Wednesday, June 9, 2010



Are you laden with so much debts that it appears there is no way of getting out of them? Has it made life an unbearable burden for you? A nightmare that has been chronic and worse still you find yourself enslaved in accumulating more?
Or have your debts accumulated into a mountain that is still growing and yet you are so Busy with the hustle and the bustle of life that you have become unaware of the 'mountain hanging over your head by a thread?
A mountain that could snap without warning and crush life out of you? Shouldn't you wake up and realize the seriousness of the situation?
And now I will show you the only way out of such a problem. It requires someone willing to bail you out. When a banker decides to cancel a debt; it is not free, someone somewhere must meet that sacrifice directly or indirectly. Someone else is made to suffer the consequence. There is a banker who is willing to bail and how to get him, there is one thing you must watch out: Your immediate reaction!    There are two alternatives; either to accept or reject the offer. (But when you reject it, it is a sign that your condition is very serious and requires urgent reconsideration.
It is like a dying patient rejecting the only cure. Wend, I would then plead with you that you act swiftly and accept to be helped otherwise it could be too late.
The banker is none other than Jesus Christ. He has a bank cheque ready for you. What you have to do is accept your name to be filled in and your debts will all be settled. We have all sinned and our sins have accumulated before God demanding to be accounted for. Whether you argue about this and dismiss it as something that does not concern you, still you will not escape the time of reckoning. (Hebrews 9:27) All have sinned (Romans 3:23).
The Law of nature demands that there is nothing for nothing. Likewise sin demands a penalty which has been met by Jesus, who atoned for our sins and appeased the wrath of God that could have come upon us in full force. Like wise every gift, you have to receive it in order to benefit from it. No other religion offers a solution to the problem of sin and bondage to sin, other than Jesus Christ. He gave himself for us to bail us out of indebtedness to death and he gives us life.
In Romans 6:23, the Bible says: "For the wages of sin is death, But the gift of God’s Eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (NIV) This death referred to is not ordinary death but eternal punishment in God's Prison Hell (Math, 25: 41-46, Rev. 21: 7-8). You have only to receive this gift. “Yet to all who receive him, to those who believe in his name, lie gave the right to become children of God. (John 1:12 NIV).
If you have never invited Jesus into your heart, I advice you to do it right now wherever you are, telling him with sincerity to come into your heart and ask him to be your Lord and Saviour and take control of your life. Ask him to forgive you all the sins you committed.
He will do it and you will have peace. Get a copy of the Bible and begin reading it daily, beginning from the New Testament. Fellowship with believers who will aid you to grow. You are now a child of God when you have invited Jesus into your heart. You have full rights to receive all kinds of help from God through his promises. (Mathew 6:32-33, 11:28),
In order for your needs to be met you have to exercise simple trust in God. Jesus says: Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours” (Mark 11: 24 NIV). When you ask God, remember to do so in Jesus' name.
Friend, try and you will never be the same again.
I wish you the best in Jesus' name,
George Oduch (Senior Pastor), Victory Church of Christ
P.O. Box 34167 Kampala,
Tel: 0414-222700, 0772-465293,
This message was brought to you by the LOVE and CARE of YOUR DAILY VICTORY INTERNET OUTREACH. 2012



