Tuesday, December 14, 2010


“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”
Proverbs 29:18
   A Vision refers to the mystical experience of seeing as if with the eyes the supernatural or a supernatural being.
Having a vision or being a visionary person therefore gives you an inner sight of seeing beyond your physical status. Visionary people will always see a way out while still in a turmoil and perceive a ray of hope striking amidst darkness which is contrary to the visionless.
God wants us to have a vision that we may not perish. He wants us to have a hallucination of where we are going, who we are and above all who He is.
We should realize that the lack of vision is the beginning of destruction of a Christian. Our text above quotes that where there is no vision, the people perish meaning if people can’t see their future from the present then destruction is certain. Vision is meant t be for every man and woman, implying that a man without a vision is actually walking towards devastation. We should not aimlessly like a goat or any other animal as though our destinies have already been well designed as for these creatures which only await their death. Much as God has designed your future already, He wants you to have a vision and plan of it as well. Therefore failure to visualize this future will result to destruction/ death. Jeremiah 29:11says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
You see, God wants to give you an expected end but this end is revealed to you in the present. Please you have to realize that you can’t expect what you have never seen neither got any idea of. This is what a vision is; it is seeing your future/end from present so that you expect it. Once comings and goings surprise you then you have to re-examine your live whether vision is your drive.
A vision is a key factor for every human being to succeed in life whether as a student, doctor, house-wife, carpenter, pastor or business oriented person.
 A student needs to have a mental picture of success throughout his/her time in school because this will help him/her to push on and press on with reading even at the time when you feel you are not scoring the grades you need. So, lack of a vision for a student therefore will mean dropping out of school because of discouragement or will develop a bias attitude towards certain subjects they are performing well in. Likewise a married man also ought to have a vision for his family. The expected end of your family is most times what you see, why? Because your subconscious mind follows what you program it to do. For that reason if you have no vision then the mind will have no future programs or preparations. This will lead to making decisions under pressure and down to influence of the surrounding circumstances. So the man’s family will end-up suffering insufficiency, lack of proper care as for the children and also misunderstandings between the couples because of lack of together planning.

Let us look at one of the magical ways on how a vision can easily shape our lives for pleasure.
It is interesting to know how some one will stick to one task for a very long time for as long as it is not yet accomplished, even amidst challenges. This will only take a person with an expectation of the end result of that activity in question. Contrary to the visionless, they will venture in so many activities without success in any of them because they begin and don’t finish but leave it underway. We have to realize that much as many different people in one way or the other may pursue similar courses, not every one of them emerges winner, because some people are not focus to their target or what they want to be in life.  
-May this festive season be a time when your mind will be opened to think positively towards the God given goal that is ahead of you 
-May you see success and may your name be called success in Jesus name.
-May you encounter many victories for the Glory of God.
- I pray for you that not only will you see results but you will be a good result and answer to many.
- May mercy and goodness follow you all the days of your life. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New 2011, The year of Great Harvest

Tel: +256 (0)775 585176

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Artist Sarah Kisakye of VCCM performing at the 2010 3rd term back to school party

Youths giving a keen ear to the word of God during a back to school party


Sunday, November 28, 2010

True & Sincere Love

 Complied by Brilemma Resource Center

Lovers and spouses are innumerable in this world.... BUT how many of them are true? How many are sincere in their love? How many mean what they say? How many will pack their bags and leave once their love’s leg is amputated? Once their love has a stroke and is paralyzed? Once their love’s face has been distorted in a sudden accident? How many? HOW MANY? Alas. ....... Very few.... very few can look past the ugly outer cover and reach into the inner heart and still love it.... You may fall for the beauty and figure of someone, but in the long run, its ONLY the person’s character and faith that counts... One such beautiful example....
  This is the True Love Story I ever heard
Rose is a mother of two

If it were you would you go shopping with her? And how many leave their shabby looking wives at home cause they feel ashamed to walk besides them what about such a situation? friends this is sincere love that we all need

She must be lucky
(Rosemarie “Rose” Siggins)

This is an example of a Tension free family life
I really want to speak to all who are reading this message. you may be in a relationship or even a marriage that has nagged you to maximum and you have reached a level of calling your husband or wife 'this thing' Useless man or woman, nonsenses etc. i want you to pose for a while and instead thinking of appreciating the fact that God gave you that man or woman.  Learn to appreciate your spouse's effort and help him or her fight that weaknesses and surely God will bless you.                                        HAPPY DECEMBER 2010


