Friday, July 9, 2010



Fellow Ugandans and the world at large please wherever you are in your own capacity, stand-out of the crowd and speak out against this monster of Homosexuality and lesbianism that has come to degrade and destroy the youths of Uganda. It is so surprising how our leaders are being pressurized by powerful western states to support homosexuality and refuse the anti-gay bill that appeared at our parliament recently. The future of our youths as the leaders of tomorrow and the future of Uganda and that of Africa is at stake because of the threat of homosexuality.
Homosexuality is a threat because it is being systematically advanced by a well organized homosexual’s fraternity together with their allies. Not only that they have brought the leadership and governments of the western world on their side.
In addition to that the recruitment drives of the homosexuals are very aggressive and backed with massive financial resources that the homosexuals are able to mobilize.
Homosexuals populate their ranks and file through recruitment .They are not interested in old people except for purposes of support, but they are interested in recruiting children and the youths.
The homosexual fraternity has stepped up their recruitment drives in Africa at this material time. So please for the sake of our youth and children wherever you are speak out against this horrifying act that has come to rob us of future prophets, presidents, and other important people in society.

So here from Bible reference we are told in 1Corinthians 6:9-11 that:
“Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulteress nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy, nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God
And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”

The word of God is very blunt about homosexuality just as it is about other sins. It says no homosexual will inherit the Kingdom of God. It also offers hope for the homosexuals, because in that very Corinthian Church there were ex-homosexuals who were set free because of God’s power.
So far church leaders who are paged by homosexuals to speak something nice to keep homosexuals happy in their sins and to help them victimize our young ones is a big disservice to the cause of Christ.
Yet 1 Timothy 3:15 calls the church as “the pillar and foundation of the truth”. The church leaders, teachers, students, and any concerned individual should uphold the truth about homosexuality. It is through the church that the freedom giving truth can be dispensed after all.

But also, the enemy of our souls is attacking and compromising the custodian of the truth.
There was a letter written by the Angelican Bishops of Southern Africa which shows you how serious things are.
The title of the letter is:
Statement of the Province of the Anglican Church in Southern Africa on the Anti-Homosexuality Bill before Parliament in Uganda.

19 February 2010
We, the Bishops of the Anglican church in Southern Africa, meeting at Thokoza conference centre, Swaziland, from 8th to 12th February 2010 are disturbed by the debate among Ugandan Law makers of a draft Bill that seek to criminalize homosexuality and to prosecute gay people. It even proposes imposing death penalty, which we regard as a bread of Gods commandments,” You shall not murder,” given in Exodus 20:13. We also deplore the statement attributed to our fellow Bishop, distributing those who are opposed to this legalization as “lovers of evil”. Though there is a breadth of theological view among us on matters of human sexuality, we see this bill as a gross violation of human rights and we therefore strongly condemn such attitudes and behaviors towards other human beings. We emphasize the teaching of the scripture that all human beings are created in the image of God and therefore must be treated with respect and accorded human dignity.

We are therefore also deeply concerned about the violent language used against gay community across sub-Sahara Africa. We therefore appeal to law makers to defend the rights of the minorities. As Bishops we believe that it is immoral to permit or support oppression of, or discrimination against, people on the grand of their sexual orientation, and contrary to the teaching of the gospel, particularly Jesus commands that we should love one another as he has loved us without, discrimination (John 13:34-35). We commit ourselves to teach, preach and act against any laws that undermine human dignity and oppress any and all minorities, even as we call for Christians and all people to uphold the standard of holiness of life.

We call on all Christians to stand up against this bill so that its provisions do not become law in Uganda or any where else in the world.
We also call on our President and Law makers to engage in dialogue with their counterparts or the rights of minorities.

It is unbelievable that this letter can be written by Christian Leaders. It is very clear that section of church leaders are consciously fighting on the side of the army of Satan. Whatever tittles these kinds of leaders carry, with contempt, reject their ideas. Talking of dignity, such leaders should know that there is no dignity in what homosexuals do because even animals can’t do what they do for sure I’m really disappointed in these Bishops. Yeah! it’s a very big shame. For example take this young man who got hurt by homosexuals who in their sexual acts prefer pushing their hands up to the elbow in to the rectum and pulling out the feaces that is there.
If I may ask, what does such a person hope to achieve by doing that and what dignity is in that?
Nothing but their agenda is to destroy the world of God by support homosexuality. In Gen. 19:1-29 we see God judged Sodom and Gomorrah and wiped out all its inhantants because of homosexuality. Again Judges, 20:46-48, twenty five thousands Banjemites were slaughtered by the army of Israel except for six hundred men who escaped. This happened because these people were involved in homosexuality and they defended it. There is only one type of human sexuality. The order of God makes this clear in Genesis 1:27 which say: “so God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
It is clear that, male and female he created them. It does not say male and male or female and female He created them.

Uganda must stand firm and pass the anti-gay Law. In fact Christians from U.S.A, U.K and Canada are sending messages to the church and the people of Uganda that this is a moment of truth.
This law is the hope of the world if it is passed. It will enable the blanket of homosexuality to be rolled back to those very nations that are strongly supporting it. Many would be set free and God’s Judgment and depution that comes through homosexuality will be staged.
I appeal to our Government and Parliament and to whomever is reading this message to pray and act so as to have this law passed.
The church leaders should also serve God. They should resist the temptations to trade our Children for money. Remember what 1Tim 6:10 says:
“For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, graving money have wandered from faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.”
Child of God, make a stand now and speak or keep quiet forever. I for one will do anything in my power to shun this abomination and horrifying practice. Let it be your plea, my plea and everyone’s plea and desire to see this outrage brought to nothing.
God Bless You!

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