Monday, January 3, 2011


Praise the Lord friends, parents, Political leaders and all the concerned citizens of Uganda, and everywhere this message reaches. I am so grateful to share to you what God has put upon my heart for the last 7 years about the monster who is after your Child. I want you to know that we are in tough and hard times as a country and as well as parents when the evil one is not at rest till our children are totally destroyed just as his mission is to steal, kill, and destroy.
In this message I want to share with you some of the sad stories that should make you and me to take a step to protect the well being of our children who are the future leaders of our nation. First and fore most I want you to know that our children have been trapped from all corners with acts of abomination like homosexuality, Lesbianism, monsters of abortions, implementers of early marriage and Sex, Child sacrifice enforced by those who are in hunt for unknown riches, Agents of Child trafficking and many immoral acts like harlotry masters who have bought your daughters with a lump sum of money to go sell themselves on streets where the devil is eagerly waiting like a lion to eat them up.
Below are some of the sad stories that have and are still to befall our children if we don’t act:
1.      Last month an issue was forwarded to me of a 9 year old girl who was molested by three foreign gentlemen who kept using her and could pay the girl’s guardian big sums of money. This they did for 2 full years and later now left the girl hurt with too much pain.
Many parents have left their responsibility of Child up bring to un- known guardians and house Mets who have sold the future of their children to abominable acts like lesbianism and homosexuality.
2.      Last year during a news hour on Bukedde TV a local television station in Uganda commonly known as “AGATALIKO NFUFU” a man who looked a responsible father was caught in an act of Child sacrifice. He was found guilty of murdering someone’s naive baby in exchange for the so called ‘Riches’. And in the name of law the police are still handling the case.
3.      In an interview, a young girl of eighteen years that has been on one of the streets of Kampala who sells her self for money  when asked why she goes on the street for sex, she had this to say: “I don’t care, I have come a long way ever since when I was 14 years. And as far as I can get money for survival no problem. I sleep with men for 5000 shillings half day and 10,000 shillings for full day” This young 18 year old was tested and found HIV+. But all is because someone introduced her to early Sex in exchange for money that can’t satisfy this life.
4.      A young girl from a born again family background kept disappearing from home and would come back after sometime. However, this bothered the parents, leaving them worried. After having some time with the girl, I took her through a deliverance prayer and confession. Then she began to confess and abruptly she stopped. So startled she said: “I can’t pray this prayer” ‘Why not’ I asked and she said: “Because they are angry with me. They don’t want me to say the prayer” who are they? She responded “I don’t know”
Whenever they told her to run away she always did and would come back after some days when in her senses. This young girl was influenced by satanic seductions at the school she was studying from but after changing the school this girl normalized and she is now free. You may be surprised that there are many Christian children and teenagers like Jane populating our schools, attending our Churches, and living in our homes. They hear inner voices telling them that nobody loves them; urging them to disobey their parents, and disrupting their attempt to attend church services that may help them attain Spiritual deliverance.
And finally, last year I was so hurt when we lost a young potential youth who past away because of being damaged by the acts of homosexuals. These foreign men kept doing what is called enema - an act of extracting human feaces from the bowel before sodomizing the person. This left the young man with damaged lungs, with different infections including AIDS. Unfortunately after all the performed medication he still passed away.
All concerned Ugandans I want you to know that our children, young loved ones are the major targets of Satan’s strategy. He only seeks to destroy our Churches and families by seducing our children away from their parents and from God.
Last years Markerere University campus News Letter reported that 1000 campus students/ youths were recruited by Homosexuals. Also on Thursday 23rd.12.2010 in an International New broadcasted on one of our local radio stations called ‘RADIO ONE’, It was reported that over 4,000 Nigerian young girls were being forced into sex slavery in Mali.
From the above stories, how many of the kind are happening in our societies? If you and me don’t stand up, then we will have a generation where the old burry their young ones. Parents there’s nothing so painful on earth than to see children who would have been your safety/ security when you are old dying at young ages before your own eyes. Parents, beloved, it’s time we speak out and save our young innocent generation from that someone who is after them.
What is the way forward if we are to safe guard the young innocent generation from the traps of traitors like homosexuals, lesbians, and hunters of wrong wealth through Child sacrifice, harlotry, abortion etc all which lead to acquiring of killer diseases of this new era that even some of which doctors can’t explain them?
1.      Speak Out. You and I we need to alert our people by opening up our mouths to speak. If we don’t speak the right things to our children, then the evil monsters who have entered our community will speak out wrong things to our young generation. Beloved our voices need to be heard. In the parliament you leaders who are after the good of our children speak out!
2.      Lead your Child to Christ. The next step to protecting your child from the influences of New Age, Satanism, occults, Homosexuality, Child sacrifices by hunters of wrong wealth etc. is to help our children establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Especially to born again Christians don’t assume that your Child is a Christian simply because you are a Christian and take them daily to Sunday school.
3.      Put Christ at the center of your home. A Spiritually healthy family is one where Christ is the very center. Just as the planets center around the sun, so a family should center around Christ. The most important of all is making sure Christ is at the center of your life as a parent. As someone once said, “you can’t share what you don’t have”. Remember your child’s initial perspective of Christianity will come from the example of godliness you portray as a parent.
4.      Establish consistent Family Devotions. You can help shield your child against dark influences by nurturing him or her with scriptures and prayer. Colossians 3:16 Let the Word of Christ--the Message--have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God!” MSG.  One of the best ways to teach your child consistently is by having a time of family devotions every day as often as possible. Last year it was a hard time for one family in Bugolobi a Kampala suburb that lost a little baby to Child sacrifice because of a house maid who knew not the things of God that when persuaded by evil people she was quick to sell off a child’s future through cold blood. Parents, family heads etc it is very vital to have a prayer alter at home where daily you gather as a family to pray. However much you are tired gather all your children including your maids, workers and security guards and pray Spiritual warfare prayers. Remembera family that prays together stays together!’  Again and again I have seen this kind of prayer disarm all evil plans aimed at destroying families. As we still talk about the evils that have invaded the traditional family, do you know that most of these evil negotiators of homosexuality, lesbianism, murderers etc have invaded our families in the name of Help, help yet on a strong mission to steal, kill and destroy? I am not saying you shouldn’t help but open your eyes cause if you are not spiritually alert how will you know? A parent who is not saved how will you discern and fight this spiritual battle we have encountered as a family and country at large? I believe we are in the last days when we really need to repent and give our lives to Christ for those who are not yet saved.
5.      Teach Biblical Values. Teach your child biblical values when he or she is still at a grasping age. The reason why the young generation is dying slowly by slowly is because much of the lifestyle our children are coping up with is shaped by the perpetrators of evil which has brought godlessness in them. It is important that you help your child to fully understand and apply to his or her life Biblical values. Moses in Deuteronomy 6:6-7 instructed the parents of Israel to impress the commandments God gave them to their Children. Deut 6:6-7 “memorize his laws. And tell them to your children over and over again. Talk about them all the time, whether you're at home or walking along the road or going to bed at night, or getting up in the morning. ” and other translations say in verses 7, “You shall whet them upon your children": that is, that they may imprint them more deeply in their memory.Children need to know that God is interested and involved in every dimension of their lives and that the Bible applies to their daily lives. And in Proverbs 22:6 says; Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