TEXT: Heb: 2:3
 “How shall we escape (appropriate retribution) if we neglect and refuse to pay attention to such a great salvation (as is now offered to us, letting it drift past us forever)? For it was declared at first by the Lord (himself), and it was confirmed to us and approved to be real and genuine by those who personally heard him speak).
What is salvation? The dictionary defines salvation as the act of saving or the state of being saved from sin and its consequences. And what is this great salvation our text is speaking about? This great salvation is about what God has done about sin and its consequences in the lives of men. Whether one admits or not, sin is a reality in the life of every human being. Sin is a spiritual sickness that grips the life of every human being. Sin separates man from God and man from fellow man. Sin hurts. There is war between people because of sin. People are selfish because of sin. People embezzle because of sin. People hurt those they are supposed to love and protect because of sin. Marriages are wrecked and families are damaged because of sin. People are arrogant and proud because of sin. People refuse to share because of sin. People worship evil spirits, material things because of sin. Greed, drunkenness, drug addiction, abortion, murder, robbery, unfaithfulness, sexual immorality and all forms of deceit and so on are there because of sin. Sin is widespread, manifesting itself in all kinds of ways and sparing no one. People know about sin. They know that sin causes them to do bad things and to have bad attitude. People want to get out of sin but they cannot. And then they seek for ways at times through religion to get out of the power of sin and its consequences and they find that they cannot. Others then get frustrated and settle in sin thinking that there is no way out, for living under the power and control of sin appears to be the normal order of things. No, that is not how God intended man to be. Seeing that there is no way for man to come out of the power of sin, God, because of his great love for man worked out a way. That way out of the power of sin is what our text calls the great salvation. This great salvation tells us about God’s love for man in spite of his sins. It also tells how God through offering Christ to die on the cross met the payment for sin. That through acknowledging one’s sin, turning away from it and accepting the payment Christ made for sin; one is forgiven. That through Christ whose spirit comes to dwell in every one who repents and accept him as Lord and savior, one is saved from the domination of sin and its manifestations. Peace is then made between man and God and with fellow men. Through commitment to obey Christ’s words, power is then released into one’s attitude and morality. Through Jesus, God is able to deal with the problems of sin in one’s life. Through Jesus, a place is secured for one in God’s kingdom. That place or position guarantees that even when one dies, there is an assurance that one will live in peace with God thereafter. The Bible in Hebrews 9:27 says that, it is appointed unto man to die once and thereafter face judgment. If you have done nothing to allow Christ Jesus to save you, then how unfortunate will that be! Perhaps you have not taken any step to allow God to save you from your sins by turning away from your sins and accepting Jesus Christ to take control of your life. If you have not yet done so, why ignore such a great salvation? May be you are trusting in your good works thinking that it will earn you forgiveness and salvation from God. Could be you are trusting in your religion? No, religion won’t save you from your sin. That is why many horrible things have been done in the name of religion. It won’t help you. No learning, no philosophy and nothing else can save you from the power of sin.
Only Jesus can save you. He alone can deal with your life to ensure your freedom. This very moment, why not entrust your life to him and receive this great salvation that is being offered you if you have not yet done so. If you are ready to receive Christ as your Lord and savior, please say this prayer:
“Dear Jesus, I come to you as a sinner. Forgive my sins. I repent of them. Jesus, I believe that you died for me and God raised you to life again. Right now, I invite you to come into my heart. Be my Lord and my savoir. Thank you for saving me. Amen”.

If you said that prayer from your heart, you have been saved by faith. Find a good Bible based church near you where you can fellowship in order to learn and grow spiritually. Read the Bible beginning from the gospel of John. You will never remain the same. May God bless you. 

George Oduch (Senior Pastor) Victory Church of Christ Luzira Kampala, P.O. Box 34167 Kampala, Tel: 256 414 222700, 256 77 2 465293, E-mail:

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"Likewise, you younger, submit yourselves unto the elders. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility. For God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time" 1 Peter 5:5-6. (KJV)

Humility is being conscious of ones failings, lowering yourself in your own estimation, unpretentious, not boastful or excessive. Humility begins with submission to God. Submission to God is proven by submission to other men.   That is why in the text quoted above, we are encouraged to recognize the authority of the elders. They may be elders by matter or age, spiritual elders or your seniors in ranks. Then we are told to be subject one to another. This means that inspite of the differences in position and ranks, we should resist the temptation to think that we are above and better than everyone else. Rather we have to remember that we have failings, we are not flawless and where we are weak, our strength may come from the others we are subject to. That is how the church benefits from its members as each serves the body with the gift within him.
You have to remember all the time how much God has done for you, when he forgave you all your sins to make you what you are now. Remembering that will cloth you with humility. When you fail to remember how much the Lord had done for you in respect to your sins and faults, you will become   proud   (insolent,   overbearing,   disdainful, presumptuous, boastful).   Yet we see that God resists (opposes, frustrates and defeats) the proud. Pride can cause others not to remember that without God's mercy and grace, they would be just as wrecked as the people they may want to despise. Pride causes people to make wrong conclusions about others and be presumptuous. It is important to examine our motives behind everything we do or say lest it is pride behind it.
Examining your motive to ensure that pride is not the root will spare you the ordeal of struggling against God. God will oppose and frustrate any ministry that is being offered (even in his name) out of selfishness (pride).
Much of the stagnation in the church's spiritual growth can be traced to the ministers in leadership going their own way in pride, instead of God's way. In the end like Prophet Jonah, they get opposed and frustrated by God himself. This can occur in many areas of your life. It may be that you want your way in the choice of the partner you want to marry; in financial pursuit, in the way you spend money, in the choice of person required to fill a ministerial position or in the way things should be done. It can as well be boasting about a gift or blessing that the Lord is the one that gave you as though it were your own doing.
All this can be opposed or frustrated by God because it is not his way and takes his glory. If you have experienced frustration in whatever you have been doing over a long period of time, re-examine yourself. You may find that God is not in your plans most of the time.
There are many cases of frustrations and defeats that many children of God may attribute to satan without knowing it is actually God opposing them due to pride.
"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you." God's mighty hand represents his authority and power. When you humble yourself under God's mighty hand by forsaking your way, you have submitted to his authority. Then God is ready to work with you. He will not fear exalting you.
The reason why he would want to exalt you is to bring you to a position of more authority, power and resources in order to enable you to serve him better. That is why in John 1:16 the word says that out of the fullness of his grace he gives us one blessing after another. Humility will cause God to make for you a way where there is no way. Through humility he will empower, bless, protect and exalt you and whatever great things he does for you, never forget it. Instead remain humble. Therefore, clothe yourself with humility and he will raise you!
God bless you.

