Monday, May 31, 2010



Your life is not measured by your accomplishments, but rather by the people you’ve touched and the lives you changed.
Mentoring someone allows you the opportunity to establish their ministry and change the trend of their life.
Mentorship is one of the most un-tackled subject in both the Church and in governments. thus it has affected us and raised a big concern especially in the Church whether we are really saved. However in this message i want to strongly point to you who are a mentor and why do we need mentors?
Thousands of crowds get saved every day but do they have mentors?
According to the American Heritage Dictionary, a mentor is a wise and trusted counselor or teacher especially in occupational settings. Some one whom many can follow his trend cause of the way he or she inspires other people.
“A good mentor walks the way of success before he shows his student the way to success meanwhile the wrong mentor teaches and shows his student the way he can’t walk therein”. By Brilemma

Today in the world many people including Nations are lagging behind because we lack mentors. One evening as I was having a conversation with an Indian, who networks our computers, He made a statement that amazed me. He said I would love to retain information to my self cause I love money and also love my Job. But because I don’t want you to keep spending money calling me every now and then let me show you the way to do this. What was he trying to do? He was letting me into his world of networking thus mentoring me in that very field.
If Nations can have men with the mentorship spirit, a small nation like Uganda will have an economic, social and moral growth rate go high.
 As a mentor you need to know the following:
  1. You don’t have to wait for someone to ask you to mentor them
Pull them aside and explain to them that you see potential in them and you believe they are ready to be mentored.  You may be amazed to find that they have been waiting on SOMEONE to notice them.  This is an aspect that is needed today in the Church of Jesus Christ but unfortunately we have countable men and women of God who can do the work of mentorship.  Many today pull down their flock whenever they see that someone they are trying to raise is becoming famous. When they at such a point they should be happy that at least there’s a noticeable fruit that can remain.

  1. Don’t judge – Critique.  The difference between the two is, one is done out of love and concern the other is not.  Let your aspirant know that you care only for their growth and want to offer suggestions for them to become better.  For example in the Born Again setting, many senior pastors have failed to give their juniors an opportunity to stand on  the pulpit in fear of the juniors being renown and instead have lowered them down and more worse when the juniors make mistakes they are not corrected but Criticize and judge them. We need to love and show concern to others as it will help many to come under our mentorship

  1. Open up.  Tell them of your early shortcomings.  Let them know that all is not going to be easy.  Confess a few faults and ways you have conquered them.  There is nothing common to man.  There is a great possibility that they may need to know how to get over a few things along the way. For years in ministry under the leadership  of Pr. George Oduch who is my senior pastor at Victory Church of Christ Ministries, I have seen him open up to us by giving his personal examples of hardships he encountered and how he overcame them. This has therefore encouraged us to know that thou we meet hardships on our way in ministry and other areas of concern we can overcome. There has been this missing link in many leaders.

  1. Model it in front of them.  They are going to do what you do - not what you say.  Regardless of how well you explain things to them, they are going to model themselves after your actions.  You speak to them when you are not speaking to them at all.  Remember they are watching you and learning.  Today we have left our Children in the hands of wrong mentors like lesbians, Homosexuals and sex workers who have mentored our youths in perversion. Church it’s our role in the society to be role models that all can follow. Pastors let your flock know that you are their role model.

  1. Meet with them.  Choose definite times to meet together.  Doing this tells them that you care about their growth and are concerned about them as a person. If you are a leader, I want you to ask yourself this test question. How many times have you met the people under you to encourage, pray, and help them as a leader ever since this year began?

  1. Let them know when they do well.  In this world that we live in, people infrequently get affirmation.  When you tell most people they are doing something well, they will try harder and do better the next time. This I have seen it in my own life. The few times my boss has appreciated my work it has helped me to work hard for the best. I too have applied this principle to the people who work under me. The more I appreciate them the better I have seen them contribute much to the department.

  1. Let them into your world.  Let them follow you to preaching engagements.  Let them sit in some of your counseling sessions.  Let them sit in some of your business meetings.  Let them learn from you.  They will learn how to handle and get through tough situations by seeing how you get through them. This I have witnessed in the life of my own pastor George Oduch. I recall an incidence when the Church needed a big sum of money to meet the allowances of the Church staff. He called as and said lets call on the Lord, He himself promised to provide. We prayed that day. To my surprise I say pastor saying I feel the money is coming in the name of Jesus and for sure the following day the staff allowance was there. Why have I brought this because it made as join the world of faith in an emergency and all because Pastor George let us into his world of Faith

  1. Think about those who have touched your life.  How did they do it?  What did they say to you that gave you direction or hope?  Do these same things to those whom you mentor.  
Finally, mentorship is not preparing your son or daughter for leadership cause you feel insecure about those surrounding you in your company or Organization. but it is picking up the people who you know have great potential in them and pointing to them about that potential. I have heard many people in the church say so and so is my mentor and yet they have their Spiritual leader whom they don't see as their mentor because the above aspects mention don't exist in them. In real sense your spiritual leader is supposed to be your mentor but remember you spiritual leader, its' not automatic that because you are a leader to someone you are that person's mentor, No Mentorship begins when you also work towards it.
By so doing the above we will create a world of difference and a world that cries for more of godliness. In a nutshell, mentor somebody. God bless you!

A mentor shares your feelings
Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi
Tel, +256 775 585176


Anonymous said...

Talk about it dear. together we can

Anonymous said...

Hello man of God, i believe it with you. its a good thing to have good exemplary mentors. thanks for opening our eyes. God bless you.

Prince Junior

Anonymous said...

What can i say man of God other than to say God bless you mightily


Anonymous said...

Well done man of God for the messages i have read on your Blog spot. yourdailyvictory is one of the best christian educative blogs i have read materials from. more so the message on MENTOR SOMEBODY. this is all to the people out there read this blog and your life won't remain the same.

Daughlas jean

Anonymous said...

In Africa today we have got many un interfered wars because we lack good mentors. thanks for opening our eyes.