Thursday, November 4, 2010


"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." - Proverbs 16:3 (NIV)
As we come to the close of this year 2010, there are many questions perhaps that you have and are still asking yourself. It may be in your marriage, Job, Finances or even concerning your health especially as per success is concerned. My friend did you know that at one point King David a man after God’s own heart also had the same questions to ask about why the evil one seemed to prosper and succeed?
Psalms 73:3-17(CEV)
“Because it made me jealous to see proud and evil people and to watch them prosper. They never have to suffer, they stay healthy, and they don't have troubles like everyone else. Their pride is like a necklace, and they commit sin more often than they dress themselves. Their eyes poke out with fat, and their minds are flooded with foolish thoughts. They sneer and say cruel things, and because of their pride, they make violent threats. They dare to speak against God and to order others around. God will bring his people back and they will drink the water he so freely gives. Only evil people would say, "God Most High cannot know everything!" Yet all goes well for them, and they live in peace. What good did it do me to keep my thoughts pure and refuse to do wrong? I am sick all day, and I am punished each morning. If I had said evil things, I would not have been loyal to your people. It was hard for me to understand all this! Then I went to your temple, and there I understood what will happen to my enemies”.

Today I want to share especially to the youth this important message on success- success God’s Way. In the world today there are many things that have made people say he or she is successful. But below I want us to look at few things that should be looked at as success (Biblical view of success)
Contrary to the world view of success, I believe a life of success is based on those things that are of great value in the eyes of God. A life of success will exhibit signs of inner spiritual maturity and not outward signs of material acquisition. 
The Bible repeatedly describes the behavior, beliefs and actions that will lead to a successful life. And below are some of the most notable inscriptions of spiritual maturity and a level of true success in life:

1. Faith in God.
The spiritually mature person leads a life of success by putting their trust solely in God. They realize that to trust oneself is foolishness, and to trust others without question is naïve. They recognize the sovereignty, wisdom, and divine direction of God, and apply His Holy Word to their life on a daily basis. That is why we are told in Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.” (RSV)

2.  An Ability to Love.
Love is giving. Love flows from having received love and value from the Lord. Spiritually successful people are givers. They are motivated to help others succeed, even more than they want to benefit themselves. ‘A successful person is someone who notices his failures and strives to make others under him or her not to fail in the same area” Bril Emma Opanyi.
The above can not be done except with a heart of Love. That is why when you examine Proverbs 3:3-4 says: Let love and loyalty always show like a necklace, and write them in your mind. And it continues in verses 4 saying there God and people will like you and consider you a success.” Do you know that because of the great love that Christ had for man kind it is what the father based on to make Him succeed? By you cultivating the spirit of love in you for God and for others with no doubt it will propel you to success that is God’s way.

3. A Joyful Outlook on Life.
 True joy is not rooted in the material accessories money can buy rather true joy is rooted in an awareness of the greatness of God and the many blessings He showers on us on a daily basis. Joy flows from the inside out, and is not based on external things, people, or situations. I have met with people who in the eyes of men they seem to have all material things that youth are running after yet in the long run they don’t have joy. My friend there’s nothing sweeter than the joy that God gives.
Years back I thought getting married to a white way all that would bring me joy. But I realized a shortly after I had made a move to marry a white how deep a great hell I had made for my self that was going to make me live a life of regret and cursing my self.
Many youth want so much to hook up with foreign partners very quickly not for any good reason but to attain resources instantly. That is exactly why many youth have fallen in the trap of homosexuals, lesbians and sexual harassers hence living a life of pain because of the Joy that has been stolen in search for quick success.

4. A Peaceful Spirit.
 Striving for “outward success” can keep us restless, always on the hunt for something to quench our anxiety, fears, or unsatisfied yearnings of the heart. Genuine peace is a feeling of wholeness and calm that stems from knowing one is in right relationship with God. Spiritual mature people have a genuine peace that stays with them even when the world outside is falling apart.
5. Patience.
Spiritually mature people realize that true success in anything is very rarely gained overnight. Success comes from being able to persevere, endure and when necessary, wait for the desired result. Spiritually mature people have learned that long-lasting fixes and cures take time, slow-cooked meals are generally far better than fast food. Rewarding relationships require patience and take time to build. Often, success is sweeter and more sustainable when it comes slowly! In a service at church my senior pastor George Oduch gave us a testimony of a boss in one of the renowned funds organization who wanted his junior to sign for a big sum of money that had no right accountability. But the junior because he was born again refused and the boss hated him so much but later when the Global fund issue came, the Boss turned to the junior and said: ‘if you had signed for the money I would be hunted by now’ and he thanked the junior for refusing to sign. Today both the junior and the Boss stand in better positions to succeed because of a patient and upright heart of the junior.

