Monday, December 17, 2012


 Hey  God in all His dealings he never change, never loose, and never let his chosen vessels  alone. this season i want you to know that God is with you and will never leave you no matter what you think you are or have been through.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi During a worship Youth Service at VCCM
The Devil Wants to Eat You Alive- Part 1
There was a young man named CJ who walked home after school every day. CJ would walk down the same street whenever he walked home. He never changed his path or his routine. There was a blue house on this street that he would walk down that he passed all the time and behind the house was a big dog that growled and barked whenever he saw CJ pass by. But CJ was so busy bouncing his basketball and dribbling between his legs that he never paid this dog any mind. This dog would do the same thing every time, barking and growling at CJ when he passed each day from school.

Because CJ was always occupied with playing with his basketball he never noticed the hole this big dog was digging under the fence. It was something that grabbed this dog’s attention and every time CJ passed this dog would continue to dig deeper into this hole. Well, some weeks had passed and CJ was on his way from school, passing by this same blue house with the big dog behind the fence. As he walked by dribbling his basketball the dog began to bark and growl as usual, and as usual CJ ignored him. But this time the dog started crawling under the fence through the hole he had been digging for weeks and when he got on the other side of the fence he ran after CJ. From the corner of his eyes CJ saw this big dog running after him, his eyes got big and he took off running.

He was running so fast that Michael Johnson wouldn’t have been able to catch up with him. He was so focused on making it to his house that he didn’t notice the bump in the sidewalk and he tripped and fell. With the dog quickly approaching CJ got up leaving his basketball behind and continued running toward his house. When he made it inside the house he peeped through the window and noticed that the dog was wrestling with his basketball. It was the basketball the dog was after, not CJ. Every day that he would pass that blue house bouncing his basketball it grabbed the dog’s attention. The dog started digging that hole in hope of one day getting that basketball which he did.

Can I paint a picture of reality? The dog in the story represents satan and every day of our lives satan and his demons are watching us. Just like the basketball had CJ’s attention so much that he ignored the growling and barking dog whenever he passed the house, we too are not being watchful and alert. Now for those of us who belong to God we are protected by Him, but it is something that we have that is grabbing satan’s attention and he wants it. Satan has his eyes on us and he is seeking after our possessions. CJ lost his basketball to this dog, but what is satan taking from you?

Young people, is satan taking your self esteem? Is he taking your motivation to do well in school? Is he taking the respect that you should have for your parents and adults? What is satan taking from you?
• Adults what has satan robbed you of? Is it your peace of mind? Or your joy divine? Has he stripped you of your faith in God? And let me say this, if you have allowed satan to take your faith you need to work on getting that back, because without faith it is impossible to please God.
• Faith is what allows us to believe in things that seem impossible. Young people you need faith too. Some of you may think that you could never be an A & B student, but with faith you can be. You may think that you will never be good enough to make the volleyball, basketball, or football team, but with faith in God you will not only make the team, but you could also become a starter.

But as we get back on track, young people I really want you to take something from this message, and this message is for all of us young and old. If you don’t remember anything I say, please remember one thing, “The Devil Wants to Eat You Alive.” We live our lives daily as if there is nothing happening behind the scene, and the fact is that there is a spiritual warfare that is taking place that we can’t see with our physical eyes. But it is time that we open our spiritual eyes, look around and see what’s really going on.

What is really going on? Satan is putting drugs before our youth as young as middle school age. These drugs such as cheese are killing children at a very young age.
• Sex scenes on television appear as regular as commercials, putting thoughts in the minds of our youth which has led to actions resulting in the rise of sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy.
• Satan has also gone platinum in the music industry causes artist to get rich off of your money with the sale of explicit lyrics that does nothing but corrupt the soul. This is what’s going on, in our world, in our country, in our cities, in our schools, and in our homes.

