Hello praise the Lord. I am glad to bring you a woman of God who left a legacy that still storms world. I prayer that you will be blessed with the materials on this page.
This is also opened up to pay respect to her for the work she did for the Kingdom while on earth. May her soul rest in peace.
Kathryn Kuhlman
One characteristic of those greatly used by God is their willingness to drop everything and follow His leading. In 1913, Kathryn's older sister Myrtle married a young, good-looking evangelist who was just finishing his course at Moody Bible Institute. So Myrtle and her new husband, Everett Parrott, began an evangelistic tent ministry. About ten years later, in 1924, she and Myrtle persuaded their parents that it was God's will for Kathryn to travel with them.
At that time, the Parrotts, whose headquarters were in Oregon, were acquainted with Dr. Charles S. Price, who had a healing ministry. He had introduced them to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. However, wonderful as this experience was, the Parrott's marriage had not been a happy one, and now financial strains were adding to the problems.
It would have been easy for Kathryn to slip into self-pity because of these circumstances. Instead, she busied herself around the Parrott house, taking over the washing on Monday and the ironing on Tuesday.
During this time, along with earning the lessons of patience in adversity, Kathryn also learned not to give way to self-pity. Later many of her messages flowed out of her personal spiritual growth in these areas. Self-pity and self-centeredness were the same to Kathryn. Obviously, she determined as a teenager not to allow either of these to have a place in her life, regardless of what happened to her.
"Be careful of the person, whether they're a member of your family, whether you work with them, whether they are an employee, be careful of a person who can't say, "I am sorry." You will find that person very self-centered.
"That is the reason you have heard me say ten thousand times that the only person for whom there is no forgiveness of sins is the person who will not say, "I'm sorry for my sins."... Such a self-centered person usually draws disease to themselves like a magnet."
Kathryn learned early in life that self-centeredness, along with all the other 'self" sins such as self-pity, self-indulgence, or even self-hatred, causes a person to judge or condemn himself. And that this hinders the Holy Spirit's working in his or her life.
Kathryn always said that anyone could experience the operation of the Holy Spirit in his life if he was willing to pay the price.
"Paying the price" is not a one-time experience. It begins with an initial commitment, a determination to follow God each day of your life.
There were many times and places where Kathryn could have chosen not to submit to the correction of the Holy Spirit. But, fortunately for the present-day body of Christ, she made the right choices and is an example for us to follow.
Kathryn Spent five years with her sister and brother-in-law, preparing the foundation for her own ministry. She worked in the household to ease any burden her presence might have brought, and spent many hours reading and studying the Word.
In 1928, The Parrotts arrived in Boise, Idaho. By this time they had acquired a tent and a pianist by the name of Helen Gulliford. But their marital problems continued to grow. So they decided that Everett would go on to South Dakota while they would leave Myrtle, Kathryn, and Helen in Boise to conduct a meeting there.
After two weeks the offerings collected weren't enough to pay the rent of the building, their small apartment, or to buy food. They lived meagerly on bread and tuna.
Myrtle soon felt that her only recourse was to rejoin her husband. Kathryn and Helen couldn't see any hope for their future by continuing to travel with the Parrotts. So like Paul and Barnabas in the New Testament church, they decided to part company. A Local pastor in Boise offered them a chance to preach in a small pool hall that had been converted into a mission- and that was the beginning of the Kathryn Kuhlman Ministry!
From the "pool hall" mission, they went to Pocatello, Idaho, where Kathryn preached in an old opera house. The building was filthy and had to be cleaned before they could use it. You can guess who did the cleaning- the evangelist, of course. From there, they went to Twin Falls, Idaho, in the dead of winter where Kathryn slipped on the ice an broke her leg. Though the doctor had told her to not put her foot down for two weeks, she immediately continued to preach with her foot in a cast. She never allowed her flesh to cause her to compromise the will of God.
Kathryn once said: "from that first sermon I preached in Idaho - 'Zacchaeus up a tree', and God knows if anyone was up a tree, I sure was - one thing I knew, I was sold on the things of God. Jesus was real to me. My heart was fixed."
After preaching four or five sermons, she would humorously say: "...I wondered, "what more can I preach about? There isn't anything else in the Bible. I have absolutely exhausted the supply of sermons. For the life of me, I can't think of anything else to preach about."
At that time, the Parrotts, whose headquarters were in Oregon, were acquainted with Dr. Charles S. Price, who had a healing ministry. He had introduced them to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. However, wonderful as this experience was, the Parrott's marriage had not been a happy one, and now financial strains were adding to the problems.
It would have been easy for Kathryn to slip into self-pity because of these circumstances. Instead, she busied herself around the Parrott house, taking over the washing on Monday and the ironing on Tuesday.
During this time, along with earning the lessons of patience in adversity, Kathryn also learned not to give way to self-pity. Later many of her messages flowed out of her personal spiritual growth in these areas. Self-pity and self-centeredness were the same to Kathryn. Obviously, she determined as a teenager not to allow either of these to have a place in her life, regardless of what happened to her.
"Be careful of the person, whether they're a member of your family, whether you work with them, whether they are an employee, be careful of a person who can't say, "I am sorry." You will find that person very self-centered.
"That is the reason you have heard me say ten thousand times that the only person for whom there is no forgiveness of sins is the person who will not say, "I'm sorry for my sins."... Such a self-centered person usually draws disease to themselves like a magnet."
Kathryn learned early in life that self-centeredness, along with all the other 'self" sins such as self-pity, self-indulgence, or even self-hatred, causes a person to judge or condemn himself. And that this hinders the Holy Spirit's working in his or her life.
Kathryn always said that anyone could experience the operation of the Holy Spirit in his life if he was willing to pay the price.