6. Attitude of Kindness and a Humble Stance.
True success carries an attitude of humility, courtesy, and respect for others. A spiritually mature person allows others to express their opinions and make their own choices - while still being strong enough to express and make best decisions for their own good. Before God, the successful person meekly carries the attitude, “Not my will, but your will, be done.” Worldwide over the generations nations are getting saved from all kinds of demonic oppressions and from sin because of the humble stance Christ had and still has. Jesus gave His will just for me and you that we may succeed today. That is why whenever I think of the nails, thorns, and humiliation He humbled Himself for, I cry tears and even stand a chance to worship Him and Him alone.

7. Self Control.
The successful, spiritually mature person has developed willpower and restraint, seeking what is best for all involved, in the ways and times that are most beneficial and appropriate.
When we seek to develop these godly characteristics, we are well on our way to creating a life of success that is God’s way!
Finally, I want to encourage you child of God to know that the above will not only make or qualify you to be a successful person but it also accounts for who you will be when the day of the Lord comes. In James 5:8 says “You also be patient, establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at Hand”. If God gives the opportunity I will share with you hindrances to obtaining success God’s way
May God bless you and crown up this year 2010 with greatness and make your life successful in Jesus name. Amen.

Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Threats to oneness and intimacy in marriage relationships


For sometime I have been asking my self why many Christian couples are not enjoying their marriage relationships. And in this message I unveil to you some of the reasons why it’s hard to find true oneness and intimacy in many marriage relationships.  I want you to know that today in our generation many marriages are deeply influenced by the culture in which we live, and of which much of the influence does not encourage marital oneness. Most couples have not adequately prepared for the gravitational pull of difficult adjustments on the marriage relationships. 
Now let’s look critically at some of these threats to oneness and intimacy in marriage relationships:
1.       A complex culture
In today’s world there’s much that is driving the wedges of isolation deep in to relationships between husbands and wives. Most people today don’t realize how deeply we have been influenced by the sociological changes over the last 100 years. The world chart graphically portrays a strong cultural current that has swept the family far from it’s moorings of commitment and stability. Our culture has come to think of the family as a risk, not the harbor and haven it used to be.  That is why today a lot has been introduced to our families that have deprived the family values that contribute so much to oneness and intimacy in marriage relationships.
Quoting from an international official who said: ‘the fall of traditional family is a triumph for human rights’. Our culture has been so much poisoned by these abominable practices that have separated families hence a threat to oneness and intimacy.
Today more than 70 percent of people in different countries live in cities. We are so much urban, Mobile and constantly tempted to compare what we don’t have with those who appear “to have it all”. These comparisons have turned out to be one of the most lethal forms of poison for any marriage.
Over the past 100years, oneness and team work was not an option if the family was to survive, the pressure to survive forced families together unless today where selfishness is eroding the cement of commitment causing marriages to crumble.
The complex cultures we are living in have reached a hint where divorce is advertised as an option. A century ago, families might have starved to death if one of the mates chose to bail out hence divorce was not an acceptable alternative.

