Wednesday, June 9, 2010



Dear friend as we have already began the journey into the next quarter of this year 2010 i sat  down and thought of what we need real as God's children to move to the next level . and in that very moment I got this word for you and me . God is telling us that all we need in the next part of this year is to have a courageous heart of no turning back. lets go to today's text
“…forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12-13)
Apostle Paul compared his Christian life with running a race for a prize. He said that one thing he did was to forget what was behind him and to press on towards the mark (finishing line).
From Apostle Paul’s word, you can see that the possibility for an athlete to be tempted to look back is real. What would really tempt a runner to look back?
His fellow competitors.

The threat of loosing up one’s position and perhaps the entire prize can compel one to look back. Yet looking back would cause the athlete to lose focus of the goal.
For an athlete, it is not what is behind which is important but what is infront. What is behind is something that has already been defeated. What is infront is something that is yet to be attained.

In the same way a Christian who keeps looking back after making a commitment to Christ remains unfocused and is in danger of never finishing the race and losing the prize.
There is no need to keep going back to the things you have already left for the sake of Christ. Doing that cannot help you attain all the promises of God for your life.
When I was a little boy, we use to sing a certain song which goes like this:
I have decided to follow Jesus x 3

No turning back x 2.
Jesus is our goal we must keep our eyes on Him at all times. Remember that you will hear voices that will tempt you to look back because that would mean total lose.
There should be not turning back after you have made a commitment to Christ.

God bless you.
 Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi
Scripture study: Lk 9:62


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