George Oduch (Senior Pastor) Victory Church of Christ,
P.O. Box 34167 Kampala,   
Tel:    256-414.222700,  256-772    465293,   





In Proverbs 28:13, the Bible says that whoever hides his sins cannot prosper. If freedom is to be won, then the first thing that an alcoholic has to do is to admit that a problem exists. The next step the alcoholic should take is damage assessment. Stock taking can begin with four key areas:

1.       Personal health:  Most often, the health of the alcoholic suffers especially if they have reached a point where they drink without proper meals, or enough hours of rest. Excessive alcoholic consumption also damages the liver.  The overall result is that the body immunity goes down, rendering the body an easy target to other opportunistic diseases. Ill health will therefore produce a negative impact on the income of the alcoholic.
2.       Marriage:  Relationship in marriage is severely damaged as many alcoholics under the influence of alcohol tend to develop aggressive tendencies leading to quarrels and fights with their spouse.  Wife battering by men are many times attributed to aggressive behaviour developed under alcoholic influence.  Likewise, there are women who mistreat their husbands and abuse their children for the same reason.  Alcoholic influence lowers the moral guard in many people leading them to get involved in extra marital affairs.  I have heard many people attribute alcoholic influence to extra marital affairs that led to disastrous consequences for their marriage and life.  Many have visited bars without any intention of having any affairs, but ended up with it.
3.       Finance:  Addiction to alcohol can eventually lead to financial drain with the result that the family or the addict suffers from lack of essential things such as food, clothing and so on.
The ability for the addiction to reduce a person to a very selfish individual can be evidently seen when an addict’s spendings are examined.  The usual trend for most alcoholics is that only a tiny portion of their income benefits their families or dependants. The lion’s share is squandered through drinking.  The result is that the family, especially the children suffer.
The addiction problem can progress and cause a reduction in the productivity of the person.  Job loss or lack of confidence in employers to hire the addict thus causes further deterioration of the financial condition.
4.       Parenting:  Alcoholic addiction can progress to the point where the addict’s ability to be an effective parent is seriously hampered.  One of the things that is commonly lacking between an addict and the children is quality time together.  Many of the alcoholic parents especially fathers, spend much of their evening time in the drinking joints after their work.  By the time they come back home, the children are already in bed.  In the morning some of them are off to work before the children are awake.  And if the children are fortunate to be going to school they are off before that parent who could be suffering from hangover is out of bed.