2.       Selfishness
Harmony in human relationships has always been difficult to achieve. The greatest test of harmony is marriage, where two imperfect creatures seek to defeat isolation and become one. Two people going their own selfish, separate away can never hope to experience the oneness of marriage as God intended it.
On illusion marriage couples fall for in this new age of liberation is belief that they can both be “independently successful” and still have a great marriage. A few couples seem to make it work, but most do not. Isolation is never defeated when each spouse operates totally independent of the other. The only way to unity, oneness, and a successful marriage is through mutual dependence. If each partner doesn’t control “self” and subject it to the Creator of marriage, the marriage dies.
As I have counseled and spoken to couples through physical engagements and internet Charts ,I have seen the corrosive effect of selfishness and independence in marriages. Men stubbornly ignore the needs of their wives. They prefer spending an extra hour or two at the office. I once met a pastor who frequented Christian bookstores and libraries with the sole purpose of avoiding his wife. And I have counseled women who spend countless hours shopping, not for their families but to avoid responsibilities at home and gratify them selves.
Often these self-styled independents spurn counseling .They do not want any help or, if they do concede to enter the counselor’s office, they defy being taught anything by anyone. Arms crossed, head held high, they refuse to hear anything their mate or the counselor has to say. They are   miserable, lonely people, and so are those who have to live with them
But marriage frozen in the isolation of selfishness didn’t start out that way. People get married with “stars in their eyes.”They don’t see reality when they’re dating or during the engagement. They wear blinders equipped with special lenses that filter out all the unpleasantness. Some are so desperate to love and be loved that they deny reality. Engaged couples are in love with romance because things are going their way. It’s a special time they don’t want to be bothered with the truth or obvious facts that suggest there could be some problem down the line. Instead, they want to experience this thing called “love.”This is exactly why it’s very hard to correct two people who have fallen in a wrong relationship.
Many couples think marriage promises fun that will never end. Nothing in the world arouses more false hope than the first four hours of a date or the first day of the honeymoon.   
Then reality sets in. Comedian Benny Fields said it well: “The glances over candlelight that seemed so sweet do not seem so amorous over shredded wheat.”The lovely person who, during the engagement was an ideal now starts to become an ordeal. Selfishness begins to rob the relationship of its romance in tiny but significant ways.
Humorist Sam Levenson summarized the problem when he said “Love at first sight is easy to understand. It’s when two people have been looking at each other for years that it becomes a miracle.”
Many people say ‘There’s no hope. I can’t change him,’ or “What is the use? She will never be any different” I want to tell you that marriage offers a great  opportunity to do something about selfishness that is why you need to learn as couples to apply a plan that is bigger than human self- centeredness.
Many marriages are just like that. We can’t stand the isolation but we desperately need to learn how to live with the sharp barbs and quills that are part of coming together in oneness.
Is there a way to have oneness and intimacy without the pain driving us apart? I believe there is.  And the best answer is in the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. Instead of wanting to be first, we must be willing to be the last. Instead of wanting to be served, we must serve.  Instead of trying to save our lives, we must loose them. We must love our neighbor (our spouse) as much as we love ourselves. In a nutshell, if we want oneness and intimacy, we must.
Marriage provides the opportunity to live life for someone besides yourself and to avoid the terrible judgment, what keeps letting us down is the mentality of “I can’t depend on anyone”
The key to solving selfishness is learning you have to depend on someone else because you really have no other choice. To experience oneness and intimacy you must give up your will for the will of another (your spouse). But to do this you must first give up your will to Christ, and then you will find it possible to give up your will for that of your mate/ spouse.

Unless you come to this “giving up of the wills” and learn to depend on one another, selfishness will cripple or destroy your marriage as you face the inevitable difficulties that are bound to occur.

3. Extramarital Affairs
It’s true that extramarital affairs are often sexual in nature. But there are other types of affairs and one them that I want us to have a look at is “Career” Often people escape the reality of their mediocre marriages by pursuing wealth and materialist desires, or through the affair called “Busyness”
Our desire to escape is promoted by the pressures of the secular culture in which we live.  In unban centers today comes a barrage of advertising TV Commercials, films and public relations schemes, all designed to teach us that we should seek self-satisfaction in life. Unfortunately many mates enter their marriages with this programming aspect mounting up their expectations and fantasies to compare themselves with what they see on TVs and so they ask themselves this question “How come my love life doesn’t match up with the one led by my favorite TV hero or heroine? Why can’t my mate be that cool, that sexy and that romantic?”
Let me up your eyes and mind, you must know that you are comparing your relationship with your mate to a fantasy that’s been developed with a multimillion shillings, dollars or pound budget and so it’s easy enough to be duped into thinking that you deserve exactly what the fantasy on the screen depicts. As the scriptures tell us “Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the world’s” (Romans 1: 22-23) and also Romans 12:2 also speaks more about this.
It is no wonder, then that so many people take the next step into an extramarital affair. Instead of finding happiness and fulfillment in the real world with a real Husband, real Children and a real God, they bail out and chase after the illusions conjured out of their fantasies.
Therefore, escaping reality to pursue fantasy ultimately results in a retreat to emotional solitude. Discouraged and lonely, we stop caring. We have become passive, bored, resigned to mediocrity and as a result it has caused many marriages which began well to end up in divorce.
There are many more threats to oneness and intimacy in marriage relationships. But as you analyze each of the threats to oneness and intimacy I have detailed, you should be able to pinpoint specific areas in which your relationship is affected and work on them so that God’s purpose for your marriage is fulfilled and also enable you to defeat isolation so that you can experience intimacy and true oneness.
May God bless you
Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi

