Monday, April 16, 2012

Things That Will Better Your Relationship

Things That Will Better Your Relationship

Women love getting compliments. Men, especially the unromantic ones run out of things to say, very soon! With some help, you can say beautiful things to the object of your affections; make them feel special and wonderful about themselves and the relationship. The words you choose will set the tone of your relationship, making it blissful and romantic.
Some of the sweet things you can tell your sweetheart are as follows:
  1. I love your smile and the way you make me smile.
  2. I love the way you walk, talk and laugh.
  3. You just make me feel so good.
  4. I will call you honey, darling, sweetheart...
  5. You are the best, you are amazing!
  6. I can’t get enough of you...You drive me wild!
  7. You know me so well, inside and out.
  8. I love you so much...
  9. I love you with my heart and soul...
  10. I love everything about you, inward and outward
  11. You make me laugh all the time!
  12. You keep my spirits so high
  13. You have a wonderful sense of humour, you are so funny...
  14. I love the way you brighten up a room...  
  15. I love the way you love me
  16. I love the way you make me feel
  17. You make me feel at the top of the world!
  18. I never want you to stop loving me
  19. I cherish your love for me
  20. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life
  21. You fill my world with hope and love...
  22. You complete me so well
  23. You make me feel so special and lucky
  24. I need you so badly...
  25. You just made my day
  26. You make my days beautiful and nights wonderful
  27. I can’t get enough of your hugs and kisses...
  28. I am sorry if I ever hurt you
  29. I promise to love and cherish you forever
  30. You are the one for me, my soul mate...
  31. I don’t need anyone else in my life
  32. You satisfy me completely
  33. Marry me and make me the luckiest man in the world!
  34. I have always loved you and will always love you
  35. I miss you terribly.
  36. I am so lonely without you...
  37. My world is empty without you.
  38. I can’t wait to be with you.
  39. I want to be with you forever.
  40. I love the way you hold me.
  41. I cannot bear to part with you for so long.
  42. I feel like I am dreaming when I am with you.
  43.  I have never been loved like this before...
  44. I would like to wake up next to you forever.
  45. It hurts to see you in pain.
  46. I’d rather not be with anyone than you.
  47. You are my Juliet.
  48. A kiss for your every wish
  49. You have changed my life completely
  50. I can’t be thankful enough for the time we have been together...
  51. I will lay down my life for you!
  52. I’d rather not live than live without your love.
  53. I love the way you look up to me.
  54. I trust you with all my heart
  55.  I can't thank you enough for your love...
  56. I cannot express my love for your love completely.
  57. ‘I love you’ is not enough to describe my feelings for you.
  58. You make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world
  59.  I enjoy every moment with you.
  60. You make every other girl pale in comparison.

