Wednesday, June 9, 2010



Are you laden with so much debts that it appears there is no way of getting out of them? Has it made life an unbearable burden for you? A nightmare that has been chronic and worse still you find yourself enslaved in accumulating more?
Or have your debts accumulated into a mountain that is still growing and yet you are so Busy with the hustle and the bustle of life that you have become unaware of the 'mountain hanging over your head by a thread?
A mountain that could snap without warning and crush life out of you? Shouldn't you wake up and realize the seriousness of the situation?
And now I will show you the only way out of such a problem. It requires someone willing to bail you out. When a banker decides to cancel a debt; it is not free, someone somewhere must meet that sacrifice directly or indirectly. Someone else is made to suffer the consequence. There is a banker who is willing to bail and how to get him, there is one thing you must watch out: Your immediate reaction!    There are two alternatives; either to accept or reject the offer. (But when you reject it, it is a sign that your condition is very serious and requires urgent reconsideration.
It is like a dying patient rejecting the only cure. Wend, I would then plead with you that you act swiftly and accept to be helped otherwise it could be too late.
The banker is none other than Jesus Christ. He has a bank cheque ready for you. What you have to do is accept your name to be filled in and your debts will all be settled. We have all sinned and our sins have accumulated before God demanding to be accounted for. Whether you argue about this and dismiss it as something that does not concern you, still you will not escape the time of reckoning. (Hebrews 9:27) All have sinned (Romans 3:23).
The Law of nature demands that there is nothing for nothing. Likewise sin demands a penalty which has been met by Jesus, who atoned for our sins and appeased the wrath of God that could have come upon us in full force. Like wise every gift, you have to receive it in order to benefit from it. No other religion offers a solution to the problem of sin and bondage to sin, other than Jesus Christ. He gave himself for us to bail us out of indebtedness to death and he gives us life.
In Romans 6:23, the Bible says: "For the wages of sin is death, But the gift of God’s Eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (NIV) This death referred to is not ordinary death but eternal punishment in God's Prison Hell (Math, 25: 41-46, Rev. 21: 7-8). You have only to receive this gift. “Yet to all who receive him, to those who believe in his name, lie gave the right to become children of God. (John 1:12 NIV).
If you have never invited Jesus into your heart, I advice you to do it right now wherever you are, telling him with sincerity to come into your heart and ask him to be your Lord and Saviour and take control of your life. Ask him to forgive you all the sins you committed.
He will do it and you will have peace. Get a copy of the Bible and begin reading it daily, beginning from the New Testament. Fellowship with believers who will aid you to grow. You are now a child of God when you have invited Jesus into your heart. You have full rights to receive all kinds of help from God through his promises. (Mathew 6:32-33, 11:28),
In order for your needs to be met you have to exercise simple trust in God. Jesus says: Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours” (Mark 11: 24 NIV). When you ask God, remember to do so in Jesus' name.
Friend, try and you will never be the same again.
I wish you the best in Jesus' name,
George Oduch (Senior Pastor), Victory Church of Christ
P.O. Box 34167 Kampala,
Tel: 0414-222700, 0772-465293,
This message was brought to you by the LOVE and CARE of YOUR DAILY VICTORY INTERNET OUTREACH. 2012


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