"Paying the price" is not a one-time experience. It begins with an initial commitment, a determination to follow God each day of your life.
There were many times and places where Kathryn could have chosen not to submit to the correction of the Holy Spirit. But, fortunately for the present-day body of Christ, she made the right choices and is an example for us to follow.
Kathryn Spent five years with her sister and brother-in-law, preparing the foundation for her own ministry. She worked in the household to ease any burden her presence might have brought, and spent many hours reading and studying the Word.
In 1928, The Parrotts arrived in Boise, Idaho. By this time they had acquired a tent and a pianist by the name of Helen Gulliford. But their marital problems continued to grow. So they decided that Everett would go on to South Dakota while they would leave Myrtle, Kathryn, and Helen in Boise to conduct a meeting there.
After two weeks the offerings collected weren't enough to pay the rent of the building, their small apartment, or to buy food. They lived meagerly on bread and tuna.
Myrtle soon felt that her only recourse was to rejoin her husband. Kathryn and Helen couldn't see any hope for their future by continuing to travel with the Parrotts. So like Paul and Barnabas in the New Testament church, they decided to part company. A Local pastor in Boise offered them a chance to preach in a small pool hall that had been converted into a mission- and that was the beginning of the Kathryn Kuhlman Ministry!
From the "pool hall" mission, they went to Pocatello, Idaho, where Kathryn preached in an old opera house. The building was filthy and had to be cleaned before they could use it. You can guess who did the cleaning- the evangelist, of course. From there, they went to Twin Falls, Idaho, in the dead of winter where Kathryn slipped on the ice an broke her leg. Though the doctor had told her to not put her foot down for two weeks, she immediately continued to preach with her foot in a cast. She never allowed her flesh to cause her to compromise the will of God.
Kathryn once said: "from that first sermon I preached in Idaho - 'Zacchaeus up a tree', and God knows if anyone was up a tree, I sure was - one thing I knew, I was sold on the things of God. Jesus was real to me. My heart was fixed."
After preaching four or five sermons, she would humorously say: "...I wondered, "what more can I preach about? There isn't anything else in the Bible. I have absolutely exhausted the supply of sermons. For the life of me, I can't think of anything else to preach about."
Many times in those early years, their accommodations were meager, to say the least. On one occasion,t he family with whom she was scheduled to stay didn't have a place for her- until they scrubbed out the turkey house. Kathryn often said she would have gladly slept on a straw stack, because her need to preach was so strong within her. Years later she would often laugh and tell how she would lock th doors and not let anyone out until she was sure they were all saved! That was her joke; however, she would also stay at the altar until the wee hours of the morning praying with anyone who lingered.
Other places Kathryn stayed might have been cleaner than the turkey house, but they weren't as warm. In those days guest rooms weren't heated. Later she would tell how she snuggled under great piles of covers until she got the place warm where she lay. Then she would turn over on her stomach and study the Word of God for hours at a time.
Her heart was "sold out" to the Lord. That was the secret of her ministry. Her heart was fixed on Jesus. She determined to be loyal to Him and to avoid grieving the Holy Spirit.
In Kathryn's early years of ministry, two other characteristics were developed- dedication, and loyalty to God and His people. Kathryn expanded and developed her spiritual understanding from the foundation of character that she developed early in life.
What keeps a person devoted to their call? Kathryn's answer was "loyalty."
"The word loyalty has little meaning these days because there's so little of it being practiced...Loyalty is something that is intangible...It's like love. You can only understand it as you see it in action...Love is something you DO, and that's also true of loyalty. It means faithfulness. It means allegiance. It means devotion.
"My heart is fixed. I'll be loyal to Him at any cost, at any price. Loyalty is much more than a casual interest in someone or something. It's a personal commitment. int he final analysis, it means "Here I am. You can count on me. I won't fail you."
In other words, true loyalty for those called into the ministry would be expressed by their decision never to deviate from God's call. Do not add it to take from it- just do it. According to Kathryn, when people begin to do their own thing, their loyalty changes from God, to themselves.
After preaching all over Idaho, Kathryn and Helen moved into Colorado. Following a six-month revival in Pueblo, they arrived Denver. A businessman, Earl F. Hewitt, had joined her in Pueblo as her business manager. That year of 1933 the Depression was in full swing. Businesses were closed down, millions of people were out of work, and churches were struggling to stay open.
Kathryn was a traveling evangelist without the financial backing of any denomination, yet her belief was in a big God whose resources weren't limited. She believed if you were serving a God of limited finances, then you were serving the wrong god. She lived by the principle of faith and trusted in God.
She told Hewitt to go into Denver and act as if they had a million dollars. When he pointed out that in reality they had only $5 she said:
"He (God) is not limited to what we have or who we are. He can certainly use our five dollars and multiply it just as easily as He multiplied the loaves and fishes...Now go on up to Denver. Find me the biggest building you can. get the finest piano available for Helen. Fill the place up with chairs. Take out a big ad in the Denver Post and get spot announcements on all the radio stations. This is God's business and we're going to do it God's way- big!"
Hewitt took her at her word and followed the instructions. The building had been a Montgomery Ward Company warehouse. The meeting lasted five months, during which time they moved to yet another warehouse. The first night, one hundred twenty-five people were present, the second night, over four hundred people attended. From then on, the warehouse filled to capacity every night. After five months, Kathryn announced that the meeting was over, but the people wouldn't hear of it. One man offered to make the down payment on a permanent building and erect a hugs neon sign over it which would read, "Prayer Changes Things."
People were hungry for the Word of God. However, her main message in those years was salvation. From time to time, pastors were born again at her invitation to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. Kathryn's was a ministry of hope and faith. During this time, Helen had developed a choir of one hundred voices and composed much of the music they sang.
