Thursday, February 23, 2012



I would like to encourage my fellow youths and parents through this message to do the right thing to help keep our families secure.
Many families have fallen apart due to a number of things I am going to share with you. And this is my own true story. I come from a polygamous setting of six mothers. When I was four years old I saw my father and mother divorce in the open, leaving us with no option but to do what step mothers would tell us to do. At the  age of 13 years I felt like my life was going nowhere and for three times I attempted suicide. I had no future to look forward to. In the contest of witchcraft fights between our step mothers we were like goal keepers. Every witchcraft missile released always ended up hurting us.
At the age of 17 I gave my life to Christ. In spite of the fact that I was saved, I was not certain whether I and my family had a secure future. However before getting saved, I tried to look for meaning everywhere. I always wanted to grab every golden opportunity that would come my way but all was always a disappointment. I tried finding meaning in bars and hooking up with wrong groups of youths but still all these did not give me meaning for my life.  I wondered why I had no job inspite of the fact that I was always developmental oriented and had qualities that made some parents to wish I were their son. Why did I suffer all these tragedies? The answer is simple. The foundation on which my life and that of my family was standing was not a secure foundation. It was a foundation that does not support progress, success, employment and in brief it was a foundation full of disappointments and frustrations. And now this brings me to this question, what must you do as a youth, mother, father or guardian in a family to have your family secure?

1. Rebuild Your Family Foundation
When I got saved I began to look for a way out of this kind of bondage which was for me to understand. I began to fight for something better. I began to rebuild my foundation no longer basing on my past but on God’s word. I and my family members who knew the Lord began to involve ourselves in prayers and fasting, having family prayer altars and reading of scriptures to guide us. It was through prayer and fasting that I came to know of Victory Church of Christ ministries in Luzira. So hungry and eager to know the exit out of my struggles that I began to hearken to God’s word that was always preached. At first it seemed like I was getting nothing but I kept writing every important point preached and  to attend the deliverance sessions that were always carried out every Wednesday by Pr. George Oduch. This helped me to rebuild my foundation on the word of God. This is an encouragement to you the youth who feel like you want to quit, you feel hindered and over loaded with burdens you can’t carry. The answer to the end of your struggles lies in knowing God and what He promises in His word for you. You make that your foundation.That is what will give you security. Don’t tamper with witchcraft and polygamy. And if you have it in your roots pray and cut it off from your own life.

2. Have  a connection with a right Church
Over the years I have met youths who keep saying “this thing of Church all the time”. Yes it may look like your seniors  or those who cares about you are burdening you with going to Church always yet you need it. There are times when I sit down and I ask myself this question. Had I not found a good Church that carries out deliverance like Victory Church of Christ Ministries, where would I be now?
That’s why I want to tell you especially the youths, if there’s something you should do before you think of getting a job, married, promoted, starting up a business, having success in school then it is seeking for your deliverance first. As I have told you earlier I could not get a job despite the fact that I was a bright young man, I could not continue with my studies until I got a connection with the right Church that helped me get delivered from all kinds of opposing forces from my family background. I remember when I was going to sit my S.4 exams my own father an Engineer refused to pay my fees because my step mother told him not to. At that point I felt like my life was shuttered.  It was like the future I had dreamt of was no more and worst of all my other siblings were looking at me for an answer. When that happened they also felt like there was no head way for them. However, because of my association with VCCM, I was taken back to school and later to do Media related courses that have empowered my life positively and also given me a living that in return has also helped me to support my family and others.
3. Have discipline and be focused
Lack of focus is probably one of the reasons that has brought many families sorrow.  When you hire security in your home, it is because you are looking for some sort of safety and for that safety to be realized, the security guard ought to focus on the job. This too applies to us as a family. For us to keep our families secure we ought to focus on what will safe guard our families and that is the word of God. When your children know the word of God and apply it in their day to day life, it will be so hard for promoters of evil like homosexuals, lesbians, sorcerers, ocultic practitioners, sexual molesters, drug users etc. to gain control over them.
Way back through facebook, I got to know some lady from Columbus in the Sates who had arranged my air ticket to travel and work abroad. Seeing the opportunity of becoming wealthy in a short time I okayed the idea. I went through the processes required but because I had knowledge of God’s word I inquired of the Lord and interestingly God gave me wisdom to check out for the organization details on the net only to realize this was a shadow organization whose job is to recruit young energetic African youths into homosexuality. This gives me reason enough to tell you the youth who is in high gear to go to the US and many other European countries to hold on a little. What you are looking for is not there but it is right here in your country all you need to do is discover it, go for it and work for it. While to my dear parents I urge you to teach the children the laws of the Lord that when they are of age they won’t live to make you regret why you produced them. Deuteronomy 11:19 (Amplified) says “And you shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you rise up.”
However on the side of discipline, I want to encourage my fellow youths both in the Church family and biological family to take note of this point. We the youths are tomorrow’s leaders and one of the key factors that will help us prepare to lead is discipline in all areas of our lives. Let us give our parents a reason to know that while they are gone the future will still be secure. Let us be men and women that our Nation will look to for solutions. And above all let us make our parents’ proud of us not bitter about us. Ephesians 6:2 says “Honor (esteem and value as precious) your father and your mother—this is the first commandment with a promise—”
Finally, I want to encourage everyone reading this message that for you to find meaning for your life it’s not in drugs and bars like I thought before, it’s not in hanging out with women or men as some do, it’s neither in quitting your marriage for another one and it is not in foreign donors but it is in Christ Jesus. This very moment Jesus is saying; “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and overburdened and I will cause you to rest,(I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls)  take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest ( relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.’(Matthew 11:28-29 Amp)
Are you a father, mother or a youth who is tired and want to give up in life? Hand that yoke to Jesus and He will give you rest. And if you are not yet born Again why not entrust your life to Christ who alone can give meaning to your life. If you are ready to do so, say this simple prayer of commitment: Say
“Dear Jesus. I come to you as a sinner. Forgive my sins.  Right now I entrust you with my life as my Lord and Savior. Make my family and my life secure. Amen”
If you said that prayer from your heart, you are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Find a bible teaching Church near you where you can fellowship in order to grow spiritually. Let us know about your commitment to Christ through our contacts.

Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi, +256 775585176. P.O. BOX 34167, Kampala Uganda
Welcome to worship with us this Sunday at Victory Church of Christ Ministries Luzira Kampala. We are located 100 meters from Luzira stage 7 on the Road to Lakeside College School and i know God will abundantly Bless You.

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