Wednesday, June 9, 2010


TEXT: Heb: 2:3
 “How shall we escape (appropriate retribution) if we neglect and refuse to pay attention to such a great salvation (as is now offered to us, letting it drift past us forever)? For it was declared at first by the Lord (himself), and it was confirmed to us and approved to be real and genuine by those who personally heard him speak).
What is salvation? The dictionary defines salvation as the act of saving or the state of being saved from sin and its consequences. And what is this great salvation our text is speaking about? This great salvation is about what God has done about sin and its consequences in the lives of men. Whether one admits or not, sin is a reality in the life of every human being. Sin is a spiritual sickness that grips the life of every human being. Sin separates man from God and man from fellow man. Sin hurts. There is war between people because of sin. People are selfish because of sin. People embezzle because of sin. People hurt those they are supposed to love and protect because of sin. Marriages are wrecked and families are damaged because of sin. People are arrogant and proud because of sin. People refuse to share because of sin. People worship evil spirits, material things because of sin. Greed, drunkenness, drug addiction, abortion, murder, robbery, unfaithfulness, sexual immorality and all forms of deceit and so on are there because of sin. Sin is widespread, manifesting itself in all kinds of ways and sparing no one. People know about sin. They know that sin causes them to do bad things and to have bad attitude. People want to get out of sin but they cannot. And then they seek for ways at times through religion to get out of the power of sin and its consequences and they find that they cannot. Others then get frustrated and settle in sin thinking that there is no way out, for living under the power and control of sin appears to be the normal order of things. No, that is not how God intended man to be. Seeing that there is no way for man to come out of the power of sin, God, because of his great love for man worked out a way. That way out of the power of sin is what our text calls the great salvation. This great salvation tells us about God’s love for man in spite of his sins. It also tells how God through offering Christ to die on the cross met the payment for sin. That through acknowledging one’s sin, turning away from it and accepting the payment Christ made for sin; one is forgiven. That through Christ whose spirit comes to dwell in every one who repents and accept him as Lord and savior, one is saved from the domination of sin and its manifestations. Peace is then made between man and God and with fellow men. Through commitment to obey Christ’s words, power is then released into one’s attitude and morality. Through Jesus, God is able to deal with the problems of sin in one’s life. Through Jesus, a place is secured for one in God’s kingdom. That place or position guarantees that even when one dies, there is an assurance that one will live in peace with God thereafter. The Bible in Hebrews 9:27 says that, it is appointed unto man to die once and thereafter face judgment. If you have done nothing to allow Christ Jesus to save you, then how unfortunate will that be! Perhaps you have not taken any step to allow God to save you from your sins by turning away from your sins and accepting Jesus Christ to take control of your life. If you have not yet done so, why ignore such a great salvation? May be you are trusting in your good works thinking that it will earn you forgiveness and salvation from God. Could be you are trusting in your religion? No, religion won’t save you from your sin. That is why many horrible things have been done in the name of religion. It won’t help you. No learning, no philosophy and nothing else can save you from the power of sin.
Only Jesus can save you. He alone can deal with your life to ensure your freedom. This very moment, why not entrust your life to him and receive this great salvation that is being offered you if you have not yet done so. If you are ready to receive Christ as your Lord and savior, please say this prayer:
“Dear Jesus, I come to you as a sinner. Forgive my sins. I repent of them. Jesus, I believe that you died for me and God raised you to life again. Right now, I invite you to come into my heart. Be my Lord and my savoir. Thank you for saving me. Amen”.

If you said that prayer from your heart, you have been saved by faith. Find a good Bible based church near you where you can fellowship in order to learn and grow spiritually. Read the Bible beginning from the gospel of John. You will never remain the same. May God bless you. 

George Oduch (Senior Pastor) Victory Church of Christ Luzira Kampala, P.O. Box 34167 Kampala, Tel: 256 414 222700, 256 77 2 465293, E-mail:

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