Our focus scripture that we are using today, I Peter 5:8 is a part of a book that was written to encourage Christians who were suffering and being persecuted. These Christians were being treated badly and killed just because they believed in Jesus Christ. Peter who wrote this book was one of Jesus’ closest friends. At this point in Peter’s life he understood the big picture and wanted to share with others that their suffering wasn’t in vain. He encouraged them to hold on and keep their faith in Christ. If you never get at least one thing out of a sermon that encourages you, then you need to find another preacher to listen to. With that being said let me give you a few encouraging words before I sit down and be happy all by myself.
The point to remember is that the devil wants to eat you alive, and I’m sure that none of us wants the devil to eat us alive. So, the question that many of you may have is how do I prevent satan from eating me alive? I’m so glad you asked because I was going to tell you anyway.

There are a few things that we can take from verse 8 in I Peter chapter 5 that will help us survive the attacks of the devil and avoid being eaten alive by him. The first thing is that we must be self-controlled and alert. Some of your bibles may say to be sober and be vigilant. If you ever hear someone talk about being sober, then 9 times out of 10 they’re talking about somebody who has been drunk.
• Now all of us haven’t always been holding up the blood stain banner. So we know firsthand about being drunk. But when a person is drunk they don’t have much control over their mind and their body. Peter in this scripture isn’t referring to being drunk, but he is saying make sure you don’t have any distractions in your mind or anything in your life that will cause you not to have control over yourself.

Having self-control is one thing, but we must also be on alert. Remember CJ’s basketball distracted him and he didn’t realize that the dog was trying to come after him. We too have things in our lives and thoughts in our heads that are causing us to not pay attention to the schemes and tricks of the devil.
• What is distracting you and allowing satan to creep up on you without you even noticing? Young lady is it that guy that calls you hey bey bey, instead of calling you by your name. But you’re so flattered that he’s giving you attention you don’t see that the devil is behind the whole situation trying to eat you alive.

Young men don’t let the love of money and material things blind you from the tricks of satan. The world paints a picture that you not stunting like your daddy if you don’t have chains hanging low and all the latest tennis shoes and designer clothes that come out. Then you find yourself doing whatever it takes to get some money to keep up with everybody else. These are things that cause you to lose self-control and not be on alert. When satan has you distracted you lose self-control and all this is what sets you up to be eaten alive by the devil.

People hurt us and do bad things to harm us, and yes they’re wrong for those choices that they have made and there is no excuse, but you need to also recognize that satan is behind every evil action and he doesn’t care who he uses, because he’s trying to get you. This is why we must have self-control and be alert, so that we don’t fall into the traps satan sets up for us.
• This also means that we have to fight in the spirit and not the physical. Putting his tires on a flat isn’t going to solve the problem, you need to pray. Your school teacher may not like you, but getting an attitude with them isn’t going to help, you need to pray.
• The reason why some of us go through so many trials with heartache and pain is because we have underestimated the power of prayer. The truth is some of us think prayer just don’t work.

Adults we need to be better examples before our children because if they don’t see you talking to God, then you shouldn’t expect them to communicate with God. Young people I don’t care what it is, whether you think it is big or small, talk to God.
Now that you know the devil wants to eat you alive, ask God to help you be self-controlled and alert.

So being self-controlled and alert prevents us from being eaten alive by the devil, but the next thing that’ll help is knowing who the devil really is. In verse 8 it says, “Your enemy the devil.” Who is the devil? He’s your enemy and we must know this because it lets us know that there is nothing good that comes from him. This lets us know that we are in a battle with the devil, and it lets us know that his objective and his goal is to take us out.

The devil is your enemy, not your friend. He’s your enemy, not your buddy. You may think you and the devil are cool when he puts thoughts in your head on how to get back at someone who has hurt you. You may think he’s your friend when he helps you come up with ways to use people. But the same thoughts he puts in your head are the same thoughts he puts in other people’s head so that they can harm you.
• So is he really your friend? You see an enemy is someone who hates you and plots against you so that they can harm you. An enemy doesn’t want to see you do well in anything. An enemy is always trying to disrupt your life in hopes of one day destroying you.
This message continues. Beloved we would love to hear from you how this message has blessed your life. And perhaps you haven’t yet made Christ your Lord and savior. Why not do so by following this simple prayer of commitment.
Say, Dear Jesus, I come to you as a sinner, forgive all my sins, Right now I confess that I am saved, Amen
Tel, +256 775585176 or E-mail:

Monday, May 14, 2012

I Thought We Were in Love

I Thought We Were in Love
We planned to be together forever. I was sure that made sex OK.