Because of the response to Kathryn's ministry was so great, she agreed to stay in Denver. Everything seemed to be flawless, so they began to search for a permanent building. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, tragedy struck..
Kathryn experienced the first real trauma in her life in late December of 1934, when her beloved father was killed in an accident. She learned much later that he had fallen on an icy street and had been struck by a car that swerved to try to miss him in a snowstorm.
Because of the storm, it was hours before a friend could reach Kathryn in Colorado. Upon receiving the news that her father was near death, she started home, driving in blizzard conditions from Denver across Kansas toward Missouri. She said only God knew how fast she drove on icy roads and in near-zero visibility.
On December 30, Kathryn made it to Kansas City. From there she called home to tell her father that she was almost home, only to find that he died early that morning.
She arrived home to find Papa laid out in his casket in the living room with the mourners keeping the traditional vigil. The trauma was almost more than Kathryn could bear. Hate welled up inside her toward the youth who drove the car that struck her father.
"I had always been a happy person, and Papa had helped to make me happy. Now he was gone, and in his place, I was battling unfamiliar strangers of fear and hate. I had the most perfect father a girl ever had. In my eyes, Papa could do no wrong. He was my ideal."
Kathryn had left home more than ten years earlier, visiting only a few times in between. Now her Papa would never be able to hear her preach.Later, she related that the hatred for the young man who killed her father seethed within her, and she spewed out this venom about the accident to everyone- until the day of the funeral.
"Sitting there in the front row of the little Baptist church, I still refused to accept my father's death. It couldn't be...One by one, my family rose from their seats and filed by the coffin. My two sisters. My brother. Only I was left in the pew.
The funeral director walked over and said, "Kathryn would you like to see your father before I close the casket?" "Suddenly I was standing at the front of the church, looking down - my eyes fixed not on Papa's face, but on his shoulder, that shoulder on which I had so often leaned..I leaned over and gently put my hand on that shoulder in the casket. And as I did, something happened. All that my fingers caressed was a suit of clothes...Everything that box contained was simply something discarded, loved once, laid aside now. Papa wasn't there.
"This was the first time the power of the risen, resurrected Christ really came through to me. Suddenly, I was no longer afraid of death.. as my fear disappeared,, so did my hate. Papa wasn't dead. He was alive."
Kathryn returned to Denver with a new understanding and compassion. Upon her return, a building was found and renovation began in February of 1935. On May 30 of that year, the Denver Revival Tabernacle opened with a huge neon sign over it, as promised- "PRAYER CHANGES THINGS." The auditorium held two thousand seats and the name of the Tabernacle could be seen from a great distance. Thousands of people from the surrounding areas attended Kathryn's meetings over the next four years. Services were conducted nightly except on Monday.
The revival center soon developed into an organized church. There was no denominational affiliation. Ultimately a Sunday school was begun, and buses were in operation to bring people to the services. There were outreaches to prisons and nursing homes. Later on Kathryn began a radio program called, "Smiling Through."
In 1936, many musicians and preachers ministered at the Denver Revival Tabernacle. One of those was Raymond T. Rickey, a prominent evangelist, who spent three weeks at the church. Rickey had been a leading pioneer in America's earlier healing revivals.
Kathryn labeled the trauma of her father's death as her "deepest" valley experience, but there was another valley experience that would prove to be nearly as deep.
But from the moment she made her decision, Kathryn Kuhlman never wavered from answering the call on her life, never deviated from the path God had set for her, and never saw "Mister" again. She bought a one-way ticket to Franklin, Pennsylvania, and never turned back.
Kathryn was totally restored in her life with God. Though this was difficult time for Kathryn, the blessings of God soon followed her. But the fate of Waltrip was uncertain. He simply dropped out of sigh, not even contacting his family. According to his ex-wife Jessie, it was years later that his brother, James Waltrip, sadly discovered that Burroughs had eventually met his death in a California prison, convicted of stealing money from a woman.
No one ever seemed to know why Kathryn picked Franklin, Pennsylvania, to begin her "come back." Franklin was a coal-mining city, settled by German immigrants. Perhaps she felt at home there. Perhaps it was because they accept her there. Whatever the reason, it worked!
From Pennsylvania she went through the mid-western states and the south into West Virginia, Virginia, and the Carolinas. In some places, she was quickly accepted, in others, her past surfaced quickly and the meetings were closed. In Georgia, a newspaper took hold of the story concerning her marriage to a divorced man and printed it. Kathryn then took a bus back to Franklin.
In 1946, Kathryn came out of her "wilderness" and moved into the "Promised Land" of her real ministry. After an unsuccessful tour of the South, she was invited to hold a series of meetings in the fifteen hundred seat Gospel Tabernacle located in Franklin, Pennsylvania. The Tabernacle had been famous in circles since Billy Sunday preached there. And Kathryn's meetings were so glorious in this building that it was as if the last eight years never existed.
Not too long after she opened her meetings at the Tabernacle, she began daily radio broadcasts from WKRZ Radio in Oil City, Pennsylvania. Response had been so great, that within a few months, she added a station in Pittsburgh.
Instead of being shunned, Kathryn was now being inundated with mail. The Oil City station finally had to bar visitors from the studio because they hindered the staff's work.
World War II had just ended, and many luxuries were still scarce. One day, Kathryn casually mentioned over the air that she had made a run in her last pair of stockings, and soon afterwards the station was deluged with packages of nylon stockings.
The Holy Spirit moved in the days surrounding the end of the war to restore the body of Christ through the gift of healing. The great healing revivals were in full swing, and great healings were manifested through the ministries of such men as Oral Roberts, William Branham, and the late Jack Coe. The late Gordon Lindsey, founder of the THE VOICE OF HEALING magazine, and Christ for the Nations Bible School, published the news of these great revivals in the VOICE OF HEALING magazine.
