Saturday, February 25, 2012



Uganda as a nation is approaching her golden Jubilee a time when she will be celebrating 50 years of her independence whereas at Victory Church of Christ Ministries God has led us to seek Him through prayer and fasting for 90 days for a clear breakthrough and Dominion in the Land over the Kingdom of Darkness from 13th. 02.2012 to 12th May 2012.  And for the first time in the 10 years of her existence. What does this have in connection with us the youths? It’s a lot. To some youths 90 days of fasting and prayer may look like it is inconveniencing. But what is 90 days of fasting and prayer in exchange for divine intervention compared to hundreds of days full of suffering, pain and bondage because you neglected the discipline of fasting and had no understanding of the times and seasons of your life.
The bible in 1 Chronicle 12:32 says: “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.” KJV
The bible says that while the other tribes of Israel were the other tribes were in thousands, the Children of Issachar were only 200 but had understanding of the times. The 90 days prayer fast we have began for Dominion is to give us understanding as youths on how to exercise dominion over our circumstances. A person once said that ‘what ye knoweth, ye conquereth  but what ye knoweth not conquereth thee’
For you as a youth to make a difference in your School, family, work place, marriage, Church and nation, God wants you to utilize the given time frame to seek Him for dominion. Perhaps the reason why you haven’t seen much out of your labor in this city is because you haven’t given yourself to seeking God and utilizing your God given authority as a believing Youth. In Psalms 2:8 says: Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession (NLT).
I remember the last time I went for a season of prayer and fasting that never left my life and family the same was a 21 days fast  I did way back in 2004 after I realized I was in a wrong place. At that point, I thought my life had come to an end because of the witchcraft that my step mother (now the late) practiced against me and my siblings that brought our entire family to face grinding poverty and failure in whatever we did. This prayer worked for me and my family. At this time we needed understanding of what time we were in and what we ought to do and that was our time of freedom as we saw the person who hunted us leave and unfortunately die without Christ. To me it was like a dream seeing the tears I have cried come to an end.
As a youth perhaps you have suffered and faced struggles that have made your life miserable and uncertain. May be you feel like you are failing in your studies, Job, marriage etc. or you see no progress in whatever you do. The answer you have searched for all this time may be in these 90 days of prayer and fasting for Dominion. Take hold of your season by seeking Him through a prayer program.
Let us look at passages in the book of Daniel. Daniel also is a man who got hold of the season and changed his nation by reason of understanding.
 “… I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem. And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes :”( Dan 9:2-3 KJV)
 “In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled. Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.(Dan 10:2-3,12 KJV)
 ‘I Daniel understood’ and in verses 12 of Daniel chapter 10 we see the angel appearing to him saying: ‘for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand … thy words were heard’ (Dan 9:2 KJV). In other words, Daniel got hold of his season; he refused to continue in bondage. He wanted change for his entire nation.
As I speak now we are preparing for the golden Jubilee as a nation but looking around at what is happening in our nation, we need God’s intervention to deal with things like corruption which is in high gear at the cost of people’s lives, abominations, the threat of homosexuality, Promotion of Abortions aided by some perverted people from the western world and the promotion of early sex etc. These things are disgracing. And who are the main target? It is we the youths. That is why if we as youths are to stop this cycle of perversion in our country we ought to be youths who have understanding of times and who know what Uganda ought to be like. But this begins with us getting hold of this season by responding to His call for us to seek Him while he can still be found.
In conclusion, I have spoken to many youths who were affected in their academics, marriages, Jobs, ministry etc because of the injunctions that were placed against their lives making them unable to attain success and progress in all their endeavors but whose lives changed the moment they got involved in a prayer fast like the one we are undergoing now at Church for 90 days. Perhaps the only last blow you need to deliver against the devil to push him out of your way to enable you gain Dominion in the Land against the Kingdom of darkness is this 90 days prayer fast.
And now may God bless you as you journey through the 90 days prayer and fasting for a breakthrough and Dominion in the Land over the Kingdom of Darkness.
Bril Emma Opanyi
P. O. BOX 34167, Kampala Uganda. Tel, + 256 775585176

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