Thursday, November 4, 2010


"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." - Proverbs 16:3 (NIV)
As we come to the close of this year 2010, there are many questions perhaps that you have and are still asking yourself. It may be in your marriage, Job, Finances or even concerning your health especially as per success is concerned. My friend did you know that at one point King David a man after God’s own heart also had the same questions to ask about why the evil one seemed to prosper and succeed?
Psalms 73:3-17(CEV)
“Because it made me jealous to see proud and evil people and to watch them prosper. They never have to suffer, they stay healthy, and they don't have troubles like everyone else. Their pride is like a necklace, and they commit sin more often than they dress themselves. Their eyes poke out with fat, and their minds are flooded with foolish thoughts. They sneer and say cruel things, and because of their pride, they make violent threats. They dare to speak against God and to order others around. God will bring his people back and they will drink the water he so freely gives. Only evil people would say, "God Most High cannot know everything!" Yet all goes well for them, and they live in peace. What good did it do me to keep my thoughts pure and refuse to do wrong? I am sick all day, and I am punished each morning. If I had said evil things, I would not have been loyal to your people. It was hard for me to understand all this! Then I went to your temple, and there I understood what will happen to my enemies”.

Today I want to share especially to the youth this important message on success- success God’s Way. In the world today there are many things that have made people say he or she is successful. But below I want us to look at few things that should be looked at as success (Biblical view of success)
Contrary to the world view of success, I believe a life of success is based on those things that are of great value in the eyes of God. A life of success will exhibit signs of inner spiritual maturity and not outward signs of material acquisition. 
The Bible repeatedly describes the behavior, beliefs and actions that will lead to a successful life. And below are some of the most notable inscriptions of spiritual maturity and a level of true success in life:

1. Faith in God.
The spiritually mature person leads a life of success by putting their trust solely in God. They realize that to trust oneself is foolishness, and to trust others without question is naïve. They recognize the sovereignty, wisdom, and divine direction of God, and apply His Holy Word to their life on a daily basis. That is why we are told in Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.” (RSV)

2.  An Ability to Love.
Love is giving. Love flows from having received love and value from the Lord. Spiritually successful people are givers. They are motivated to help others succeed, even more than they want to benefit themselves. ‘A successful person is someone who notices his failures and strives to make others under him or her not to fail in the same area” Bril Emma Opanyi.
The above can not be done except with a heart of Love. That is why when you examine Proverbs 3:3-4 says: Let love and loyalty always show like a necklace, and write them in your mind. And it continues in verses 4 saying there God and people will like you and consider you a success.” Do you know that because of the great love that Christ had for man kind it is what the father based on to make Him succeed? By you cultivating the spirit of love in you for God and for others with no doubt it will propel you to success that is God’s way.

3. A Joyful Outlook on Life.
 True joy is not rooted in the material accessories money can buy rather true joy is rooted in an awareness of the greatness of God and the many blessings He showers on us on a daily basis. Joy flows from the inside out, and is not based on external things, people, or situations. I have met with people who in the eyes of men they seem to have all material things that youth are running after yet in the long run they don’t have joy. My friend there’s nothing sweeter than the joy that God gives.
Years back I thought getting married to a white way all that would bring me joy. But I realized a shortly after I had made a move to marry a white how deep a great hell I had made for my self that was going to make me live a life of regret and cursing my self.
Many youth want so much to hook up with foreign partners very quickly not for any good reason but to attain resources instantly. That is exactly why many youth have fallen in the trap of homosexuals, lesbians and sexual harassers hence living a life of pain because of the Joy that has been stolen in search for quick success.

4. A Peaceful Spirit.
 Striving for “outward success” can keep us restless, always on the hunt for something to quench our anxiety, fears, or unsatisfied yearnings of the heart. Genuine peace is a feeling of wholeness and calm that stems from knowing one is in right relationship with God. Spiritual mature people have a genuine peace that stays with them even when the world outside is falling apart.
5. Patience.
Spiritually mature people realize that true success in anything is very rarely gained overnight. Success comes from being able to persevere, endure and when necessary, wait for the desired result. Spiritually mature people have learned that long-lasting fixes and cures take time, slow-cooked meals are generally far better than fast food. Rewarding relationships require patience and take time to build. Often, success is sweeter and more sustainable when it comes slowly! In a service at church my senior pastor George Oduch gave us a testimony of a boss in one of the renowned funds organization who wanted his junior to sign for a big sum of money that had no right accountability. But the junior because he was born again refused and the boss hated him so much but later when the Global fund issue came, the Boss turned to the junior and said: ‘if you had signed for the money I would be hunted by now’ and he thanked the junior for refusing to sign. Today both the junior and the Boss stand in better positions to succeed because of a patient and upright heart of the junior.

6. Attitude of Kindness and a Humble Stance.
True success carries an attitude of humility, courtesy, and respect for others. A spiritually mature person allows others to express their opinions and make their own choices - while still being strong enough to express and make best decisions for their own good. Before God, the successful person meekly carries the attitude, “Not my will, but your will, be done.” Worldwide over the generations nations are getting saved from all kinds of demonic oppressions and from sin because of the humble stance Christ had and still has. Jesus gave His will just for me and you that we may succeed today. That is why whenever I think of the nails, thorns, and humiliation He humbled Himself for, I cry tears and even stand a chance to worship Him and Him alone.

7. Self Control.
The successful, spiritually mature person has developed willpower and restraint, seeking what is best for all involved, in the ways and times that are most beneficial and appropriate.
When we seek to develop these godly characteristics, we are well on our way to creating a life of success that is God’s way!
Finally, I want to encourage you child of God to know that the above will not only make or qualify you to be a successful person but it also accounts for who you will be when the day of the Lord comes. In James 5:8 says “You also be patient, establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at Hand”. If God gives the opportunity I will share with you hindrances to obtaining success God’s way
May God bless you and crown up this year 2010 with greatness and make your life successful in Jesus name. Amen.

Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If there's a message that has really blessed my life and changed it completely, then it's this message on having success God's way.