At this time, Kathryn was still praying mainly for people to receive salvation. But she was beginning to pray and lay hands on people who came for healing. Though she despised the term "faith healer" she attended the meetings of these ministers hoping to find out more about this phenomenon of god. Kathryn didn't have the slightest idea that a "healing ministry" would bring her international fame.
As she observed various tent meetings, Kathryn walked away with greater understanding. Though she always had unanswered questions about diving healing, she did establish a standard for her ministry:
"In the early part of my ministry, I was greatly disturbed over much that I saw occurring in the field of divine healing. I was confused by many methods that I saw employed. I was disgusted with the unwise performances that I witnessed, none of which I could associate in any way whatsoever with either the action of the Holy Spirit of the nature of God.
"To this very day, there is nothing more repulsive to me than the lack of wisdom. There is one thing I can't stand, and that is fanaticism - the manifestations of the flesh that bring a reproach on something that is so marvelous, something that is so sacred."
Kathryn went on to speak of her heartache while watching these meetings. For the rest of her life, she exhorted the people to focus and concentrate on Jesus, and nothing else. After attending a tent meeting in Erie, Pennsylvania, she said:
"I began to weep. I couldn't stop. Those looks of despair and disappointment on the faces I had seen, when told that their lack of faith was keeping them from God, were to haunt me for weeks. Was this the God of all mercy and great compassion? I left the tent, and with hot tears streaming down my face, I looked up and cried " they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid Him."
It is interesting to note that Kathryn Kuhlman chose not to associate her ministry with Gordon Lindsey's VOICE OF HEALING publication. The publication was the promotional outlet for the healing evangelists of that era, and Kuhlman chose not to be a part of it .
The moment Kathryn saw in God's Word that healing was provided for the believer at the same time as salvation, she began to understand the Christian's relationship with the Holy Spirit. In 1947 she began teaching a series on the Holy Spirit. Some of the things she said during the first night of her teaching were revelations even to her. Later she spoke of being awake all that night, praying and reading more in the Word.
The second night of her meeting was a momentous occasion. A unique testimony had been given by someone who was healed in a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting. A woman stood up and told of having been healed while Kathryn preached the night before. Without anyone laying hands on her and without Kathryn even being aware of what was happening, this woman was healed of a tumor. The woman had gone to her doctor to confirm her healing before the evening service.
On the following Sunday, the second miracle occurred. A World War I veteran who had been declared legally blind from an industrial accident, had 85 percent of his vision restored in the permanently impaired eye, and perfect eyesight restored to his other eye.
Once the healing and miracles began to take place, the crowds at the Tabernacle were even larger than those brought in by Billy Sunday. God began to prosper Kathryn's ministry greatly, but the devil's adversaries had now stepped in, attempting to undermine the working and flow of the Holy Spirit in Kathryn's ministry.
The attack came through M. J. Maloney and the Tabernacle trustees. Maloney insisted that he receive a certain percentage of all the ministry revenue, including that which came from the radio broadcasts and mail-outs. Kathryn balked and Maloney threatened to sue her.
The activities surrounding this "showdown" included Maloney's locking her out of the building. A fight ensued between Kathryn and her coal miner followers and Maloney's men, ending in Kathryn's partisans breaking off the padlocks so services could continue. It only ended when Kathryn's supports raised $10,000 and purchased an old roller skating rink in nearby Sugar Creek. They named that roller rink Faith Temple. It was twice th size of Maloney's building and was packed from the first service.
Ironically, during this hectic and crucial time of 1947, another amazing thing happened. One night, Kathryn heard a knock on the door of her apartment. When she opened the door, there stood the sheriff dressed in street clothes. He proceeded to tell her that "Mister" had filed for divorce in Nevada and his office had received the papers that morning, naming her as the defendant.
Kathryn looked down and saw the papers in his hand. Her head remained bowed. Seeing her shame and disappointment, the sheriff reached out and touched her arm, for he had been attending Kathryn 's services and knew she had been sent by God to their area. Knowing that names of famous persons on divorce papers were often given to the media for press release, the sheriff made sure the papers remained private by delivering them personally.
The sheriff went on to reassure Kathryn that no one but the two of them would ever know of this legal action. Kathryn told the sheriff she would be grateful to him for the rest of her life.
His goodness saved Kathryn from great heartache. Seven years later reporters did find out about it, but by that time, Kathryn 's ministry had so advanced, it was not affected by old news.
Great healing services continued at the renovated roller rink, and additional services expanded into neighboring towns and to Stambaugh Auditorium in Youngstown, Ohio. The Holy Spirit had found a ministry that wouldn't try to take the credit for His deeds, nor the glory from the results of His operations. A former secretary remembered:
"Miss Kuhlman was so tender toward God. I was standing in the Tabernacle after a service and could see into the radio room. There Miss Kuhlman, unaware that anyone could see her, was on her knees praising God for the service.
As her ministry developed, she put less emphasis on faith and more emphasis on the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit. In her meetings, there were no prayer cards, no invalid tents, and no long lines of sick people waiting for her to lay hands on them. She never accused people who failed to receive healing of being weak in their faith. It seemed that the healings took place anywhere throughout the auditorium while the people sat in their seats, looking toward Heaven and focusing on Jesus.
At her first meeting in the Carnegie Hall in Pittsburgh, the custodian told her that even opera stars couldn't fill it, but she insisted that enough chairs be set up to fill the auditorium. It was a good thing she did, because every chair was filled.
The first service was in the afternoon, and the Hall was packed. A second meeting was held that evening to accommodate the throng. Jimmy Miller and Charles Beebee ministered in music at these services, and remained in ministry with Kathryn till the end.
