Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Why people miss out on God-given opportunities


Why people miss out on God-given opportunities

Napoleon once said that an opportunity will only dance with you when it finds you on the dancing floor. Many times I have met people who keep saying statements like: I wish I knew. Had I followed God’s voice I would be married. I would have my business, If God could reverse for me this or that and many others’ but why those questions? It’s because at one point God gave them an opportunity but they missed it. “What you don’t know can’t hurt you” – ever heard this saying before?You won’t know what you’ve missed unless someone who knows what could have been, tells you. Why do people miss God-given opportunities?
We don't know what our glass of blessings have missed because of our lack of faith and fear
Let’s take it from the Bible
2 Chronicles 15:17, it says that king “Asa’s heart remained completely faithful throughout his life.” Now that is a very rare and difficult compliment to achieve from the Bible – and Asa was one of those kings who have evidently achieved it.
But right on the next chapter we can see that Asa has made some wrong decisions late in his reign and lifetime. 2 Chronicles 7 says “Because you have put your trust in the king of Aram instead of in the Lord your God, you missed your chance to destroy the army of the king of Aram.”
The context behind this is that Asa was first challenged by a million-strong army of Ethiopians while his own Israelite army numbered only 580,000. He was clearly outnumbered by almost half. But he called on to God and God gave him victory. It was a great show of faith in God on king Asa’s part.
But after years of peace, he has forgotten how God has given him great victory and delivered him from the Ethiopians. Instead of turning to God in a up-coming feud against the Israelites, (Asa was king of Judah and he was at ‘civil’ war with then king of Israel) he turned to the king of Aram for help – bribing the king of Aram with gold and silver dedicated to the Lord from the temple.
The Lord did not let this slip away. Is it a small matter? Maybe… But not for God. Remember that without faith it is impossible to please God – and clearly, king Asa did not put his faith in God with this act of turning to the king of Aram for help.
So God gave Asa another chance to turn to Him – He struck Asa with a severe foot disease. What happened? Again, Asa did not turn to God – he had a rebellious and hardened heart. He turned to his physicians for help. But they could not heal him.
I want to emphasize on the point wherein Azariah told Asa that he missed his chance of defeating the armies of the king of Aram. Would Asa know what could have been? Perhaps not. He wasn’t a seer or a prophet. But he did miss something, right? Something great. And isn’t that what happens in our lives today?
We might not know it but we do miss great, God-given chances. We miss chances when we don’t tell our parents of our faith in God and how we want to praise Him because they might think we’re stupid with our faith. We miss chances when we don’t tell our brother or sister of our faith and passion for God because we’re afraid they might think it’s awkward. We miss our chances with friends because we’re afraid they’d think we’re crazy and a freak when we share our faith with them. And above all we miss out on God-given opportunities when we fail to trust God in any area of our lives and instead turn to man for help. Listen to me man can only help you with something that will last long only if he or she is under a divine instruction to help you. Many years ago, I had this lady friend of mine. We grew up together. We had dreams to accomplish before we could see off ourselves to our marriages. As we grew up her focus began to change to what I call quicker results. I tried to talk to her to keep focus on our dreams but she listened not. And now after many years she is suffering with Children who have turned out to be bustards why she wanted her own way not God’s way and now she is living a life of regrets. Hi my friend sticking to God requires a hard price to pay but it’s a sure target you won’t miss.
I keep wondering, had I gone to America six years back because I wanted to change my life, would I have been able to survive homos? Would I still be a born again? And would I still be alive? When I ask all these questions, I begin to thank God for his great love. In these years of patience and focus I have been able to study things I desired while I was still young and from Uganda and truly I believe it is a beginning of the journey that takes me to a place of fulfillment to my dreams.
In all this, we lack faith and trust in God that He will be the one to work in and through them. We don’t want to put our faces and our reputation on the line and we miss our chance. Don’t make the same mistake as king Asa did. I want my opportunities in life. I will grab them. I will trust God enough that I will put everything on the line just so that I will get it. I pray that you’ll also make it so with your choices.
Perhaps you have read this message but deep in your heart you have missed out on your God given opportunities; I want to encourage you today and now to take a path that will never let you down. And that is the path of salvation. Give Jesus Christ an opportunity to put things right in your life and the wrong choices you have made in life by following this simple prayer of commitment. Say dear Jesus. Forgive me of all my sins. I entrust you with my life again. Be the Lord and savior of my life. Today I confess with my mouth and believe with my heart that I am born again. Amen.
Friend, we would love to know how this message has blessed you by contacting YOUR DAILY VICTORY INTERNET OUTREACH INTERNATIONAL. www.experienceyourfreedomtoday.blogspot.com or email: yourdailyvictory@gmail.com/ brilemma@yahoo.com Tel: +256 775 585176, +256 704 585176 or Write to us Bril Emma Opanyi P. O. BOX 34167 Kampala Uganda E. Africa.

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