In life today especially in our colleges/ high schools and above all hostels a lot nasty things go on but with less concern. In this life testimony that is a true life story I want to encourage the youths out there to read it and know why you shouldn’t hurry for teenage sex. Remember there is a great life a head of you but you can short circuit that good and great life that is a head of you just by a single click of sex.
I believe this message below will inspire and sharpen you up for something greater.
I started dating John in high school. It was the first serious relationship either of us had ever had, and we were absolutely crazy about one another. We decided pretty early on that we were made for each other, and everyone in our small town agreed. They all thought we'd end up getting married and living happily ever after. I thought so too.
John* and I had our lives planned out. After high school we'd go to the same college. Then as soon as we graduated, we'd get married. We knew what kind of house we'd live in and the cars we'd drive. We even decided how many kids we'd have and what we'd name them. Both of us were convinced that nothing could ever come between us.
That's how we justified our physical relationship. When we started having sex, we figured it was OK since we knew we would marry each other eventually. When we went away to college, we used the same reasoning to justify our living together.
Deep down I knew what we were doing was wrong. I could see how far we'd drifted from the habits we'd practiced in the beginning. When we first started dating, we made a big deal about making sure God was the center of our relationship. We went to church together and encouraged one another to read the Bible and pray daily. But by the time we got to college, we had pretty much stopped going to church. We never opened the Bible, and we only prayed when there was a crisis. I told myself everything would change as soon as we got married.
Then came Jessica. I had met her before and knew John studied with her occasionally, but I never thought much about it. I could hardly believe it when he told me there was more than studying going on between them. He said his love for me had "faded" and that we had no future. Period. No discussion. Just like that, it was over.
All the dreams we had shared were shattered. He expected me to just forget about him, about the plans we'd made and the six years we'd spent together. I was shocked. I felt numb and confused. I walked through the next few weeks in a zombie state, trying to make sense of what had happened. I thought I knew John. I thought I could trust him.
That time in my life was the deepest and darkest valley I have ever known. It was also, strangely enough, a time of great hope. I say that because in the midst of my despair, Jesus found me. Until then, I had never known what it meant to need him. I had never felt so empty and broken, so hurt and alone. When I cried out to God, he came and wrapped his arms around me.
I'm forever grateful for God's unbelievable grace. Through it, he continues to heal me. But even so, I still bear the scar of a deep wound. I heard someone compare premarital sex to pieces of paper being glued together and pulled apart. I can't think of a better way to describe it. John and I were joined together like that. When the relationship ended, we were ripped apart, and I left part of myself with him that I can never get back. I'm talking about more than my virginity. I was joined to him emotionally and spiritually, too.
I'm still struggling with guilt for all I gave away. I don't even really want to date. I'm partly afraid of the rejection I might experience when I tell a guy about my past, but more than that I feel like it wouldn't be fair to him, especially if he's saved himself for marriage. It breaks my heart to know I can't undo the past.
I tell my story because I want to keep others from making the same mistake. I'm a living testimony of how unexpected nightmares can come true. Please believe me: the pain is real, and it's not worth it.
* All names in this story, including the author's, have been changed.

Let us know how this message has blessed you by contacting this site:
+256 775 585176, +256 704 585176

