Eph.1:19). This power is so great that the Bible only relates it to that which raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him at His right Hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come" (Eph.1:19-21). This is the same resurrection power residing in us today (1cor.6:19).
Fellow youths, if in us dwells God's "incomparably great power", and this power is the same that raised Jesus "from the dead and seated Him at (God's) right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and Dominion …" then this power can also raise us and our dreams/projects from the lowest point to the highest. He can raise us from the pit of Curses, Failures, Clan limitations, poverty and debts to the peak of financial security and prosperity.

He can raise you and me "far above" where we are now, in all areas of life, and far and above the limitations and control of the powers of this world and its systems.

I believe that in the remaining period of this year, God is doing a new thing in every area of your life. Whatever you though you had lost, God is not yet finished with you. Whatever He promised He will accomplish it. I see you possess your possessions in the name of Jesus.

Trust in the power of Christ's spirit .The Bible says that "if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit, who lives in you " (Rom.8:11) If this spirit- power could conquer man's most unconquerable enemy-death -and raise Jesus From the grave to the sky, He can raise us and our dreams from the scratch to the sky.

This is the spirit who breathes new life into the dead situations, success where there's failure and progress where there is stagnation.

The spirit of God who set the sun and the stars ablaze is enough to brighten the darkest corner of man's life. The creative power who breathed life in to every living creature on the face of the earth is enough to enable us greatly succeed in life. If He could make us sons and daughters of God in Jesus (Jn.1:12), He can enable us fully live and fulfill our purpose .But the predisposition of many Christians-youths is that they ignore the mighty spirit of Jesus in them, and instead deal with life just like any other person next to us, even a non-believer, and that largerly explains the failure and stagnation of many lives. We get worn down, because we Labour in the flesh, instead of relying on the spirit of God to work in us. But anything you do in the energy of the flesh can't go far (Zech.4:6, Jn.6:63)-and it can't fail to wear the flesh down!
As youths, we need to know that we're equipped with the mighty spirit of Jesus the same spirit of Wisdom and excellence that created the world and upholds it (Jn.17:22, Jn.20:21)!since "God placed all things under Jesus' feet and appointed Him to be Head over every thing for the church ..." (Eph.1:22)-and if this Jesus lives in us members of the church (Col.1:27) then everything under Christ's feet is under our feet ;everything that's under His sovereign control belongs to us.
In His name, we must prosper in a world where many meet failure! There's no good reason why a non-believer with an old, fallen nature (spirit) of Adam should beat a believer with the new, superior nature (spirit) of Jesus, in any godly project. If the old fallen nature of Adam can still inspire a measure of success in a non-believer, how much more would the spirit of God do in a Christian?

We of Christ must stand out and shine in a world of non-believers-

Because "Greater is He (His spirit) who is in (us) than he (the fallen spirit) who is in this world" (1Jn.1:4). God has equipped us in a way that where non-believers walk, we should be flying; where they stand out, we believers should be out standing; and if the devil dares to make non-believers outstanding, believers should simply be the standard around to be used. Isn't it?
Finally I believe as we journey towards the end of this year of possession. May God dress you with the spirit of a conqueror and enable you to possess all that is store for you.
With all the promises you have in Christ, you have no reason to fail in life. And so, never, never give up
Bril Emmanuel

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