The radio ministry continued to expand, and by November of 1950, the people began to urge Kathryn to relocate to Pittsburgh permanently. Even Maggie Hartner, the woman who became her "right arm" agreed they should move. Kathryn was reluctant, feeling committed to the people in Franklin who had stood by her and supported her, and had taken her in and loved her when no one else would.
But signs from heaven would urge Kathryn to move to Pittsburgh. In response to please that she move, Kathryn announced:
"No! The roof on Faith Temple literally would have to cave in before I'd believed God wanted me to move to Pittsburgh." On thanksgiving, 1950, the temple's roof fell in under the weight of the greatest snowfall in area history.
Three weeks later, Kathryn moved to a Pittsburgh suburb of Fox Chapel, where she lived until her death.
In 1950, a worldwide ministry began to develop. In later years, Kathryn said that God didn't call her to build a church, maintaining that her ministry was not to be isolated to any one building. Some may be called to build buildings, but she wasn't one of those.
The fact that she did build churches was largely overshadowed by the publicity of the miracle services. The Kathryn Kuhlman Foundation, established in Pittsburgh, financed more than twenty churches in foreign mission fields with nations as pastors.
Many called her "pastor" out of love and respect, but Kathryn was never ordained to the office of pastor. After her stay in Denver, she never pastored a church. Kathryn said she was not called to a five-fold office, i. e. Ephesians 4:11. She walked in the simplicity of being a "handmaiden " of the Lord.
It is said by those closest to her, that Kathryn announced at the very beginning of her ministry, that she would be the next Aimee Semple McPherson, founder of the Four Square denomination. Aimee was definitely Kathryn's role model. When the flamboyant "Sister" built Angelus Temple in Los Angeles, Kathryn was present during its highest popularity. It is said that Kathryn attended Aimee's Bible school, and sat in the balcony of her church, taking in every aspect of the anointed messages and theatrics of "Sister." Unlike the other L. I. F. E. Bible School students, Kathryn chose not to stay with the Four Square denomination. She chose an independent roust. it is interesting to note that Rolf McPherson, Aimee's son, doesn't remember Kathryn being a student at the school.
Though she never met Aimee personally, the effects of her ministry rubbed off on Kathryn . There was a major difference between the two: Aimee taught people to seek for the baptism in the Holy Spirit; Kathryn thought to "seek for it" was a divisive practice. Kathryn was Pentecostal but didn't make an issue of it. People had always compared Kathryn with Aimee, but it was six years after Aimee's premature death before Kathryn made the national headlines.
Kathryns' messages were heard all over the US and various places overseas, via short-wave radio broadcast. It seemed that America could hardly wait to hear that warm, pleasant voice ask listeners at the beginning of her program, "Hello, there, and have you been waiting for me?"
Her radio program was not religious or stuffy. Instead, the program made a person feel as though Kathryn Kuhlman had just dropped by for coffee. She ministered to the needs, concerns, and hurts of her audience, and her encouragement changed lives. She frequently chuckled, making the listener feel as though they had just had a heart-to-heart talk with her. If she wanted to cry- she cried; if she wanted to sing- she sang. Kathryn had the ability to minister over radio just as she ministered in public. Not many could do that , but Kathryn did. By popular demand, the Kuhlman foundation was requested to supply her old-recorded tapes to the radio stations for six years after her death!
For more than eight years before her death, her weekly television program was aired nationwide. At the time, her program was the longest running half-hour series produced in the CBS studios, though it didn't air on the CBS network.
Her meetings were moved from Carnegie Hall to the First Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, and for years these sessions were attended by some of the most elite Bible Scholars in Pittsburgh. For the last ten years of her life, she held monthly services at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, where she ministered to countless thousands, and hundreds were healed. She also spoke at large churches, conferences, and international meetings. She especially enjoyed ministering at the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, a layman's organization founded by Demos Shakarian in Los Angeles.
It was several years before Kathryn would consent to integrate the miracle services with other conferences. She felt the confinements of a general conference, with schedules and time limits, might restrict the liberty of the Spirit that was so a part of her meetings.
If another group wanted Kathryn to speak for them, they had to adjust their program to fit her style. She knew that God had called her to minister a certain way, and there would be no changes. If it looked like she wouldn't have freedom, or if questionable people were present who might taint her ministry, she canceled. It has been said that even "those in charge were not in charge" when Kathryn was present.
Kathryn never preached against smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages. She didn't advocate their use, but she refused to alienate people. Also, she didn't like the way that some of the healing evangelists ministered. Kathryn felt it was "rough" and she would not support that type of ministry.
She never taught that sickness was from the devil. She avoided the subject, instead pointing to how big God is. She felt if she could turn the eyes of the people toward God, then everything would fall into place. Early in her ministry, she encouraged people to leave their denomination. In her later years, Kathryn encouraged them to return and be a shining light and a healing force.
It is said that Kathryn's life was a prayer. traveling constantly, she didn't have conventional times of devotion, so she learned to make wherever she was her prayer closet. Before her meetings, Kathryn would be seen "Pacing back and forth, head up, head down, arms flung into the air, hands clasped behind her back." Her face would be covered in tears. It seemed she was pleading with the Lord, saying, "Gentle Jesus , take not Your Holy Spirit from me."
Though this depth of prayer would seem to be a personal thing, it wasn't so with Kathryn. Many times, she would be interrupted with a question, which she would answer, then she would resume the same depth of prayer at the point of interruption. Oral Roberts described her relationships with the Spirit this way:
"It was like they were talking back and forth to each other, and you couldn't tell where Kathryn started and the Holy Spirit left off. It was a oneness."
People from 11 walks of life and denominations came to her meetings: Catholics, Episcopals, Baptists, Pentecostals , drunkards, the sick, the dying, the deeply spiritual and the unconverted. And Kathryn knew she was the vessel who would point them to God. In some way, she could cross every barrier and bring them all to the same level of understanding. How could she do this? I believe it was because she lived in such surrender to the Holy Spirit. She always said " I die a thousand deaths before every service."