In addition some alcoholic parents under the influence of alcohol assault their children verbally or physically and are very hostile towards them. This creates further rifts between the parent and children; because of that some children are compelled to run away from home into the street, while others rebel against the authority of the parent leaving them even more vulnerable to destructive forces.  Perhaps the most saddening aspect of alcoholism in a parent is that, unless otherwise, the same habit is invested into their children and manifested when they are grown up.
Having taken stock in the four areas mentioned, is it worth the cost of continuing with the practice?
You could be saying to yourself that you are just an addict not an alcoholic and therefore your condition is not bad.  I want to remind you that every alcoholic begins as an ordinary addict. They began the first step into the practice with a tot or a bottle and little by little they were brought far into the practice.  Whether one is an alcoholic or just an addict, the practice is enslaving, and costly in many ways. The Bible says in 1Peter.29 that a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him. You may be tempted to say that: “Oh I have no problem. I don’t disturb people when I am drunk. I just go to sleep.” No! An alcoholic has a problem. What about the harm they do against their bodies through that lifestyle? What about the things left undone because of neglect. From God’s point of view, drunkardness is sin. The bible does not mince words about the matter. It clearly says in 1Cor.6:9-11 that no one should be deceived about the matter: no drunkard will inherit the Kingdom of God.   The good news is that you can find the help you need to come out of the captivity of alcohol or some other practice that is harmful to you or to others. Jesus Christ is able to help you.
Hear what He says in Luke 4:18-19:

 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind; to set free the oppressed and announce that the time has come when the Lord will save his people.”
Even if you are not an addict to alcohol, you could still need help from a certain type of addiction that affects every man.  And the Bible says that if that type of addiction is not dealt with, it will lead to our total separation from God and eternal condemnation.  That is the addiction to sin.  Rom 3:23-24 assures us of Christ’s ability to set us free from the compelling power of sin, through faith in Jesus Christ, who died as a payment for every shortcoming that men have. As many as there are shortcomings in the lives of men, there is only one solution:  Faith in Jesus Christ.
Tonight I want to encourage you to receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour!  Not only will he set you free from your addiction, but he will free you from the power of sin and its penalty. If you have made up your mind to accept Jesus, follow this prayer after me:

“Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner.  Forgive my sins.  I believe that you died for my sins on the cross, and was raised to life for my justification.  I do now receive you as my lord and saviour.  Come into my heart and change my life.  Cleanse me by your blood.  Free me from every form of addiction. Jesus, in your name I pray. Amen”.
 If you have made this confession from your heart, thanks for receiving a wonderful saviour.  Get a bible based church near you and fellowship there.  Get the counsel of a pastor or whoever handles problems associated with addiction.  If you are able to reach us, we shall gladly help you by God’s grace.  Let us know about your decision for Jesus Christ.  God bless you.

George Oduch (Senior Pastor) Victory Church of Christ, P.O. Box 34167 Kampala, Tel: 256 414 222700, 256 772 465293. E-Mail:

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The Power of the Spoken Word  
It matters a lot what people speak over your life.  Words can bless or harm.  It can mislead or correct.  Words can also heal or kill.  There are places that are experiencing adversities because of words that have been spoken over them.  There are millions of people who are being afflicted because of negative words that are tied to their lives in the form of names and injunctions.  A preacher went through the countryside and found a village filled with drunkards and immoral people.  He soon found out that the name of the place was called Sodom.  Only after the gospel was preached did many of them get freed from the power of that name. 
In 2 Sam 1:21, David in his lament spoke over Mt. Gilboa.  He said that never would it have dew or rain again because Saul and his son Jonathan were killed in battle there.  And to this day the place has remained dry.
Negative words spoken by your ancestors or spoken over them by others before you were even born may continue speaking over your own life.

Authority of God's Word
The Good News is that Jesus Christ became a curse for us so that we may come out of every curse (Gal 3:13-14).

You can deal effectively using what God has spoken in his word to nullify every negative or binding words invested into your life by your ancestors, bosses, jealous and malicious people, spouse or devil's agents. 
Make no exceptions; deal with such words whether they were innocently or ignorantly uttered.
In Genesis 3:11 God asked Adam; "Who told you that you were naked?"  As far as God was concerned, that was not his words. He had the ultimate authority; No other being should have determined their destiny, not even themselves by their own wisdom.  It is his word alone that should have had the first place.
Look at the following power scriptures:
"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee thou shall condemn."   Isaiah 54:17
It is a powerful promise. 
You have to assert this fact loud and clear to the devil. Notice that the tongue referred to above is a tongue used against you as a weapon; words spoken that are harmful to your interest.  Notice also that you can do something about it: "Thou shalt condemn!" To condemn is to put out of action; to disapprove.