Saturday, August 28, 2010


In today’s edition, I want to share with you a message that will open up your eyes and mind to hate poverty with all your heart. First of all I want to tell you that poverty is one of the diseases that has eaten us up to the bones irrespective of which country you may go. However there is a way out if we only follow it
Deuteronomy 28: 2 says, “And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God.” From the scripture above we see that blessings can pursue and overtake a person. Psalm 23: 6 also says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life...” When you combine Deuteronomy 28:2 and Psalm 23: 6, you get amazing information. We have always been taught that we should pursue blessings, pursue money, be very aggressive and work ourselves to the bones. Then when we get the money, we save it. But now the Bible is saying something completely different. It is saying that those things that you are busy worrying your brain about can pursue and overtake you. Remember that God knows no barrier or impossibility. The most important issue here is if you shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God.
Most of the wealth in the world is in the wrong hands. Why are they in the wrong hands? It is so because we Christians have allowed. Many of the things that are happening are so because Christians allow them. When we stand as a church of God and say that we disallow a particular thing, it would not happen. Our word cannot be challenged because it is by eternal decree. We are sons of the living God by adoption. We were not voted into it, so nobody can vote us out.
Men love the supernatural and they like to see the miraculous. It is because of that you always find people crowding around street magicians putting big snakes round their necks. The Bible says that signs and wonders shall follow believers. It did not say we should be following the signs. Miracles can pursue and overtake you that is the truth. Beloved, I have a word for you from the Lord as you are reading this message: God says that He has just started His work in your life and He has not finished yet.
At the end of the day, the only true fire and power is God. People may say all kinds of things but the only person who has the final say is not the doctor, or the banker, or the lawyer, or the judge. It is not the president, but the Almighty God. And when God says to your enemy, “Let go,” they have no option but to let go. God can overturn the tables any day. May be you are looking at your situation now and every way seems to be blocked and you come to a conclusion that there is no way. I have news for you. When you get to that level, it is then that God has just started to warm up.
Another truth you must know is that no one can cheat a Christian and go scot-free. If they take your one and only treasure you have, the Almighty will use it to claim one million for you. Haman was pursuing Mordecai but the wife of Haman told Haman the blunt truth. Esther 6:13 says, “And Haman told Zeresh his wife and all his friends everything that had befallen him. Then said his wise men and Zeresh his wife unto him, if Mordecai be of the seed of the Jews, before whom thou hast begun to fail, thou shalt not prevail against him, but shalt surely fall before him.” That is the standpoint of the Bible concerning the children of God. It is a known fact today that many believers are financially poor, and that is part of the reason the gospel is sometimes very slow. God does not want the situation to be so meaning that Christians are not supposed to be poor. All Christians must at least be comfortable. In Psalm 34:10 says, “The young lions do lack and suffer hunger, but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.” Psalm 37:19 says, “They shall not be ashamed in the evil time, and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.” That is what the Bible says and verse 25 says, “I have been young and now am old, yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.” This is why I am saying that we must and must hate poverty with all our hearts and not only that but poverty must die.

1.      Poverty Kills. Because the Bible says that poverty i
s not good.Proverbs 10: 15 says, “The rich man’s 
wealth is his strong city, the destruction of the 
poor is their poverty.” So, the poverty of the poor 
man can kill him. Proverbs 20:13 says, “Love not 
sleep, lest thou come to poverty, open thine eyes 
and thou shalt be satisfied with bread.” These are i
mportant scriptures.  One day I had of a true story that was told
by a brother who had taken his wife for delivery in one of t
he renowned hospitals here in our country. While he was still waiting he saw a woman lamenting with her dead child saying ‘If only I had money my child wouldn’t have died’. In other words, this woman was saying if it wasn’t for my being poverty grinded my child would have lived. Many times I have had people say statements like ‘if only we had money’