Monday, April 16, 2012

Things That Will Better Your Relationship

Things That Will Better Your Relationship

Women love getting compliments. Men, especially the unromantic ones run out of things to say, very soon! With some help, you can say beautiful things to the object of your affections; make them feel special and wonderful about themselves and the relationship. The words you choose will set the tone of your relationship, making it blissful and romantic.
Some of the sweet things you can tell your sweetheart are as follows:
  1. I love your smile and the way you make me smile.
  2. I love the way you walk, talk and laugh.
  3. You just make me feel so good.
  4. I will call you honey, darling, sweetheart...
  5. You are the best, you are amazing!
  6. I can’t get enough of you...You drive me wild!
  7. You know me so well, inside and out.
  8. I love you so much...
  9. I love you with my heart and soul...
  10. I love everything about you, inward and outward
  11. You make me laugh all the time!
  12. You keep my spirits so high
  13. You have a wonderful sense of humour, you are so funny...
  14. I love the way you brighten up a room...  
  15. I love the way you love me
  16. I love the way you make me feel
  17. You make me feel at the top of the world!
  18. I never want you to stop loving me
  19. I cherish your love for me
  20. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life
  21. You fill my world with hope and love...
  22. You complete me so well
  23. You make me feel so special and lucky
  24. I need you so badly...
  25. You just made my day
  26. You make my days beautiful and nights wonderful
  27. I can’t get enough of your hugs and kisses...
  28. I am sorry if I ever hurt you
  29. I promise to love and cherish you forever
  30. You are the one for me, my soul mate...
  31. I don’t need anyone else in my life
  32. You satisfy me completely
  33. Marry me and make me the luckiest man in the world!
  34. I have always loved you and will always love you
  35. I miss you terribly.
  36. I am so lonely without you...
  37. My world is empty without you.
  38. I can’t wait to be with you.
  39. I want to be with you forever.
  40. I love the way you hold me.
  41. I cannot bear to part with you for so long.
  42. I feel like I am dreaming when I am with you.
  43.  I have never been loved like this before...
  44. I would like to wake up next to you forever.
  45. It hurts to see you in pain.
  46. I’d rather not be with anyone than you.
  47. You are my Juliet.
  48. A kiss for your every wish
  49. You have changed my life completely
  50. I can’t be thankful enough for the time we have been together...
  51. I will lay down my life for you!
  52. I’d rather not live than live without your love.
  53. I love the way you look up to me.
  54. I trust you with all my heart
  55.  I can't thank you enough for your love...
  56. I cannot express my love for your love completely.
  57. ‘I love you’ is not enough to describe my feelings for you.
  58. You make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world
  59.  I enjoy every moment with you.
  60. You make every other girl pale in comparison.

Does he love me? - Signs that he loves you

"Love is a many splendored thing," is a wonderful old song. We all have a basic need to be loved. When we are children we are content with maternal love and familial bonds. As we mature and we form romantic relationships, initially we may want to keep things light and uncomplicated. But as relationships deepen most individuals feel an innate need to love and be loved in return.
In the early days of romance you may often wonder how serious your man is about you? But even those in serious relationships, whether living together or married, are not exempt from these doubts. Just because he's told you at some point that he loves you or cares for you is no guarantee that his feelings won't change. We need constant reassurance that the loving feeling is still there.
Apart from whimsically plucking a daisy's petals and wondering 'He loves me, he loves me not', how can you gauge his feelings? One can't generalize, but men on the whole find it difficult to express their feelings. It's often left to a woman to try and fathom his deeper feelings. What are some of the signs which you as a woman can watch out for as an indication of whether your man loves you?
1. He tells you
If he says those three words and says them often, count yourself lucky. A lot of men assume that their women know they're loved and don't really tell them often enough. If he realizes your need to hear him say he loves you, and he means every word of it, he's truly one of a kind. A man may not say the actual words but imply as much when he tells you how fortunate he feels to have you in his life.
2. He shows you
Some men aren't exactly good with words and expressing their feelings. But they choose their own avenues of expression. This kind of guy does things, little or big to show you how much you mean to him. That may include ordering take-away when he thinks you need a break from cooking or taking the kids off your hands so that you can have some time to yourself. Yes, you may need to hear the words from him, but have you never heard that 'actions speak louder than words?'
3. He makes you feel special
And then there's the man who's always trying to keep the romance alive. He brings you flowers or wakes up extra early to bring you breakfast in bed. He's always going out of his way to make you feel exceptional.
4. He's happy around you
He sometimes foregoes time with his guy friends just to be with you. It may be because you've been feeling particularly low or you haven't spent enough time together lately or just because he feels good to be with you. If he can't get enough of you it's a sure sign that he's got it bad.
5. He listens to you
We're not talking 'You command, he obeys'. But when you're talking, he's genuinely interested in what you're saying and gives you his undivided attention. He looks at you (not at the television blaring in the background or the newspaper in his hand), responds appropriately and gives you the idea that he's really concerned about your concerns.
6. He compliments you
He notices when you make an effort with your appearance and appreciates it. He tells you which things suit you and add to your look. It always feels great to dress up but when he looks up admiringly and tells you so, you know you matter.
7. He takes care of you
If he babies you when you're sick and nurses you back to health, you can be pretty sure you've got a good thing going. If your comfort level is so high that you can look most miserable and still be secure enough in his love, you've got it made. Marriage vows don't include the "In good times and bad, in sickness and health" clause for nothing. Rose, a high-flying career woman, recalls the time she was suffering from a stomach infection and feeling wretched. "I was running a high fever and feeling like my stomach was turned inside out. The only thing that made me feel like I should hasten my recovery was Marvin, my boyfriend. He was like a guardian angel. He soothed my fevered brow and held the bowl while I puked my guts out. If ever I had any doubt about his undying devotion for me, it was quelled at that instant."
8. His friends and family respect you
Sometimes you can gauge how a man feels about you from the way his circle of friends and close family behave around you. If they hold you in high regard, you can be sure he's been telling them just how happy he is to have you in his life.
9. He appreciates your worth
Sometimes men choose more indirect ways of expressing their true feelings. He may not actually tell you he loves you or even do anything special. But he may tell you how proud he is of your achievements or what a good mother you are or even how well you run the house. You may even find him praising you to the skies to family or acquaintances.
10. He asks for your opinion
When important decisions are at stake, either concerning him or both of you jointly or even the kids, he doesn't just go ahead and do what he thinks is right. He asks for your advice and not just for the sake of it. He often considers it and may even go by it. Or if he doesn't, he tells you why he didn't.
11. He takes your feelings into account
If something upsets you concerning his family or friends, he tries to see your side of it. He feels for you and even if he's seen you cry a thousand times before, he still tries to make you feel better and has that tissue box at hand. 
12. He's interested in what you want too
Let's say you're both watching television and you want to watch Oprah, while he'd like to catch Arsenal v/s Chelsea. You know how men are where football is concerned! If he lets you watch your choice of program, not just grudgingly but because he loves to see you happy, you've got a winner. And if he actually sits through it just because he wants to be by your side, you know he's a goner!