6.      Celebrate each Child’s Uniqueness. A child is safer in a community where he feels accepted and welcomed. Today in our homes we have done things as parents that makes some children more special than others thus caused many children in homes look for somewhere they can be accepted hence a chance to come hand in hand with someone who is after them to destroy them. The healthy Christian home is one where differences in appearance, ability, and performance are not allowed to be a source of divisiveness. Our children are growing up in a world that rewards the prettiest, the strongest, the wealthiest, and the smartest. As your child competes with his or her classmates and friends for recognition Satan can take advantage of your Child’s sense of inadequacy, disappointments and failures tempting him to find acceptance and satisfaction by dabbling in the wrong thoughts and activities.
7.      Make prayer a priority. It’s been said that Satan believes in prayer, not because he practices it but because he suffers from it. We need to help our kids recognize the invaluable resource for resisting the devil that is available to them in prayer. They need to know that God is interested in everything that concerns them and that He answers prayer. Prayer will become significant as your children see it practiced by you. Let me ask you, how often do you pray together as a family apart from meal time and bedtime? Whenever there’s need in a family, do you turn to the Lord first or you pray as a last resort? The importance you give to prayer in your home will significantly shape the importance your child gives to prayer.

8.      Child dedication. Many people including believers have taken little note of the aspect of dedicating their new born babies to God. Child dedication to God authorizes God to take full control over your child while child dedication to Satan also assumes ownership of the child to the devil. Last year a Child of one of our church members was kidnapped and because this sister dedicated this child after birth to God, the kidnapper’s mission to sacrifice this kid was aborted. In relation to this a brother in our church had his young daughter whose birth canal was normal during birth but after a few months it closed. This child was to undergo a serious surgery but a day before going for the appointed day by the doctor for surgery, the brother brought the child to one of our pastors for dedication and that night the birth carnal that had closed mysteriously opened miraculously and went to normal.
Parents the aspect of dedicating your children to God is very important as it will always propel God to fight for your child.

Finally, I want you to know that if you keep quite, and then know that someone is after your child’s soul, Your brother/ sister or your relative seeking to destroy him or her. Recently I was looking at the Gay Manifesto that can’t allow me keep quite about this evil that has befallen our land. Below is a quotation from the gay manifesto:

Gay Manifesto
Michael Swift
First published in Gay Community News, Feb. 15th-21st 1987
(From the Congressional Record, with preface restored in blue)
We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theatre bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress(Parliament), wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us. …… !

My dear friend together we can fight the evil that has penetrated into our land. Remember with one voice, one heart and one vision we can change the destiny of our land and stop the acts of the perpetrators of evil. As our motto says “For God and my country” let us fight all un-godliness and raise the banner of righteousness. Remember righteousness exalts a nation and sin brings reproach to it.
God bless you!
Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi
+256 775 585176

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