Being an ecumenical evangelist, Kathryn never permitted the spiritual gifts of tongues, the gifts of interpretation, or prophecy to operate in her service. If someone repeatedly spoke in tongues loudly enough to disturb, she discreetly had them removed from the service. Kanthryn believed in all the gifts of the Spirit, but didn't want to do anything that would hinder or distract the uninitiated from a simple belief in God.
However, she did allow people to be "slain in the Spirit". Many came to believe in the awesome power of God from witnessing this manifestation alone. Kathryn offered this simple explanation:
"All I can believe is that our spiritual beings are not wired for God's full power, and when we plug into that power, we just can't survive it. We are wired for low voltage, God is high voltage though the Holy Spirit."
She never left the platform, even when a musician or soloist ministered. She usually stepped to the side, but always remained in the view of the audience. Standing, smiling, and lifting her hand to God.
Kathryn was always aware that she would, one day, stand before the Lord and give an account for her ministry. She never believed she had been God's first choice for the ministry. She believed a man had been called to do it, but was not willing to pay the price. She was never quite sure if she was even second choice or third choice, but she did know that she answered "yes" to the Lord. Her ministry stands out as one of the leading ministries, if not THE leading ministry, of the Charismatic Movement.
What were some of the outstanding miracles? Though there were thousands upon thousands of miracles, the greatest miracle to Kathryn was when a person became born again. On one occasion a five-year-old boy, crippled from birth, walked to Kathryn's platform without assistance. Another, a woman, who had been crippled and confined to a wheelchair for twelve years, walked to the platform without aid from her husband. A man in Philadelphia, who had received a pacemaker eight months earlier, felt intense pain in his chest after Kathryn laid hands on him. Returning home, he found the scar gone from his chest where the pacemaker had been implanted, and he couldn't tell if the pacemaker was functioning. Later, when the doctor took X-rays, he discovered the pacemaker was gone and the man's heart healed!
It was common for tumors to dissolve, cancers to fall off, the blind to see and the deaf to hear. Migraine headaches were healed instantly. Even teeth were miraculously filled. It would be impossible to list the miracles that the ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman witnessed! God alone knows.
Kathryn was known to weep for joy as she watched the thousands being healed through the power of God. Some even remember her teardrops falling on their hands.
It is also said that Kathryn would weep as she watched the people leave who remained sick or in wheel chairs. She never tried to explain why some received their healing and some did not. She believed the responsibility remained with God. She liked to refer to herself as in sales, not management. Whatever Management decided to do, she would have to oblige. But she did say it would be one of he first questions she would ask God when she got to haven!
In August of 1952, Kathryn preached to over fifteen thousand under Rex Humbard's tent in Akron, Ohio. On the pre-dawn hours before Kathryn's first Sunday service, the Humbard's were awakened by a loud knock on their mobile home door. It was a policeman who said,' Reverend Humbard you're gonna have to do something, there's nearly 18,000 people out at that tent." It was 4:00 am in the morning and the service was not scheduled to start until 11:00 that morning.
Kathryn, being used to crowds of people who couldn't all fit under one roof or into one tent, told Humbard there was only one thing to do, they would have to start the service at 8:00 AM. And that's what they did! Maude Aimee, Rex's wife, remembered that Kathryn ministered until 2:30PM that afternoon.
After these meetings, the Humbards parked their mobile home in Akron and subsequently built one of the largest churches and television ministries of that era - the 1960s and 1970s. Kathryn and the Humbards also built a life-long friendship as a result of their Akron experience.
Around this time, Kathryn was diagnosed with suffering from an enlarged heart and defective mitral valve. Yet, she kept going, remaining entirely dependent upon the Holy Spirit.
By now, Kathryn had become a celebrity figure in the Christian as well as the secular world. Screen stars were coming to her meetings. Even comedienne Phyllis Diller recommended one of Kathryn's books to a dying fan. The Pope granted Kathryn a private audience in the Vatican, and gave her a pendant engraved with a dove. The largest cities in America were presenting her with the "key" to their cities. Even the nation of Viet Nam gave her a Medal of Honor for her contributions to the hurting.
Of course, in the midst of honor came attacks. Some she was able to ignore. But there were others that wounded her deeply. Among those were the betrayals of her employees, Dino Kartsonakis and his brother-in-law, Paul Bartholomew. In short, Dino and his brother-in-law demanded a high pay increase in their contracts after they discovered the Kuhlman Foundation had signed a multi-media contract. Kathryn had greatly enjoyed Dino's company. No doubt many of her crusade audiences remember how she fondly introduced him, saying with a great sweep of her arms, "And now, heeer's DeeeNo!" Kathryn had taken Kartsonakis out of obscurity and launched him in the finest of clothes and exalted his name constantly before the media.
But Dino seemed to have fallen under the influence of his brother-in-law, Paul Batholomew. Though Bartholomew had been the highest paid person on staff, he wanted more, and eventually sued Kathryn for an outrageous sum of money. And when Kathryn didn't approve of Dino's publicized relationship with a secular show-girl, he became bitter and also demanded more money. As a result, Kathryn fired them both. But not before they made many public accusations concerning her character that were heard around the world.
In her later years, Kathryn didn't spend much time analyzing the character of her staff members. Instead, she chose people she simply enjoyed, but often the enjoyment she received was short-lived and heartache followed. It is possible that her mistakes in hiring came from her physical and mental exhaustion. Her schedule was tremendously hectic. Though she was warned that the hiring of Bartholomew and Kartsonakis was a mistake, Kathryn hired them anyway, resulting in the foregoing fiasco.
