Friday, June 3, 2011

Get It To Give It

Get It To Give It

There is no more important time to line up with God’s financial system than now. In this time of financial crisis, many are in fear. They are concerned about how the struggling U.S. economy is affecting them. The thing about fear, though, is that it is selfish. It only thinks about me and mine.
Fear is the opposite of faith, and it is motivated by selfishness which is the opposite of love. Yet, God’s Word teaches us that we receive from him by faith and that our faith works by love.

God’s financial system works for you when you focus on the needs of others rather than your own. Matthew 6:33 teaches us to ‘seek first the kingdom of God’ and then ‘all these things will be added to you.’ Philippians 4:19 has a promise from God to meet all of our needs regardless of what’s going on in the economy.

God’s ultimate goal for your financial life isn’t that you just receive abundantly but that you give abundantly. God’s plan for your life is that you be a generous giver-- someone who is so abundantly blessed that you are able to give abundantly for God’s purposes. Jesus said in Acts 20:35 that it is better to give than to receive.

God wants you going through life experiencing the superior joy that comes from giving and that is one of the reasons why He wants to get abundance to you. Even more importantly, He’s thinking of those who are without in this life, especially those without Him, who will benefit from your generosity.

God understands that for you to be able to give abundantly, you must receive abundantly. You must Get it to Give it! One of my desires is to get to a place financially where I can GIVE $1 million a year for God’s purposes. My goal is to give abundantly, not just receive abundantly for my purposes. And when (not if) the time comes that I am receiving from Him on that level, it will be vitally important that I remember the purpose for it coming into my life.

Whatever God has given you, some of it is in your hands simply for you to give to His purposes. Remembering the purpose for the money God has given you is an important step in lining up with God’s system. It’s when God knows that you truly understand this principle that He will trust you with more.

In this time of recession stop focusing on your financial needs and look around for someone that you can help with whatever God has placed in your hands now. Doing just that will position you to GET even more so you can GIVE more in the days to come!
Scripture Of The Day: "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work." - 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NKJV)
Pastor Andre Butler Pastor André Butler is the senior pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center, founded by Bishop Keith A. Butler, in Southfield, Michigan and the former pastor of Faith Christian Center in Smyrna, Georgia.  His mission in life is to equip others to experience the future that God has for them.  His ministry emphasizes God’s…

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