Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Praise the  Lord all my friends in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. as we have entered this month of May. i believe that God is taking us to  a season of abundant grace and overflowing blessings. However, we need to do something. Recently a man of God from Nigeria contacted me with the need to acquire 24 Large print bibles. and below is the letter after i sent to him what i felt for the ministry. you and me its time we did something and God will surely bless you.

if you are ready please let me know so we can together do something through my contacts on this blog.
God bless you 

Yours in Christ
Bril Emma Opanyi

From: Pastor Alison C. Hoffman (

Sent: Tue 5/04/10 5:21 PM

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Dear Brethren in Christ,
Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ the Saviour of the World.
How is your family and the Ministry ? I hope all is going well by the
grace of God.
Meanwhile, I have passion for the Lost Souls over here in my Community
and beyond. I have been privileged by God to share His saving message
to those People in the Prison, SChools and rural Communities as well.
And I thank God for using us to win Souls into His Kingdom and I
strongly believe that we can work together in reaching more Souls in
the Villages and other Cities . The People we reach with the gospel
are predominantly traditional worshippers and muslims as well in terms
of Villages and other Communities. And God Almighty is touching them
through the Power of His Word.
Many Inmates are coming to repentance and accepting the Lord Jesus
Christ as their Saviour and the Problem we are having now is the
inablility to buy the 24 Large Print Bibles for the Precious Souls
that need them and I am so glad to hear from you that you will help us
with the 24 Large Print Bibles and ONE STUDY BIBLE.
I have sent you my ministry Photos including the Orphanage as well .
May the Peace of our Lord be with you and your family. I hope to hear
from you again and I am glad that you will be helping us with these
Bibles soon.
Yours in the Lord's Vineyard,
Love of Christ Community Church
Ikpekuji Road G. P. O 8950 Benin City Edo State
236 Love of Christ Community Church Avenue
Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u man this real eheheh hahaha u man haha this is marvelouse helleluyah to Jesus let no one despise our youths the time has come for the youth to rise and shine for christ .may the Good lord give you more grace and resources to enlarge and expand his kingdom .
keep it up and tell all those redundant youths out there to utilise and maximise their opportunities and potentials
am working hard to have internate in my office so let the Jabez team have me in prayers and also am beginning exams soon.
pray for the ministry that is coming up which is schools ministry . we are believing God next term we have to move to schools to speak and sensitise our youth against homosexuality in schools so pray and pray tell the jabez team to pray against the spirit of homosexualty in secondary schools and also we need resources to begin up this program and we need also a team that we are planning to train in public speaking and presentation then later they will be same team that we will use to move in schools around uganda .all uganda schools are for jesus there fore no homosexuality at any moment please ema pray and pray am also praying every morning tell the jabez to seek the grace of God to reliese resources in the youth of the churches of uganda so that we can posses the land for christ . many want to marry but they dont have the money, many want to build and even establish big ministry with a big vision so emm let us believe God this year.
am tired of a bicycle this year things should change.
amen and amen
thank you for being a focused guy . the world doesnt need many people to improve but it needs few people with a developmental vision. and the good news is that you are one of them am propehtically confessing but give it time and it shall come to pass. you are one of the people God has chosen to change the world so keep more determined learn new things every day becouse the world also needs learnt and highly skilled and visionally people.