Though there may have been mistakes made in judgment, lack of understanding, and mistakes made though the people around her, she never allowed flesh to participate in any of the movings of the Holy Spirit, and she never took any of the credit. Kathryn Kuhlman always gave the glory to God.
With the ministry continuing in full swing, major denominations gave Kathryn credit for having the purest ministry of the Holy Spirit in their time. Kathryn had no hidden agendas and no ulterior motives, what you saw was what you got. She never pretended to have answers that she didn't have, and she was always concerned that she might grieve the Holy Spirit. She remained committed, submitted, honest and sincere as long as she lived.
HOW CAN YOU MISS THE BLEACHERS? In 1968, Kathryn ministered for Pat Robertson and his associate, Jim Bakker, to a crowd of over three thousand people. Shortly after the meeting began, a row of bleachers broke loose and fell back against the wall. Many fell to the floor or were suspended in the air. The emergency squad arrived and carried some away on stretchers. Folding chairs replaced the bleachers, and the meeting finally returned to normal- yet Miss Kuhlman oblivious to it all, was half-way through her sermon!
During 1968, Kathryn traveled internationally to Israel, Finland, and Sweden. She was a guest on the Johnny Carson show, The Dinah Shore show, and many others. Though Kathryn was very diplomatic and accepted among all kinds of people, she still manifested the power of the Holy Spirit i n her life on all of these media programs. It was said that the employees for CBS studios always knew when Kathryn entered the building, because th whole atmosphere seemed to change.
In 1975, though now in her late sixties and weakened from her physical ailment, Kathryn made a ministry trip to Jerusalem to speak at the Second World Conference on the Holy Spirit. Despite her age and ailments, she was still spunky when it came to ministry.
Kathryn had heard that Bob Mumford was going to be a featured speaker there, and threatened to cancel her appearance because of it. She said his teachings on discipleship were complete heresy and she wouldn't participate. In the end though, Kathryn went to Israel and helped many of the Middle Easterners experience the ministry of hate Holy Spirit.
During 1968, Kathryn traveled internationally to Israel, Finland, and Sweden. She was a guest on the Johnny Carson show, The Dinah Shore show, and many others. Though Kathryn was very diplomatic and accepted among all kinds of people, she still manifested the power of the Holy Spirit i n her life on all of these media programs. It was said that the employees for CBS studios always knew when Kathryn entered the building, because th whole atmosphere seemed to change.
In 1975, though now in her late sixties and weakened from her physical ailment, Kathryn made a ministry trip to Jerusalem to speak at the Second World Conference on the Holy Spirit. Despite her age and ailments, she was still spunky when it came to ministry.
Kathryn had heard that Bob Mumford was going to be a featured speaker there, and threatened to cancel her appearance because of it. She said his teachings on discipleship were complete heresy and she wouldn't participate. In the end though, Kathryn went to Israel and helped many of the Middle Easterners experience the ministry of hate Holy Spirit.
The last miracle service of Kathryn Kuhlman's ministry was held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, on November 16, 1975. As she left the building, an employee in Miss Kuhlman's Hollywood office saw something she would never forget.
As everyone left the auditorium, Kathryn walked quietly to the end of the stage. She raised her head slowly and scanned the balcony, as if she was gazing at every seat. It seemed like an eternity. Then, Kathryn dropped her gaze to the second balcony, following every row and every seat with her eyes. Then, she looked at the ground floor, studying every seat.
We can only imagine what was going through Kathryn's mind, the memories, the victories, the healings, the laughter, and the tears. Was it possible that Kathryn knew she wouldn't ever return to the platform? Was it possible, that, at that moment, she said goodbye to her earthly ministry?
In just a little over 3 weekends from that November date, Kathryn lay dying in the Hillcrest Medical Center of Tulsa, Oklahoma, after open-heart surgery.
By now, Kathryn had given complete control of her ministry to Tink Wilkerson, formerly in the automobile business in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Wilkerson is the son of the late Jeannie Wilkerson, who was [reported to be] a true prophetess of the Lord.
Wilkerson was with Kathryn for only a short ten months. She trusted Wilkerson. He was the one who chose where she would have the heart surgery. After her death, she left the majority of her estate to him. When the former Kuhlman staff was questioned about him, there was division. Some felt Wilkerson deceived Kathryn, others felt he was sent by God for her final hour. However, the media ran rampant with questions of why Wilkerson received so much of Kathryn's estate, and Maggie Hartner, her associate for years, received so little.
In 1992, Wilkerson was convicted in two US district Courts in Oklahoma for fraud in a former auto business. He was scheduled for release from prison in the summer of 1993 at which time he planned to write a book on his wife's friendship with Kathryn. Wilkerson has kept quiet for all these years, possibly out of respect. I believe he has a story that needs to be told.
Oral an Evelyn Roberts were among a few of the visitors permitted to see Kathryn in Hill crest Medical Center. As they walked into her r oom and went to her bedside to pray for her healing, Oral remembers a significant occurrence. "When Kathryn recognized that we were there to pray for her recovery, she put her hands out like a barrier and then pointed toward heaven." Evelyn Roberts looked at Oral and said "She doesn't want out prayers, She wants to go home.
Kathryn's sister Myrtle received the same message from Kathryn. She told Wilkerson, "Kathryn wants to go home."
The wonderful red-headed lady who introduced the ministry of the Holy Spirit to our generation and thrilled the hearts of millions, finally received her heart's desire. It was said that the Holy Spirit descended upon her one more time and her face began to shine. The nurse in her room noticed a glow that enveloped her bed, creating an indescribable peace. At 8:20 PM on Friday, February 20, 1976, Kathryn Kuhlman went home to be with Jesus. She was 68 years old.
Oral Robert's presided over her funeral at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, CA. Kathryn was buried in the same cemetery a half mile from Aimee Semple McPherson's vault.