Does he love me? - Signs that he loves you

"Love is a many splendored thing," is a wonderful old song. We all have a basic need to be loved. When we are children we are content with maternal love and familial bonds. As we mature and we form romantic relationships, initially we may want to keep things light and uncomplicated. But as relationships deepen most individuals feel an innate need to love and be loved in return.
In the early days of romance you may often wonder how serious your man is about you? But even those in serious relationships, whether living together or married, are not exempt from these doubts. Just because he's told you at some point that he loves you or cares for you is no guarantee that his feelings won't change. We need constant reassurance that the loving feeling is still there.
Apart from whimsically plucking a daisy's petals and wondering 'He loves me, he loves me not', how can you gauge his feelings? One can't generalize, but men on the whole find it difficult to express their feelings. It's often left to a woman to try and fathom his deeper feelings. What are some of the signs which you as a woman can watch out for as an indication of whether your man loves you?
1. He tells you
If he says those three words and says them often, count yourself lucky. A lot of men assume that their women know they're loved and don't really tell them often enough. If he realizes your need to hear him say he loves you, and he means every word of it, he's truly one of a kind. A man may not say the actual words but imply as much when he tells you how fortunate he feels to have you in his life.
2. He shows you
Some men aren't exactly good with words and expressing their feelings. But they choose their own avenues of expression. This kind of guy does things, little or big to show you how much you mean to him. That may include ordering take-away when he thinks you need a break from cooking or taking the kids off your hands so that you can have some time to yourself. Yes, you may need to hear the words from him, but have you never heard that 'actions speak louder than words?'
3. He makes you feel special
And then there's the man who's always trying to keep the romance alive. He brings you flowers or wakes up extra early to bring you breakfast in bed. He's always going out of his way to make you feel exceptional.
4. He's happy around you
He sometimes foregoes time with his guy friends just to be with you. It may be because you've been feeling particularly low or you haven't spent enough time together lately or just because he feels good to be with you. If he can't get enough of you it's a sure sign that he's got it bad.
5. He listens to you
We're not talking 'You command, he obeys'. But when you're talking, he's genuinely interested in what you're saying and gives you his undivided attention. He looks at you (not at the television blaring in the background or the newspaper in his hand), responds appropriately and gives you the idea that he's really concerned about your concerns.
6. He compliments you
He notices when you make an effort with your appearance and appreciates it. He tells you which things suit you and add to your look. It always feels great to dress up but when he looks up admiringly and tells you so, you know you matter.
7. He takes care of you
If he babies you when you're sick and nurses you back to health, you can be pretty sure you've got a good thing going. If your comfort level is so high that you can look most miserable and still be secure enough in his love, you've got it made. Marriage vows don't include the "In good times and bad, in sickness and health" clause for nothing. Rose, a high-flying career woman, recalls the time she was suffering from a stomach infection and feeling wretched. "I was running a high fever and feeling like my stomach was turned inside out. The only thing that made me feel like I should hasten my recovery was Marvin, my boyfriend. He was like a guardian angel. He soothed my fevered brow and held the bowl while I puked my guts out. If ever I had any doubt about his undying devotion for me, it was quelled at that instant."
8. His friends and family respect you
Sometimes you can gauge how a man feels about you from the way his circle of friends and close family behave around you. If they hold you in high regard, you can be sure he's been telling them just how happy he is to have you in his life.
9. He appreciates your worth
Sometimes men choose more indirect ways of expressing their true feelings. He may not actually tell you he loves you or even do anything special. But he may tell you how proud he is of your achievements or what a good mother you are or even how well you run the house. You may even find him praising you to the skies to family or acquaintances.
10. He asks for your opinion
When important decisions are at stake, either concerning him or both of you jointly or even the kids, he doesn't just go ahead and do what he thinks is right. He asks for your advice and not just for the sake of it. He often considers it and may even go by it. Or if he doesn't, he tells you why he didn't.
11. He takes your feelings into account
If something upsets you concerning his family or friends, he tries to see your side of it. He feels for you and even if he's seen you cry a thousand times before, he still tries to make you feel better and has that tissue box at hand. 
12. He's interested in what you want too
Let's say you're both watching television and you want to watch Oprah, while he'd like to catch Arsenal v/s Chelsea. You know how men are where football is concerned! If he lets you watch your choice of program, not just grudgingly but because he loves to see you happy, you've got a winner. And if he actually sits through it just because he wants to be by your side, you know he's a goner!

Falling in love - Should you trust your intuition when in love?

It is believed that people in love listen to their hearts rather than their minds. ‘Love is a state of euphoria in which our senses become numb and it is just the beating of our hearts which is audible" , says lovelorn Anne, who is smitten by Scott, her boyfriend of one year. Incidentally Scott echoes Anne’s sentiments and adds, "When in love, logic or reasonable thinking takes a backseat; we either trust our intuition or listen to our heart.
Being in love does not necessarily mean a state of euphoria or happiness. There will be certain circumstances where conflicting ideas or emotions arise. Keeping the love of your life involves different stages like commitment, trust and fidelity. At each of these stages, there are thoughts and feelings telling you what to do and when to do it. You need to listen to your intuition so that you can make smart decisions. The following tips will help you to understand if your intuition can be trusted when in love.
People in love should remember that trusting your intuition does not imply that you either listen to your heart or mind.
Signal alert
Take notice of the signal from your head and heart. You will be able to interpret what your intuition is telling you. When there are conflicting messages: When in love, your mind often says one thing while your heart says another. Here there is a contrast between your thoughts and feelings. Learn to decipher, distinguish and arrive at a consensus after discussing with your partner.
Emotional overload
A surging rush of emotions when in love can create a conflict between your thoughts and feelings. Decision making becomes tough in such a situation. Try to seek some solitude, relax and reflect and you shall soon hear the answers. Once the answer comes, you should act quickly so that you do not have time to doubt your decision.
You should never feel trapped or unable to choose what is right for you. If at any time you do feel this way, then that is a good sign that something is not right with the relationship. You then need to examine what it is that is holding you back. If it turns out to be the other person, you are probably better off leaving the relationship.
Tricky situations

when in love, couples may have to face tricky situations where tough decisions have to be made. Blindly trusting your intuition while making an important decision is definitely not the right thing to do. Couples who have a strong relationship should discuss with each other and mutually agree on what to do next.

Trusting your intuition in love is acceptable in certain stages of a relationship when things are not complicated. But do not get blinded by love and act intuitively without considering the negative consequences. Work on waking up your awareness level of any given situation. Concentrate and listen to what your heart and mind have to say. Interpret the messages accurately and you will definitely transform your relationship into a successful one!

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