Tuesday, December 14, 2010


“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”
Proverbs 29:18
   A Vision refers to the mystical experience of seeing as if with the eyes the supernatural or a supernatural being.
Having a vision or being a visionary person therefore gives you an inner sight of seeing beyond your physical status. Visionary people will always see a way out while still in a turmoil and perceive a ray of hope striking amidst darkness which is contrary to the visionless.
God wants us to have a vision that we may not perish. He wants us to have a hallucination of where we are going, who we are and above all who He is.
We should realize that the lack of vision is the beginning of destruction of a Christian. Our text above quotes that where there is no vision, the people perish meaning if people can’t see their future from the present then destruction is certain. Vision is meant t be for every man and woman, implying that a man without a vision is actually walking towards devastation. We should not aimlessly like a goat or any other animal as though our destinies have already been well designed as for these creatures which only await their death. Much as God has designed your future already, He wants you to have a vision and plan of it as well. Therefore failure to visualize this future will result to destruction/ death. Jeremiah 29:11says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”
You see, God wants to give you an expected end but this end is revealed to you in the present. Please you have to realize that you can’t expect what you have never seen neither got any idea of. This is what a vision is; it is seeing your future/end from present so that you expect it. Once comings and goings surprise you then you have to re-examine your live whether vision is your drive.
A vision is a key factor for every human being to succeed in life whether as a student, doctor, house-wife, carpenter, pastor or business oriented person.
 A student needs to have a mental picture of success throughout his/her time in school because this will help him/her to push on and press on with reading even at the time when you feel you are not scoring the grades you need. So, lack of a vision for a student therefore will mean dropping out of school because of discouragement or will develop a bias attitude towards certain subjects they are performing well in. Likewise a married man also ought to have a vision for his family. The expected end of your family is most times what you see, why? Because your subconscious mind follows what you program it to do. For that reason if you have no vision then the mind will have no future programs or preparations. This will lead to making decisions under pressure and down to influence of the surrounding circumstances. So the man’s family will end-up suffering insufficiency, lack of proper care as for the children and also misunderstandings between the couples because of lack of together planning.

Let us look at one of the magical ways on how a vision can easily shape our lives for pleasure.
It is interesting to know how some one will stick to one task for a very long time for as long as it is not yet accomplished, even amidst challenges. This will only take a person with an expectation of the end result of that activity in question. Contrary to the visionless, they will venture in so many activities without success in any of them because they begin and don’t finish but leave it underway. We have to realize that much as many different people in one way or the other may pursue similar courses, not every one of them emerges winner, because some people are not focus to their target or what they want to be in life.  
-May this festive season be a time when your mind will be opened to think positively towards the God given goal that is ahead of you 
-May you see success and may your name be called success in Jesus name.
-May you encounter many victories for the Glory of God.
- I pray for you that not only will you see results but you will be a good result and answer to many.
- May mercy and goodness follow you all the days of your life. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New 2011, The year of Great Harvest

Tel: +256 (0)775 585176

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