2.      Poverty obstructs people who would have blessed you. Poverty will make people run away from a believer. When a man of God has visited somebody at home and he has prayed and he has said the grace, the next thing for him to do is to carry his Bible and go. If after the grace, he still sits down, it means that he is looking for something. And if he is going to be begging for money everyday, he would make people to avoid him.
3.      Poverty will make people to look down on our God.
4.      Poverty is not one of the promises of God for His people. This must be clear to us. Some people turn the Bible upside down. The Bible says that it is harder for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God than for the camel to enter the eye of a needle. Now, when you look into the eye of a needle, and try to imagine a camel passing through it, you may begin to conclude that all rich people would go to hell fire. But it is not so. The eye of the needle in that illustration is the name given to a small hole in the wall of Jerusalem where visitors who came late at night passed their luggage, after the big gate had been closed. The camels had to crawl through the hole to the other side. If it were the kind of visitor that the people did not want, they would say, “Sorry, you can’t pass through the eye of the needle. Sleep outside the gate. But people turn it the other way round. A person can be very poor and be very greedy and a person can be rich and be greedy too.

5.      Poverty hinders the will of God. Poverty will make doing the will of God difficult for many people. Any time Jesus wanted food, He got it. If He was fasting, then He was fasting. Recently was having a chat with a married couple who told me that when they were preparing to introduce and wed, they totally had nothing. And this was so tempting for them to have said it’s not possible. But because they hearkened to the voice of God they introduced and wedded successful with out struggle. If they were to listen to the voice of poverty they would have hindered the will of God.

6.      Poverty most times, delays the growth of a believer when the person cannot even buy Christian books and materials to help him or herself.

7.      Poverty hinders evangelism. A lot of people cry day and night wishing they could contribute to the work of God but they cannot because they do not have the money. Beloved, I want you to take this message seriously because as you read and meditate on it, wealth will be released to you even without you doing anything or your money could become too hot for anybody sitting on it and the person would have no choice but to release it, in the name of Jesus.

8.      Poverty hinders prayer in families. Sometime ago, I was trying to settle a quarrel between a couple. They both said their own sides of the case and at the end of the day I came to a conclusion that the problem was poverty. How could Madam tell her husband not to touch her sugar? She used to count the cubes of sugar left in the box and one day she got there, and found out that three cubes were missing, and her husband was drinking tea. She rushed at the tea to fish out the cubes of sugar. How can that kind of family have a family altar?
9.      Poverty opens room for sicknesses and diseases. A lot
of sicknesses and diseases would have been prevented if poverty
was not in place. When God blesses you and you build your
own house or have your own apartment and have your toilet the
way you want it, then you don’t have to share toilet seats with
many tenants that could give you all kinds of infection.
Many sicknesses such as high blood pressure, hypertension, headaches and bone weaknesses come as a result of excessive worry that is cause by poverty. Poor people over think on how to be well and when disappointed they become sick with no right answer for the hungry waiting family.Who are also waiting for school fees etc.

10.  Poverty can be a source of serious temptation. There was a certain girl who came from a very poor family where she was given one hundred thousand shillings to take to school. One day, she found a man in a big porch car who gave her five hundred thousand shillings. She was shocked and could not believe it. But the man thinking that the money was not enough offered to give her more (temptation). Today many of our young girls who would have been good leaders have been seduced with big amount s of money by prominent men who have in turn slept with them and later contracted diseases like AIDS and the end result is death. Why because of poverty oriented backgrounds.
11.  A poor person has no voice. However much you have developmental ideas as long as you are still poor no one will give you an ear. In other words poverty disassociates you from certain classes of people. Two years back a friend of mine proposed to a lady. Both were believers including both their families. When he went to meet the lady’s parents unfortunately the lady’s father ask my friend whether he was going to feed his wife (their daughter) on Church donation! The young man so disappointed went back and decided to study and have a better job. Why have I brought this story? So that you can know that while you are still poor no one will believe you or even listen to you.
Friend, I am sure you must agree with me that poverty must die. To every blessing of God, there are conditions:
a.      For healing you need faith. b. For salvation you need to repent. c. For protection you need obedience d. For good and long days, you need a good tongue. e. To be anointed, you need a clean vessel.
Below are a few things you need to observe in order to come out of poverty:
1.      Put value in what you do. Today many workers due to unfavorable conditions work with I don’t care mentality. My dear friend what will make you attain success even when it seems dry every where it’s how much you value your work. I have a friend of mine who at the place of work when others valued not their work, he did value every single work he was given and because of his good repetition it has promoted him from an ordinary worker to a managing director
2.      Honor the Lord with thy substance.
To destroy poverty and kick it out of your life you must honor the Lord with thy substance. When we honor the Lord and are faithful to His work, only will our lives overflow with bounty of blessings. Proverbs 3: 9 says: ‘Honor the Lord with your substance, and with the first fruits of all your increase’ For God to pour the world’s greatest wealth upon you as He promised in Ecclesiastes 2:26, then you must be faithful in obeying and honoring Him with your substance and First fruits. In Proverbs 13:22 we are told that “A good man lives an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just”
3.      Lastly, listening to and obeying God. As you listen to the Lord and learn to trust Him. Then He will bless you greatly. In Proverbs 10:22 says ‘The blessing of the Lord, it makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it’. However, for us to prosper, this demands for us to live a life of obedience, faith and righteousness. Proverbs 15:6 (Scripture reference).
Until you fulfill the conditions for prosperity, you would continually be snowed under with poverty. Poverty has many agents, which are as follows: devourers, little foxes, cankerworms, sicknesses, death, etc.
Finally, after praying a prayer of faith to come out of poverty, take still another step of faith and look for something to do. However for you to fully understand why you must hate poverty, you can order for the message I share entitled” Six Reasons Why Many Christians Are Poor”  and many more topics relating to day to day concepts to living a Victorious Christian life or you can log onto my blog: http://www.yourdailyvictory.blogspot.com
May God bless you
Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi
+256 775 585176