Name the weapons you know that the devil is using against you.  Render them powerless in Jesus' Name. In the name of Jesus, break the power of every negative word impacting your life whether they were spoken in your hearing or not.  Bring their effect to nought.  Then in Jesus' Name speak into your life what God says you should be in reverse to what the negative words did.
A Steadfast believer, fully utilizing God- given resources can never be defeated.  If you have doubt, look at these scripture below:
Jeremiah 1:9-12 GN
"Then the Lord stretched out his hand, touched my lips, and said to me, "Listen, I am giving you the words you must speak. Today I give you authority over nations and kingdoms to uproot and pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant" The Lord asked me, "Jeremiah, what do you see?" I answered, "A branch of an almond tree."  "You are right" the Lord said,” and I am watching to see that my words come true."

Do you realize that the word of God invested into your life, spoken out into a situation or circumstance that needs to be addressed can impact nations and kingdoms.  It can uproot what has been established over years.  It can pull down what has been standing in defiance of God's will for your life. It can destroy i.e. it can terminate the retrogressive forces in your situation and overthrows what has been in dominion.  The good that you want to see can be planted and build by the same word.  And to crown it all, the Lord is always watching you to see whether you will speak out his words in your prayers or confessions, for him to back it up with the desired results.  Take hold of God's word and undo all that the negative words have done or will try to do in your life.

God's voice is his words.  To listen to God's voice is to receive his word and live by it.  It is what guarantees the fulfillment of God's word in your life

Zechariah 7:11-13 (GN)
"But my people stubbornly refused to listen.  They closed their minds and make their hearts as hard as rock.  Because they would not listen to the teaching, which I sent through the prophets who lived long ago, I became very angry.  Because you did not listen when I spoke, I did not answer when you prayed."

Listening to the voice of God will always bring the desired answer in prayer.  The contrary is also true. That is what the Lord Jesus spoke in reference to himself as the good Shepherd:

In the parable of the Shepherd in John 10:1-11, Jesus referred to himself as the good Shepherd.  He said that his sheep know his voice.  They will not listen to another voice, Instead they will run away from such a strange voice.
 He said he has come to bless and fulfill the lives of his sheep. You are that sheep.  Receive the master's word and invest it into your life. Allow it to keep speaking over your life all the time.  Refuse to listen to any other voice that is contrary to the master's voice.  Reject and cancel any other word that is strange. 

Don't receive it in your spirit.  Instead, assert the master's words in your situation.  When you are told that "you cannot make it," declare that you will make it in Jesus' name. When your old friends in the world tell you that you will backslide, tell them that you will go forward and not backwards in Jesus' name.
When your boss tells you that "your are finished!" Declare that you are just beginning in Jesus’ name!  When you are told that you are dying of sickness, say that you have life and by His stripes you have been healed.  When you are told that you are defeated, declare that you are more than a conqueror.  Let the word of God reign over your life and circumstances!  Then you will begin reigning with heaven on earth.

God bless you.  Move to the next Glory!

George Oduch (Senior Pastor), Victory Church of Christ, P.O. Box 34107, Kampala. Tel 256-0414-222700, 0772-465-293,



From the statement of Jesus quoted in the text, it is plain that nothing can 
be compared                                                                                                            MATTHEW 8:36
to the value of a human soul. When the human body dies his spirit or soul 
lives forever.Where his spirit will spend eternity matters. And that is determined by 
whether a person while still in this life had made peace with God by accepting eternal life that God offers freely to all who will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior or whether one had rejected Christ and thus forfeiting the eternal life that God gives through him. A soul that is separated from spending time with God after Death is a lost soul whose place is a place of condemnation called hell. Hell is a reality. You cannot just wish it a way. Jesus spoke about Hell as a place where the fire does not go out and in Matthew 25: 41 as a place of Judgment that was prepared for the devil and his angels, but where the rebellious will also go. When men die outside God’s grace, sometimes the fear of Hell that manifest at the time of death is very much evident, indicated by a last minute struggle as the soul realizing that it was going to a wrong place, tries to struggle against the angels of darkness from hell. Others even shout in vain at the point of death saying “ leave me, I don’t want to go”.