Falling in love - Should you trust your intuition when in love?

It is believed that people in love listen to their hearts rather than their minds. ‘Love is a state of euphoria in which our senses become numb and it is just the beating of our hearts which is audible" , says lovelorn Anne, who is smitten by Scott, her boyfriend of one year. Incidentally Scott echoes Anne’s sentiments and adds, "When in love, logic or reasonable thinking takes a backseat; we either trust our intuition or listen to our heart.
Being in love does not necessarily mean a state of euphoria or happiness. There will be certain circumstances where conflicting ideas or emotions arise. Keeping the love of your life involves different stages like commitment, trust and fidelity. At each of these stages, there are thoughts and feelings telling you what to do and when to do it. You need to listen to your intuition so that you can make smart decisions. The following tips will help you to understand if your intuition can be trusted when in love.
People in love should remember that trusting your intuition does not imply that you either listen to your heart or mind.
Signal alert
Take notice of the signal from your head and heart. You will be able to interpret what your intuition is telling you. When there are conflicting messages: When in love, your mind often says one thing while your heart says another. Here there is a contrast between your thoughts and feelings. Learn to decipher, distinguish and arrive at a consensus after discussing with your partner.
Emotional overload
A surging rush of emotions when in love can create a conflict between your thoughts and feelings. Decision making becomes tough in such a situation. Try to seek some solitude, relax and reflect and you shall soon hear the answers. Once the answer comes, you should act quickly so that you do not have time to doubt your decision.
You should never feel trapped or unable to choose what is right for you. If at any time you do feel this way, then that is a good sign that something is not right with the relationship. You then need to examine what it is that is holding you back. If it turns out to be the other person, you are probably better off leaving the relationship.
Tricky situations

when in love, couples may have to face tricky situations where tough decisions have to be made. Blindly trusting your intuition while making an important decision is definitely not the right thing to do. Couples who have a strong relationship should discuss with each other and mutually agree on what to do next.