Tuesday, August 3, 2010



The fateful 11 / July / 2010 Dawned with a very bright and warm morning for Ugandans and as for the rest of the world it was nothing more than great anxiety to witness the kick-off and the lifting of the FIFA world cup trophy between Spain and Netherlands. It was a horrible experience for the Ugandan Community as it was visited by an evil monster of twin Bomb blasts both at Kyadondo Rugby Club and Ethiopian pub both in Kampala claiming over 74 lives both young and old causing bitterness and agony to the relatives of the diseased. 
 This  has been the first of it’s kind thou in the past 20 years as a country we have been in total cold war mainly in Northern Uganda where our brothers and sisters have been slain down as animals. Uganda is one of the African countries that have been in blood shed.
As a Ugandan my question is why kill each other? As the saying goes one spoiled tomato spoils the rest. Today many Somalis are in fear and trembling because non Somalis have too much resentment for them as a result of a very small rebel group in Somalia coming up publicly to declare that they are responsible for the 11th July blood shed. My plea to all the Ugandans is not every Somali is an Al-shabaab.
Let’s say if you, your mother, father or relative that you love so much fell sick and needs a heart operation and the only place for him to be operated is India and because few Ugandans have already spoiled the Ugandan name then you or your sick parent or even sister is denied the Visa will you feel good? Fellow Ugandans! is time we woke up to the call for us to love one another, to cast away hatred and to stop devising means that will cause more blood shed in our Country.
And now that we are faced with this challenge, every Ugandan should seek to unite together so that terrorism cannot tower in Uganda. This can only be possible or impossible by the way we will respond to this massive blow. For goodness sake this is not a time to throw blames and point fingers towards one another. Why kill others again yet we have already lost over 74 lives and over 50 still injured? No. fellow Ugandans arise and use this dreadful incidence as an eye opener to seeing the need of ideological unison and standing together with crying and grieving hearts.
 Therefore let’s all aim at establishing peace now in Uganda whether NRM, UPC, DP, or FDC. Wherever you may fall put your party aside and embrace brotherhood and oneness of mind. It is this positive response which will cease the tears we have shed over this twin bomb blasts. One man said “Every problem humans face, it has a biblical solution“ (O’Bril Emmanuel). The bible encourages us in the book of Romans 12:18 that “Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody” GNB Translation. The very end of this matter depends on you a lone, and alone as an individual. How much have you endeavored to live at peace with all men? The gravity of your effort has a lot to build or rob on the on going peacemaking ways by which the government is trying to make to prevent and harden the out break of terrorism in Uganda.
In conclusion, Fellow Ugandans don’t kill each other, rather doing with your brother and quest for a common enemy. With the coming together of the African leaders for the AU summit that took place late July 2010 at Speak Resort Munyonyo in Kampala Uganda who came with resolutions on how to suppress terrorism and push it out of Africa, I am convinced Uganda And Africa as a whole is free from danger of terrorism. God bless you 
Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi
YOUR DAILY VICTORY INTERNET OUTREACH INT.www.yourdailyvictory.blogspot.com