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Congregation Prayer Meeting night at the Denver Tabernacle, Denver CO |
Oral had a vision, at Kathryn's death, that God would raise up and spread similar ministries throughout the world making the magnitude of God's power greater than He did through Kathryn's life.
Kathryn Kuhlman was a special treasure. Her ministry pioneered the way for us to know Jesus through the Holy Spirit in our generation. She attempted to show us how to fellowship with Him and how to love Him. She truly had the ability to reveal the Holy Spirit to us as our Friend. So no one can close this biography as well as she:
"The world called me a fool for having given my entire life to One whom I've never seen. I know exactly what I'm going to say when I stand in His presence. When I look upon that wonderful face of Jesus, I'll have just one thing to say: ' I tried.' I gave of myself the best I knew how. My redemption will have been perfected when I stand and see Him who made it all possible."
Kathryn Kuhlman was a special treasure. Her ministry pioneered the way for us to know Jesus through the Holy Spirit in our generation. She attempted to show us how to fellowship with Him and how to love Him. She truly had the ability to reveal the Holy Spirit to us as our Friend. So no one can close this biography as well as she:
"The world called me a fool for having given my entire life to One whom I've never seen. I know exactly what I'm going to say when I stand in His presence. When I look upon that wonderful face of Jesus, I'll have just one thing to say: ' I tried.' I gave of myself the best I knew how. My redemption will have been perfected when I stand and see Him who made it all possible."
May Your Soul Mummy Kathryn Rest In Eternal Peace
I love the kind of the God spirit in you for the great work you are doing in the Kingdom. Yes she was a woman after God. I pray that many will rise up like and expand the Kingdom.
God bless you.
Jesus The Healer
by Kathryn Kuhlman
Today, Jesus stands ready to hear your cry and to answer prayer for you. He is interested in every detail of your life. He knows you better than you know yourself and is touched with the feeling of your infirmities and your needs. It is my prayer that even now Jesus shall make His Person and Presence a reality to you and give you His faith, and complete confidence in His power and love and promises - and the desire of your heart.
by Kathryn Kuhlman
Wherever you find real love, you will also find humility. Remember something: humility is not a weak and timid quality. Too often we feel that humility is a sign of weakness. This is not so. It is the sign of strength and security.
As an example, let me share a memorable experience I had as a young child. It was a hot Saturday night and Papa and I were about
to enter the meat market situated on the main street of Concordia, Missouri. The two of us were at the doorway when suddenly a man, noticeably very drunk, shoved Papa back. I saw my father step aside and hold the door open while the stranger staggered into the market. Standing nearby was a man watching the whole scene. Knowing that Papa was mayor of Concordia, he asked, "Joe Kuhlman, are you going to let him get away with that?" I was still holding onto Papa's hand when I saw him smile and answer: "I can afford to let him go first." That was a lesson in love and humility that I have never forgotten.
Humility is a show of security and strength. It is the solid foundation of all virtues, and I believe that the very first test of a truly great man is his humility.
God's Grace
by Kathryn Kuhlman
Where would any man or any woman be this very hour were it not for the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ? Grace greater than all our sins - grace greater than all our shortcomings.
I am reminded of God's grace when someone confides, "I wasn't worthy of this healing or of God's blessings. I am not worthy to be called an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ Jesus."
It isn't a matter of being worthy, for no man is worthy! It isn't our perfection or our penitence, or a matter of our labors to reach the place of perfection or worthiness. It is God's grace alone!
Faith And Courage
by Kathryn Kuhlman
Living with faith and courage is something that life requires of each of us. NEVER, ABSOLUTELY NEVER GIVE UP! Never give in no matter what! Fight it through! And I promise you something with all of my heart...God will help you. "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee
whithersoever thou goest." (Joshua 1:9) And that promise comes from the highest authority in heaven and earth.
Remember something, God never permitted a difficulty to come into our life without also giving us the ability to handle it. God has provided us with every faculty. He has given us the power that we need for living victoriously. It is a fact that everyone of us down deep has what it takes to successfully meet whatever life brings.
by Kathryn Kuhlman
I made a consecration of my life that I had never made before, when I saw that it was absolutely possible for me to so yield my life, my body, as a living sacrifice - a sacrifice so consecrated to Him that the name of God
Almighty may be glorified through the life of a sinner saved by the grace of God.
It is through the Holy Spirit empowering Christ's body of believers, His Church, with power for service that the Father is glorified again and again.
The Heavenly Father does not ask for golden vessels. He does not ask for silver vessels. God asks for yielded vessels - those who will submit their will to the will of the Father. And the greatest human attainment in all the world is for a life to be so surrendered to Him that the name of God Almighty will be glorified through that life.
As you read these words, I pray that this shall be the desire of your heart; and I know that the Father will hear your cry, and honor your prayer...and take your life, using it for His glory through the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The Love Of God
by Kathryn Kuhlman
Who can fathom the love of God? He loved us while we were yet sinners. You may be a sinner reading these words right now. You may have committed every sin in the book and broken every commandment of God. Yet, the Lord continues to love you. He has not cast you aside.
When Jesus hung on the cross, looking upon His enemies as He was being crucified, He said: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." That is God's love, the love of heaven paying earth a little visit through the Person of Jesus.
Victory Over Fear
by Kathryn Kuhlman
Beloved, the secret of victory over fear is very simple - it is trusting Jesus! One of the most frequent expressions on His lips throughout
His life here on earth was, "Fear not!" So look up! Faith in God has in times past "subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained
promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword...turned to flight the armies of the
aliens" (Hebrews 11:33,34), and FAITH CAN DO IT AGAIN! You are not only a conqueror, you can be more than a conqueror through Him Who loves you!
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