Saturday, June 23, 2018


Christianity is not just a name but rather a lifestyle that was birthed from above.  Christianity is the very life of God in man.  That's why everytime you are called Christian, God's kind of life is affirmed upon your life.

This is why I have this special message to every man out there.  Especially in a time like this where the whole world was celebrating father's day.

Manship is not producing kids who call you dady but it's rather maturity.
Ever asked why on your wedding day you are called Groom?
On the wedding vows we make are "I so and so take you so and so to be my lawfully wedded wife" .  To be means she's being made though still a bride.
The Word groom is simply grooming which means, ; patiently nuturing,  teaching,  tending and helping someone become what he or she should be.
It's therefore believed that a man who takes a  woman to the altar of marriage is mature enough to patiently groom his bride to become a wife.
NOTE. many men have broken up with their wives because they end up not being the wives they dreamt of,  forgetting that on their wedding day was when a man was commissioned for the new task.
Many men have unnecessary expectations when marrying,  we expect some magic to happen to them to change from bride to wife. We have a created image in our minds and formulated dreams of what our wives should be not knowing that she can not know what is on your mind and in your accumulated dreams over the years unless you teach her.
Men be unrealistic dreams can lead us to unrealistic results.
Learning and mastering involves time.
Biblically Apostle Paul tells Timothy to teach these things and committee them to faithful men.

Where you planing of breaking up? Have you groomed her?
Have you given her enough time to interpret and understand you?

Question :
Why does God bring people with opposite mindset together and makes them Couple?
It's so that they can help each other in their different places of weakness. Have you ever imagined how the world would be if all men had the same weakness,  same thoughts and then one like Jezebel says let's kill.  The world would be empty by now.  So your wife's different idea from yours is to help govern the speed at which you make certain rush decisions.
Above all else allow God to be always at the center of your marriage.

Genesis 30:20, 1Peter3:7, Colossians 3:19, Ephesians5:23
1 Corinthians 14:20 (Try to read it from KJV and AMP versions )

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