Tuesday, August 3, 2010



The fateful 11 / July / 2010 Dawned with a very bright and warm morning for Ugandans and as for the rest of the world it was nothing more than great anxiety to witness the kick-off and the lifting of the FIFA world cup trophy between Spain and Netherlands. It was a horrible experience for the Ugandan Community as it was visited by an evil monster of twin Bomb blasts both at Kyadondo Rugby Club and Ethiopian pub both in Kampala claiming over 74 lives both young and old causing bitterness and agony to the relatives of the diseased. 
 This  has been the first of it’s kind thou in the past 20 years as a country we have been in total cold war mainly in Northern Uganda where our brothers and sisters have been slain down as animals. Uganda is one of the African countries that have been in blood shed.
As a Ugandan my question is why kill each other? As the saying goes one spoiled tomato spoils the rest. Today many Somalis are in fear and trembling because non Somalis have too much resentment for them as a result of a very small rebel group in Somalia coming up publicly to declare that they are responsible for the 11th July blood shed. My plea to all the Ugandans is not every Somali is an Al-shabaab.
Let’s say if you, your mother, father or relative that you love so much fell sick and needs a heart operation and the only place for him to be operated is India and because few Ugandans have already spoiled the Ugandan name then you or your sick parent or even sister is denied the Visa will you feel good? Fellow Ugandans! is time we woke up to the call for us to love one another, to cast away hatred and to stop devising means that will cause more blood shed in our Country.
And now that we are faced with this challenge, every Ugandan should seek to unite together so that terrorism cannot tower in Uganda. This can only be possible or impossible by the way we will respond to this massive blow. For goodness sake this is not a time to throw blames and point fingers towards one another. Why kill others again yet we have already lost over 74 lives and over 50 still injured? No. fellow Ugandans arise and use this dreadful incidence as an eye opener to seeing the need of ideological unison and standing together with crying and grieving hearts.
 Therefore let’s all aim at establishing peace now in Uganda whether NRM, UPC, DP, or FDC. Wherever you may fall put your party aside and embrace brotherhood and oneness of mind. It is this positive response which will cease the tears we have shed over this twin bomb blasts. One man said “Every problem humans face, it has a biblical solution“ (O’Bril Emmanuel). The bible encourages us in the book of Romans 12:18 that “Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody” GNB Translation. The very end of this matter depends on you a lone, and alone as an individual. How much have you endeavored to live at peace with all men? The gravity of your effort has a lot to build or rob on the on going peacemaking ways by which the government is trying to make to prevent and harden the out break of terrorism in Uganda.
In conclusion, Fellow Ugandans don’t kill each other, rather doing with your brother and quest for a common enemy. With the coming together of the African leaders for the AU summit that took place late July 2010 at Speak Resort Munyonyo in Kampala Uganda who came with resolutions on how to suppress terrorism and push it out of Africa, I am convinced Uganda And Africa as a whole is free from danger of terrorism. God bless you 
Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi
YOUR DAILY VICTORY INTERNET OUTREACH INT.www.yourdailyvictory.blogspot.com



Anonymous said...

I am blessed to hear words of wisdom like these. for sure we need not to kill each other. it's our time as a continent to turn to God, to love and not to point fingers at any one

Johannesburg S. Africa

Anonymous said...

Helping people know were they are heading. Especially the way of light is all we need. most preachers have left out this aspect. but thanx to God for using you Bril Emma Opanyi.

I personally i am blessed

Seychelles Island

Anonymous said...

for sure why kill each other. we need each other. Africa lets wake up from the sleep of ignorance.


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord His servant. i have for three years read your materials and it has really blessed. this article WHY KILL EACH OTHER? has really touched me. We need such wisdom in our Country and Africa at large. thank you for such wisdom. May God continue to bless and use you greatly

Uganda E. Africa