Trusting your intuition in love is acceptable in certain stages of a relationship when things are not complicated. But do not get blinded by love and act intuitively without considering the negative consequences. Work on waking up your awareness level of any given situation. Concentrate and listen to what your heart and mind have to say. Interpret the messages accurately and you will definitely transform your relationship into a successful one!

Friend, we would love to know how this message has blessed you. For more information contact: YOUR DAILY VICTORY INTERNET OUTREACH INTERNATIONAL. or email: Tel: +256 775 585176, +256 704 585176 or Write to us Bril Emma Opanyi P. O. BOX 34167 Kampala Uganda E. Africa.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Intimacy of Relationship in Christ

Intimacy of Relationship in Christ

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. (Ephesians 2:13)

We have begun to see that the new covenant of grace is a covenant of relationship. The simple phrase "in Christ" indicates the extent of the intimacy that is available by grace. "In Christ" is where we live spiritually. It is also how we live. As sure as a fish is in the ocean and lives on the resources of the ocean, we are "in Christ" and live on the resources of Christ. As sure as a unborn child is in the mother and lives on the life of the mother, we are "in Christ" and live on the life of Christ.

We who believe in Jesus are not only "brought near by the blood of Christ. (Ephesians 2:13), we are joined to Him in a "united closeness," like a body is to its head. "He is the head of the body, the church" (Colossians 1:18). We can relate to the Lord Jesus more closely than the members of our physical body relate to our physical head. We can look to Jesus for direction and coordination. We can depend upon Him for planning, guiding, and timing in our entire lives. We can anticipate that He will monitor, maintain, and adjust our situations.

This union of intimacy is also like a vine and its branches. "I am the vine, you are the branches" (John 15:5). We can look to Christ for our very life source. We don't have to produce a life on our own. We can concentrate on abiding (depending) on Him. He makes our lives effective and fruitful.

The intimate relationship the Lord wants to develop with us is also likened to the joining of a husband and a wife. "You also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you may be married to another, even to Him who was raised from the dead" (Romans 7:4). We can count upon Jesus to love us faithfully and sacrificially. We can rest in His constant companionship, never leaving us for any reason throughout our pilgrimage here on earth.

What blessings are ours for time and eternity "in Christ." Joined intimately to Christ, nothing can separate us from the love and kindness that He has for us: "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. . . that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:38-39 and Ephesians 2:7).
May God Bless You as you ponder on this message and practice it.
Ofuoiru Emma
VCCM Youth Leadership

Why You are Sexually Disappointed in Life

Why You are Sexually Disappointed in Life

Sex life: The question is, are you doing it right? But let me elaborate that question further. “For many people, certainly, sex is the most powerful and moving experience that life has to offer, and more overwhelmingly holy than anything that happens in church. For great masses of people, sex is the one force which can actually tip men and women completely off their accustomed centers of gravity and lift them, however briefly, right out of themselves.” – Mike Mason in ‘The Mystery of Marriage’
Sex is something that people describe as ‘amazing’, ‘wonderful’, ‘out of this world’, and the list goes on. Why then, is that so many people, after having that ‘out of this world’ experience, find themselves empty, wanting and perhaps aching as a void subtly nudges somewhere in their soul?
Am I doing it wrong?This is the question that so often pops into mind after that aching, empty feeling. Perhaps you’ve had sex. Perhaps you’ve had one of the best ones in your life thus far. But somehow, someway, you feel that something in you is not right.
Let me tell you what you’re doing wrong.You meet someone. You fall in love. The passion and fire burns between your romance, and then, by some compelling, fleshly urge, you have sex. This is wrong. So let me tell you how to do it right.
Sex is designed. It is not just some primitive instinct that all animals, insects and humans accumulate in themselves. It is something that is intricately designed – especially for us human beings – in order to arouse something unexplainable in us. It’s more than feelings (emotion), it’s more than physical consummation, it’s more than intellectual will and experience. It is a sort of spiritual oneness. And only through that Spiritual oneness will you be able to do it right. That spiritual oneness can only be complete inside the bonds of marriage.
This is what we have lost. “Don’t let your disappointing experiences cloud your understanding of this. We have grown cynical, as a society, about whether intimacy is really possible. To the degree that we have abandoned soul-oneness, we have sought out merely sex, physical sex, to ease the pain. But the full union is no longer there; the orgasm comes incomplete; its heart has been taken away. Many have been deeply hurt. Sometimes, we must learn from what we have not known, let it teach us what ought to be.” – John Eldredge in ‘The Journey of Desire’
This is why we are not doing it right. Unless we do things right with our sex life, we will never be satisfied. We will never be fulfilled. We will ache with a real ache – something unexplainable within our soul.
Only God can fill that void – and He says it should be done inside the bounds of marriage. That is the only way to have a sex life that will not disappoint.


