Thursday, June 2, 2011



Hello beloved, praise the Lord! A few years ago this Question came to me and not only me but also many people have come to me asking the same. Perhaps you too due to the challenges, and all sorts of negative occurrences you’ve asked yourself the same, I want you to give me your attention as unveil to you an answer to this question.
Many years ago, when I was four years my parents broke up; at a tender age I began a journey of passing through the iron hands and harsh treatment of different step mothers. you can imagine what kind of hell I was in being a son that was greatly loved by my dad, there was no choice for me to survive  opposition not forgetting the witchcraft charms I had to eat daily, that would be put in my food to fail me or even kill me.
I was always the best in class but when I came to form four third term, it was like hell was loose on me. My brain was blocked to the point that I narrowly missed my form four final examinations. At that point, every other opportunity, open doors, international connections I had, all got disconnected. I want to tell you that more than a half of this terrible life I spent it when I was saved like you may be. (However what I am sharing about covers both born a gains and non born a gains)
Years later I joined a church which deals with generational foundations and curses and that is Victory Church of Christ ministry Luzira. You may ask and say what does my story got to do with foundations and curses? Yes there’s.
In a number of annual conferences on curses and foundations at Victory Church of Christ, I got to understand why my life had something to do with four. Remember at the age of four my parents broke up and in form four when I was supposed to cross over to a new level I came across a hindrance in that my father refused to pay my school fees because my step mother refused him. Well after wards the issue of school fees was settled by a Good Samaritan.
Due to many hard times I went through, I began to see no head way in life and I remember asking myself why on earth was I born? However, in a stressful and tiresome hunt to know why I was different from the rest I seriously got involved in prayer and fasting through which God began to answer me by revealing to me things that were making me suffer.
In spite of the fact that I suffered, got humiliated, felt rejected and all sorts of ills I went through, I still got the right answer from associating with a local Church of Jesus Christ. And today I am a free man serving God with a good Job not because I was strong but all because God has a purpose why He created me on planet earth. Perhaps you are there depressed, suffering and cornered by the devil from all sides, I want to tell you “Don’t give up” there is a specific purpose and reason why it got to be you. And one of the reasons is to glorify God.
As God was refreshing and flashing this message in my heart to share it with you, He told me to tell someone out there, you are just at the point when you think you will never make it, you feel you are a mistake, and because of all that you have gone through it has made you attempt suicide several times. God told me to tell you ‘It is going to be well with you’. He has been watching your tears. But only believe in Him for this one more time.

And so let’s look at the things that can or may cause us ask ourselves this question why on were we born?
1.       Our Foundations.
Our forefathers planted our lives, future and destinies on wrong foundations that do not support good things to come our way. I personally speaking to you I am someone who comes from a background where idolatry and witchcraft are the highest order of the day where our forefathers sacrificed and also serviced these alters that do not glorify God. And so when you got saved, there were so many handwritings of these idols that were made in agreement with your fore fathers. Some of these alters support that you reach a certain limit in life, others support you to live shortly on earth and die while others permit you to live long but also cause you to suffer long and other don’t support prosperity, Marriage and happiness. The foundation which your forefathers laid for you may be a foundation that does not support a good marriage. Good Job, good health or even Children. That’s why when some people cross certain limits that their ancestors laid for them to stop at they begin to experience all kinds of forces fighting them from all sides.

This reminds me of a family where the father used to service a certain alter of witchcraft periodically that kept him wealthy but as time went on the demons began to ask for the blood of one of his relatives which he refused and later these demons killed him. After the death of this man his entire family especially his children begun to experience all terrible things that caused them become inadequate. These Children one by one began developing problems with their wombs and fallopian tubes of which they had to remove their wombs one by one at different intervals some died and only one survived but with no womb . Looking at this family their father in search for wealth laid for them a foundation that does not support continuity. That’s why today I want you to strongly deal with any wrong foundation that has been fighting your destiny and that would have been laid for you by your ancestors, parents or even jealousy people in Jesus name.

2.       Our Clan Names.
Here is where most of us all are enslaved ignorantly, the issue of names. Have you ever asked yourself what exactly the clan name you carry means?
In Genesis 32:26-29, there was a man who had great potential and destiny but his name was a doom to his destiny. This man’s name was Jacob meaning “The Sup planter” the Bible tells us that one day Jacob had to wrestle with God’s Angel in a persistent battle until the Angel said: what is your name? Then He replied, Jacob meaning ‘I am the sup planter’ and the Angel told him ‘your name will no longer be called Jacob but Israel’, why? Because you have wrestled with God and man and you have prevailed
Another man is Jabez in 1Choronicles 4:9-10 whose name meant pain. Now what do your name mean? Some of you have names like Tabu, Bizibuu, Achan, Seguya etc.
The Clan names we carry, if not dealt with they go before us announcing the very meaning they carry that’s why if your name is Tabu and you go to an office to ask for a Job, if they ask your name and you say I am Tabu, you are like telling the Human resource manager of that company that I am Mr. or Mrs. Problems.  In other words, I am ready to cause as much problems as my name is to the Company. Now who would want to give a key company position to someone called problems? That’s why each time you miss out on a Job interview, fail to marry after introduction, or miss out on any good thing that would have come to you by seconds, then try to reflect on your clan name. What does it mean?

There are many points I would have shared with you but these two however are points I wanted you to deal with as they are major in many people’s continual cycle of problems that make them ask questions like why on earth was I born? Does it have to be me? Why me? And many others.
Let’s look at the remedy to this question and others perhaps you have asked yourself before is that you ask yourself every day.

1.       For you to fully get the answer to as why on earth you were born you need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You also need to repent of unknown and known sins that your forefathers committed and totally cut yourself from them completely. At the end of this message don’t miss out on important prayer points that will guide you through.
2.       If you realize the above manifesting in your life then seek for deliverance from a right Church that carries out deliverance prayers and a Church that is built on the foundation of Righteousness. NOTE: Different Churches have different callings and so are the tasks they ought to carry out.
3.       Read the Word with understanding and get to know God’s promises for your life. Just as God in Joshua 1:8 says so shall he prosper your ways and make you successful in life.
If you have not yet made Christ as your Lord and savior why not give Him this opportunity to save your life? If you are ready please follow this simple prayer of commitment with me, say:
Dear Jesus, I come to you as a sinner, forgive all my sins. Today I accept the penalty you paid for me and the privilege you gave me through your suffering to become your Child. Today I confess with my heart that I am saved. Amen
1.       Say in the name of Jesus, I cover myself, with the blood of Jesus
2.       In the name of Jesus, I pull down every negative stronghold standing against me
3.       Every wrong foundation that is meant to destroy my life, die right now in the name of Jesus
4.       Every wrong foundation that was operating in my life to hinder my progress, Job, Business, promotion, finances, marriage and destiny be destroyed by fire in Jesus Name.
5.       Every wrong foundation (mention that foundation it may be poverty) that my ancestors laid for me, that was monitoring my progress, be destroyed in Jesus name.
6.       Every anti-prosperity alter that my forefathers and parents laid for me, die in the name of Jesus.
7.       Every evil power from my father’s house, die in the name of Jesus.
8.       Every foundational bondage break in the name of Jesus
Now take this time and mention as many as you can that you know were affecting you then there after thank God and also worship Him.
May God grant you in the name of Jesus all the victory that you need and make your ways prosperous again! Remember to thank God and to testify of His goodness. May you have a sweet fellowship with Jesus! Amen
Mr. Bril Emma Opanyi + 256 775/0704 585176
You can also follow me on face book at www.facebook/Bril Emmanuel

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