These have turned to be the worst days of all time where morals have been compromised. The case of homosexuality which apparently is being traded by the western world through the media seems to target the youth in particular. It’s a call for the church to wake up. And as the Youth of VCCM, we have accepted to stand on the firm ground against all situations that we shall not conform to the western desires which is not only immoral or wipes away the church values but is an evil and sin before God. 1 Corinthians 6:9, tells us that among other sins homosexual perverts will never inherit the Kingdom of God .
The deliberate move by those who have defied God’s call, the so called donors and now money hungry Ugandans are trying to traffic a misconception that Christians are wrong because they are being judgmental. As VCCM Youth, we are just reflecting what God’s word says you cannot blame a mirror incase it shows a person being ugly because it’s just a reflection of ones looks.
Likewise, we are using the Bible as a tool to remind the homosexuals, sexual perverts and all other immoral people that they are straying away from the normal way God intended people to live.
In fact, there is no way God can contradict Himself by creating Adam and after seeing that he needed companion, created Eve and also there after created everything male and female. For instance, even before God sent a flood during the days of Noah, God instructed Noah to secure with him all creatures, both male and female so that there will be a new generation which would multiply in their numbers. One thing that would intrigue you to know is that homosexual who play the female role actually dress like ladies. The issue is this: if they know a man is to be attracted to fellow men, why do they want to appear like girls or ladies. Simple: they want one to assume they are ladies in order to be attracted .It is not a biological or rather natural because God gave us freedom, to choose the way we want to live our lives.
We are also aware that, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of immorality including homosexuality (Gen19:5).
We the youth appeal to our parents that together, we can maintain the values of this nation and also restore our lost morals which has led us to experience more evil acts like corruption, child sacrifice, abortion and child labor among others. These are the days that were prophesied in the Bible in which the Lord will send Elijah to restore families, father, mother and children (Mal 4:5) “see I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes he will turn the Hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers or else I will come and strike the land with a curse”.
Parents, Church and political leaders, we believe that God has sent us to restore and maintain the moral values of this country. It is our call to be strengthened in prayer and action to save our nation which God has greatly endowed with great blessings.
1 comment:
Fellow youths lets read this good stuff on Homosexuality and God will bless you greatly
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