I once went into the hospital to see someone I had just led a few days earlier to receive Christ as Lord and savior. This man who was previously very bitter yet terminally ill got transformed after he made a commitment to Christ. I remember the first time I spoke to him; he told me that he was already religious. I told him that his religion won’t help him, what he needed which was of practical value at that material time was a relationship with Jesus Christ. When he accepted Christ, the bitterness went. He forgave all who had had betrayed him. He told me that the fear he had of death had gone. He further told me that the day he made a commitment to Christ, he had a vision in the night of a group of spiritual beings all clothed in black who had come to collect him. And that he told them that he was not going with them because he does not belong to them any more and they left. So he beat the devil for his soul by a few hours. And so that day this brother was happy that Christ had saved his soul from the power of the devil and judgment and  that he was going to be with him in heaven soon. One thing that he told me that bothered him a bit was that since his people had deserted him, his body may end up being buried indecently, we prayed over that and I assured him that the Lord will take care of that; which He did. And so early one morning when I went to check on this brother, I found he had passed away. He was lying on his back. His face had peace and it was hard to tell that he was dead. His body looked like that of someone just taking a nap. Yet opposite his bed there was another Man who had also passed away the same night.
What I saw of the second man was in contrast to that of this other brother who died in the Lord. His head was turned towards his back. His tongue was out. His eyes were bulging out and the limbs were spread in different directions. I inquired about him and found out the he died without Christ, so he never made peace with God. His struggles were the struggles of a soul being lost to the powers of hell. I have seen such scenarios again and again. What a difference Christ makes in the lives of Men! It is for the reason of saving Men’s’ souls that Jesus Christ came; because God is not willing that any man should perish.
Whoever accepts Christ as Lord and savior and turns away from his old life style of sin will be saved. Whoever rejects Christ, loses his Soul to damnation and hell. The choice is in one’s hand. And now, what about you who is reading this message; what choice have you made about your life? Remember your soul is so valuable that not even all the wealth contained in the entire world can purchase it from the condemnation that sin brings. Not even billion of dollars, not even material property.
What is that to which you have sold your soul that hinders you from accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Are you sold to sexual immorality, Are you sold to the love of money that has now turned to be your God? Are you sold to witchcraft, sorcery, corruption, bribery, alcohol and drugs? Whatever it is that has kept you from giving your life to Christ, surrender them over to Jesus now! If you are willing to do that, Please say this prayer:
“Dear Jesus, I come to as a sinner. Forgive my sins. I turn away from all my sins. Right now, I surrender my life to you. Come into my heart, be my Lord and savior. Give me the grace to begin a new life in you”. Amen.
If said that prayer from your Heart meaning it, then you have secured your soul by faith in Jesus. Tell someone about your decision. Find a good Bible based church near you where you can fellowship in order to grow spiritually. You can let us know about your decision.
May God bless you.
George Oduch (Senior Pastor), Victory Church of Christ, Luzira, P.O Box 34167 Kampala, Tel: 0414-222700, 0772-465293,

For more info. write us on




Dear friend as we have already began the journey into the next quarter of this year 2010 i sat  down and thought of what we need real as God's children to move to the next level . and in that very moment I got this word for you and me . God is telling us that all we need in the next part of this year is to have a courageous heart of no turning back. lets go to today's text
“…forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12-13)
Apostle Paul compared his Christian life with running a race for a prize. He said that one thing he did was to forget what was behind him and to press on towards the mark (finishing line).
From Apostle Paul’s word, you can see that the possibility for an athlete to be tempted to look back is real. What would really tempt a runner to look back?
His fellow competitors.

The threat of loosing up one’s position and perhaps the entire prize can compel one to look back. Yet looking back would cause the athlete to lose focus of the goal.
For an athlete, it is not what is behind which is important but what is infront. What is behind is something that has already been defeated. What is infront is something that is yet to be attained.

In the same way a Christian who keeps looking back after making a commitment to Christ remains unfocused and is in danger of never finishing the race and losing the prize.
There is no need to keep going back to the things you have already left for the sake of Christ. Doing that cannot help you attain all the promises of God for your life.
When I was a little boy, we use to sing a certain song which goes like this:
I have decided to follow Jesus x 3

No turning back x 2.
Jesus is our goal we must keep our eyes on Him at all times. Remember that you will hear voices that will tempt you to look back because that would mean total lose.
There should be not turning back after you have made a commitment to Christ.

God bless you.
 Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi
Scripture study: Lk 9:62