Why so many rich, successful, famous people are not really fulfilled

Why so many rich, successful, famous people are not really fulfilled

when a man who is at the top, who’s had it all – riches, fame, power, success, fulfilment – say they aren’t really happy. Some of them commit suicide, some of them take drugs to forget their “emptiness”, some of them keep on hopping from relationship to relationship just to fill that “empty” feeling.
looking at the example of king Solomon. He had it all but still he says that it’s all chasing after the wind. He says that it is all “senseless” and “worthless” and “unfair”. Imagine that – what a paradox coming from the most powerful man during his time. Why? What is the source of this “emptiness” what is the origin of this “empty” feeling? Romans 3:23“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
We have “fallen short” of His glory because of our sins. Because of this, our fulfilment will always “fall short” of what we want it to be. The little empty feeling that we “feel” but we don’t understand so therefore we cannot fulfil, is an emptiness created by our “falling short” of His glory.
We somehow missed the mark and strayed away from what is right and that created a void in ourselves that we try to fill with so many things the world promises can fill it. Don’t you ever wonder why advertising is so powerful? Because it caters to THAT EXACT VOID THAT YOU FEEL IN YOURSELF!
It tells you that you will find fulfilment, complete happiness, that’s why you have to buy their product. For example I know of a beer company in my country that has big writings on billboards showing that consuming that beer makes you special while another broad says it will shine your future like gold. Certain things to some extent, has provided that sense of fulfilment and happiness, but it will soon run because these things are temporary and will pass away. The void in us is something that only God, our maker, designer and purpose-giver, who is eternal can fulfill. For years over the international News I have heard Dollar Millionaires, famous musicians in the US and other countries who have been found dead because they over consumed nicotine and other drugs while others commit suicide. Why? They have the money, many look to them for help but in them they fill void.
How can God fulfil that void?
Imagine a watch, having its own feeling and its own sense of reason and logic and free will. How will it give full glory to its maker? By letting the maker use it completely to its purpose through its own will. The watch can only find complete and true happiness when it is functioning exactly as it was designed to be otherwise, if it chooses to be a hammer then it will break itself, if it chooses to be a Frisbee then it will shatter at some point, if it chooses to be a paper-weight then it will render itself useless – MAKING ITSELF UNHAPPY, UNFULFILLED and making it’s maker DISAPPOINTED. FALLING SHORT OF THE MAKER’S GLORY.
Think about it.
Fulfilment can only come from being the best you can be, right? And what does the Bible say about our purpose? To give God glory. I pray that giving Him glory in everything you do will be your goal in each and every thing you do – big or small even if you think it doesn’t matter, it does. Believe me, “Getting there” Is all about giving God glory because He in return will be the one to glorify you as He pleases – and that is eternal.
Perhaps you have read this message but deep in your heart you know and know that you real know there’s that void you have tried to find fulfillment but you can’t. Why not turn to Jesus Christ who alone has the ultimate purpose for your life? Give Jesus Christ an opportunity to put things right in your life and the wrong choices you have made in life by following this simple prayer of commitment. Say dear Jesus. Forgive me of all my sins. I entrust you with my life. Be the Lord and savior of my life. Today I confess with my mouth and believe with my heart that I am born again. Amen.
Friend, we would love to know how this message has blessed you. For more information contact: YOUR DAILY VICTORY INTERNET OUTREACH INTERNATIONAL. or email: Tel: +256 775 585176, +256 704 585176 or Write to us Bril Emma Opanyi P. O. BOX 34167 Kampala Uganda E. Africa.